#happy new year


Dance like no one’s watching…

Sing like no one’s listening…

See you in 2017!

Happy New Year, happy new Shance ❤ This year again I took part in the Advent Calendar on Voltron Ita

Happy New Year, happy new Shance ❤

This year again I took part in the Advent Calendar on Voltron Italian Facebook group! And I drew Shance again, ‘cause I’ll never stop shipping them  ❤



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Happy New Year everyone!)

A mini present from my sister - my favorite mazoku’s in bearhats)))


A postcard showing Ed White and Jim McDivitt waving to Santa and some aliens + part of a letter written by Ed to some friends ♡

Happy New Year, everyone!Thank you for making 2021 a great year!

It’s not yet midnight here but is in Japan, so happy new year from Chiaki!!

It’s not yet midnight here but is in Japan, so happy new year from Chiaki!!

Post link



hello! a bit late but i wanted to give a shout-out to some of the posts that were made in 2021 that i thought were just incredible - everything’s linked below and tagged on my blog as #vyir for a quick scroll

thanks for sharing your creativity and talents with us all - happy new year! wishing you all the best.

Keep reading

Happy New Year!!!

I posted 4,478 times in 2021

182 posts created (4%)

4296 posts reblogged (96%)

For every post I created, I reblogged 23.6posts.

I added 2,199 tags in 2021

  1. #merthur- 463 posts
  2. #fan art- 372 posts
  3. #fanfiction- 253 posts
  4. #hehehehe- 224 posts
  5. #cats- 177 posts
  6. #yes- 158 posts
  7. #literally me- 147 posts
  8. #ligi writes- 137 posts
  9. #merlin- 136 posts
  10. #too true- 132 posts

Longest Tag: 137 characters

#(i think i have reblogged this before with much more bittersweet tags but hey merlin being a kinky shit is the angle we are taking today)

MyTop Posts in 2021


Mini@mercelotweek day 7: Fluff

Their Love is More Than Anything

For rainbowvamp and gremlinbehaviour! I love you both so much!!

My first practice with my new drawing tablet! I’m pretty pleased with how it turned out, not quite happy with Merlin but I think Lancelot looks good! (I need more practice!)

56 notes • Posted 2021-06-13 19:46:49 GMT


Febuwhump Masterpost


All 28 fics written for Febuwhump 2021
Fandom - BBC Merlin



No.1 - Mind Control

No.2 - “I Can’t Take This Anymore”

No.3 - Imprisonment

No.4 - Impaling

No.5 - “Take Me Instead”

No.6 - Insomnia

No.7 - Poisoning

No.8 - “This is No Time to Sleep”

No.9 - Buried Alive

No.10 (Alt5) - Hostage Situation

No.11 - Hallucinations

No.12 - “Who Are You?”

No.13 - Hiding Injury

No.14 - “I Didn’t Mean It”

No.15 - “Run, Don’t Look Back!”

No.16 - Broken Bones

No.17 - Field Surgery

No.18 - “I Can’t See!”

No.19 - Sleep Deprivation

No.20 - Betrayal

No.21 - Torture

No.22 - Burned

No.23 - “Don’t Look”

No.24 - Memory Loss

No.25 (Alt4) - Identity Reveal

No.26 - Recovery

See the full post

61 notes • Posted 2021-03-02 12:32:27 GMT


Gwaine + 8 “Make me”

Oooooh ooooh ooooh!!! Thanks Nony, I loved this one! I did have a little trouble writing it for some reason, I scrapped and started again four times before I got to this version, so I hope everyone likes this one

Merlin ducks as Lord Lucior swings a fist at him, bouncing away on the balls of his feet. The lord snarls and picks up the sword Merlin has just finished sharpening. He hefts it in his hand to test its weight then raises it towards Merlin, who is beginning to resent the fact Arthur lent out his services to the visiting nobleman.

“I don’t like your attitude, boy,” he hisses.

He slashes towards Merlin with the sword and Merlin only barely moves out of the way in time. He is backed up against the wall of the armoury, a quiver of arrows tumbling to the floor as he flails to get away from the lord’s second violent swing of the sword.

“I’m sorry!” he shouts quickly, not entirely sure what he’s apologising for.

“You will be very sorry when I’m through with you,” Lord Lucior promises.

The sword flashes forward faster than Merlin is ready for and he feels a sharp sting on his cheek. He lets out a small yelp and his fingers come away bloody when he raises them to touch the painful spot on his face. The lord just gives a satisfied smirk, raising the sword again for the next strike.

Wide eyed, Merlin dodges, his foot landing on a dropped arrow and slipping, sending him careening to the floor. He scrambles backwards across the floor to a large shield propped against a sword rack, ducking down behind it.

“Hey!” comes a shout from the doorway and Merlin’s heart soars at the familiar voice. Gwaine steps into the armoury, his cloak and chainmail draped over his arm. “What’s going on here?”

“Go away, this doesn’t concern you,” snaps Lord Lucior, waving a dismissive hand at Gwaine.

Gwaine scowls and flicks his hair out of his face. He glances over at Merlin, taking in the way he is almost cowering behind the shield and the blood on his cheek. He tosses his chainmail and cloak over one of the sword racks, fury radiating from every line of his body.

“Actually, it concerns me a lot how you’re treating my friend.” He strides across the room and grabs Merlin’s hand, pulling him up. He gives him a once over, his eyebrows pulled low as he checks Merlin is not severely injured. His jaw is clenched as he turns angrily to Lord Lucior and Merlin can feel the muscles in Gwaine’s arm straining under his hand as he fights to hold his temper. “I suggest you leave now and never touch him again.”

“He is an insolent peasant, and needs to be taught a lesson.” Lord Lucior raises his sword again, pointing it at Merlin.

Gwaine, his face like thunder, pulls Merlin behind him, his hand coming to rest on the pommel of his own sword warningly.

“Get out of the way,” Lucior shouts.

Gwaine lets his knees bend, crouching into a fighting stance as he draws his sword from his belt.

“Make me,” he growls.

Lucior snarls and lunges at Gwaine, his sword flashing as he slices down towards the knight. Gwaine, of course, is much quicker, parrying and knocking the lord’s blade point away, followed by a blow of his own that Lucior only just manages to stumble out of the way of. He is not a natural swordsman and Gwaine easily takes control of the fight.

Gwaine doesn’t wait for him to regain his footing, instead diving in with a quick sideways swing. Lucior pulls his sword up in time to block but Gwaine steps forward, pushing his advantage and sliding his blade along Lucior’s until the hilts lock together.

He twists the sword easily from the lord’s grip, letting it clatter to the floor, then presses him back against the wall. His blade is against Lucior’s chest, pressing tightly so the sharp edge slices the front of his fancy velvet doublet.

“I’ll tell the prince regent about this!” screams Lucior, indignation written in every line of his face.

“You just try,” Gwaine spits. “I think he’ll be very interested to hear about the way you treated his manservant.”

Gwaine steps back, pulling his sword away, but unable to resist flicking the tip at Lucior’s face, a thin red line marking his cheek the same as Merlin’s.

The lord is practically spitting with rage, but he is sensible enough to not make any more comments and merely pushes past Gwaine and leaves the armoury, his hand pressed to his cheek.

“That is why I hate nobles,” Gwaine says through gritted teeth, barely controlled anger simmering in his voice as he glares after him.

Merlin lays a hand on his arm, giving it a little shake. He huffs a sigh and turns to him.

“Thank you,” Merlin says as Gwaine drops his sword onto the table so he can cradle Merlin’s face with one hand, the other pulling his sleeve over his hand to wipe gently at the cut on Merlin’s cheek.

“Anything for you, Merls,” he mutters. Then shoots him a cynical smile and says wryly, “If he does tell Princess, I’m gonna be in trouble again, aren’t I?”

Merlin can’t help grinning, even though it does pull at the cut on his cheek. He shakes his head at Gwaine.

See the full post

66 notes • Posted 2021-03-28 17:17:54 GMT


@merwainefest day 7: Free Day

You’re the Only Friend I’ve Got

My second practice with my new drawing tablet! I’m pretty pleased with this one too! (I do think I went a bit too realistic with Gwaine’s beard… doesn’t quite fit with the cartoonish style of the rest….)

70 notes • Posted 2021-07-25 20:00:47 GMT


With All My Heart - Modern AU Arthur/Gwen wedding photo!!

For@arwenfest day 2 - Marriage!

For a better quality picture go to Ao3!

121 notes • Posted 2021-09-29 13:42:09 GMT

Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review


@utterlyhooked Happy New Year!!

Xue Yang, the pretty psycopath!

Thank you @smylealong​ Happy New Year to you too!

Happy New Year, may the year of the doggo grant you the strength to protecc and attacc.

Happy New Year, may the year of the doggo grant you the strength to protecc and attacc.

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tgcalendar2016:January 1, 2016 Happy New Year everyone! (*´▽`*)ノッArima, Akira and Haise are pounding


January 1, 2016

Happy New Year everyone! (*´▽`*)ノッ

Arima, Akira and Haise are pounding mochi (rice cake) in the image. Both Arima (presumably) and Akira are carrying wooden hammers while Haise’s job is to moisten the mochi using water.

Each of them take turns in pounding the mochi while trying to maintain a certain rhythm, each of them saying ‘hai’ when it is their respective turn. Doing this activity requires trust, practice, teamwork and synergy between the participants as a simple mistake may lead to injury.

You can watch a video of the process here! ~ x

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My brother sent me the most blessed video of all time

sHe KeePS PULlInG cATs OUt Of NoWHerE



Dude I love the kitchen nightmare streams so much I can’t

Ah yes my favorite white boy

(Rbs appreciated!:]])


I wish you a very happy new year.

May it filled with everything that brings you joy, happiness, fullfilment and love, for you and your close ones.

May it be sweet on you. May it be sucessful. You all deserve the best :)
