#haruhi fujioka


NEW! Indeed: ~Chika’s “Down With Honey” Declaration!~

➼ pairing: kyoya ootori x reader

➼ summary: Honey-Senpai’s brother pays him a very unexpected visit, and it all goes downhill from there. Who would’ve thought you’d be one of the reasons that Chika looks at his brother like he’s lesser than?

➼ word count: 6.1k (very much a filler chapter)

➼ what to expect: “Who else do I know that doesn’t like sweets and wears glasses just like that?”

➼ warnings: fluffy, just a filler chapter, VERY MILD AND BRIEF mentions of child abuse by the reader (jokingly)

chapter navigation

A book perched in your arms, you carefully reach for the door handle to the clubroom when a voice behind you brings you to a halt.

“Excuse me, l/n-Senpai?”

“Hm?” You turn over your shoulder to find the origin of the voice- it’s rare that someone calls you by your surname with the addition of that honorific.

“Could you ask Mitsukuni to meet me out here?”

“Oh, Yasuchika! It’s wonderful to see you. What brings you here?” You smile brightly, turning your body to face him fully.

Yasuchika’s cheeks dust a light pink, eyes darting to the left, “I-”

Suddenly, Honey pops out from behind the door, perched on Mori’s shoulder, “Oh, look! It’s Chika-chan!”

Immediately, Chika’s eyes narrow at the sight of his brother, the lenses of his glasses glinting.

“So, what’s up? You rarely come over to the high school like this to see me.” Honey beams.

Chika straightens his glasses to create an intense glare in an all too familiar gesture, “Prepare yourself, Mitsukuni.” Then, Chika lunges toward Honey, sweeping his leg in an attempt to remove him from Mori’s shoulders by surprise.

But it’s rare that anyone could ever take Honey by surprise, and this is one of those occasions. Honey throws himself from Mori’s shoulders, landing flawlessly on the floor behind him in a crouched position. Chika readies himself into his usual stance, challenging Honey wordlessly.

“Boys will be boys.” you stride casually into the club room to find Haruhi gawking at the ordeal.

“Hey, come on, cut it out, you guys! Mori-Senpai!” Haruhi only earns an indifferent hum from Mori.

“What do you mean, ‘hm’?!”

As Honey rises to his feet, an all too familiar shriek pierces your ears, “Whoa, did you see that?!”

A powerful motor rumbles beneath the tiles, raising Renge on her platform, all ready with her play-by-play headset and miscellaneous gear.

“Honey-Senpai dodged Chika’s preliminary attack! This is gonna be good!”

“What’s going on?” Haruhi grumbles regretfully. Although she knows better than to ask, her curiosity often gets the better of her.

“Honey-Senpai is able to fly through the air with such grace; he’s like a modern-day Ushiwakamaru! Whoa! Chika attacks again without even giving him a chance to regain his balance.”

As Chika throws his fists on either side of Honey’s head, Honey ducks and sweeps Chika’s legs out from under him.

“Incredible! He dodged his attack and tripped him! Neither of them is gonna give; they keep lashing out with ferocious techniques!”

Haruhi blinks owlishly. You duck at a stray fist amid the fight, chuckling, “Hands to yourselves, boys.” You quickly make your way over to where Tamaki, the twins, and Kyoya are standing.

“This is why you mustn’t stand so close.” Kyoya reminds.

“And this is why you mustn’t boss me around.” you mock playfully.

Chika comes to a skidding halt, his ready position nearly trembling with anger as his glasses glint off the light, and Honey stands completely unfazed.

“Who in their right mind would believe they can beat Honey-Senpai?” you scoff irritably. Kyoya shrugs, “His own flesh and blood seems to be a fair match.”

“It’s not a fair match if Honey-Senpai’s winning,” you state the obvious.

“So, they’re at it again?” Tamaki observes with a curious smile and his hand poised under his chin.

“I wish they would have chosen a better location to do this.” Kyoya exasperatedly sighs.

“Wait, why are you guys so calm?!” Haruhi demands.

You peer over Haruhi’s shoulder to find that Chika’s unleashed his weapon of choice- a staff. You gently push Haruhi’s shoulder and point in his direction.

“Now things are getting serious; Chika’s got a weapon!”

Chika lunges swiftly at Honey, wielding his staff over his head and swinging (and missing) at his brother. Honey leaps and tumbles backward, landing perfectly on his feet with little effort.

As Chika continues to swing his weapon at Honey’s head, Honey continues to dodge him expertly, not breaking a single sweat.

“Hey! No way! The use of weapons should be against the rules!”

“What should be against the rules is how long Honey’s pretending to put up a fight.” you point out casually.

All at once, Chika’s staff cracks against Honey’s body and sends him soaring through the air with a grunt.

“Oh, ouch.” you grimace. Although Honey’s tough, anyone would have to admit that getting pummeled by any sort of weapon would hurt in some way.

“Whoa, he knocked him out of the park!” Hikaru exclaims.

“This may be his first win!” Kaoru gasps.

Chika pants, hunched over from exertion, a slight smirk befalling his features, “I gotcha.” His staff retracts with a shing!

You smile mischievously, glancing up at Kyoya expectantly. He playfully rolls his eyes and gently pushes his hand against the small of your back, “Go on.”

Practically with a skip in your step, you arrive at Chika’s side, taking him by surprise at your proximity.

“Ah, ah, ah~ Not quite, my friend.” You tap him on his shoulder to gain his attention, then point down to his pant legs- which are pinned to the floor beneath him by four shuriken.

“y/n’s right about that.” Mori chimes in.

“See? He got you.” Mori all but smirks as Chika glances down in shock at his own defeat.

“How the hell did he do that?” Chika growls.

Honey dusts his hands off effortlessly, his wide eyes blinking childishly at his brother in mock innocence.

“In the heat of battle, Honey-Senpai was able to attack with his shuriken before Chika noticed!” At her words, the curtains to the clubroom pull themselves shut to provide a dark atmosphere, blocking the light so that the projector on the other side of the room could project the replay of their fight for everyone else to see.

Surely enough, if you watch closely, you will find that Honey uses four shuriken to pin his brother in place. Then, the curtains pull back, and the screen ascends back into the ceiling.

“He uses… shuriken?” Haruhi deadpans.

Chika’s hair hides his pained, angry expression as he breathes heavily through his clenched teeth.

“His attack has left Chika utterly defenseless! What a great fight! Can’t wait for the next one. Until then, see ya!” Renge’s platform descends into the floor and is gone faster than it appeared.

Chika falls to his knees before Honey defeatedly. You bend down carefully and pluck the shuriken from the floor, “There you are- all free.” You take all four shuriken in one hand with a smile.

Chika glances over his shoulder and meets your eyes, his angry expression falling into that of embarrassment. He quickly shoves the thought to the back of his mind, tearing his gaze away from you.

“Hey, guys! I’m completely lost; you wanna tell me what’s going on here? Who’s that kid, and why’d he attack Honey-Senpai?” Haruhi inquires blankly.

Kyoya adjusts his glasses.

“What? You mean you can’t tell just by looking at his face? He’s Honey-Senpai’s younger brother.”

Haruhi gasps, realizing that Chika’s practically the spitting image of Honey if you look carefully upon closer inspection.

Chika’s “Down With Honey” Declaration!

“The Haninozukas are a noble family. We excel in martial arts. We’ve combined styles over the years to create our very own method of fighting.”

Seated on the very far side of one of the host club’s sofas, Chika’s hand props his cheek as he avoids eye contact with the club members in the room.

“When we’re away, we study karate and judo. But when we’re home, we work had to master the Haninozuka technique. So to make sure that we always stay alert, we have been taught that whenever two family members come face to face, they must engage each other in battle.”

You round the corner by Chika’s sofa with a tray full of teacups and slices of cake. As you set one of each before Chika, Tamaki leans on the coffee table with a bright smile, “Go on, Yasuchika, we saved you a yummy piece of cake.”

“Thank you, but I don’t care for sweets.”

You simper smugly, turning to Kyoya standing beside you, “You know, he reminds me an awful lot of someone I know… hm, whoever could it be?” You ponder with mock innocence, tapping your chin thoughtfully.

“Don’t play dumb, y/n.” Kyoya groans from beside you.

“Oh! That’s right.” You snap, almost gaining a fond smile from your boyfriend.

“Who else do I know that doesn’t like sweets and wears glasses just like that?” You turn to Kyoya, mock-obliviously.

“I couldn’t possibly know.” Kyoya plays along.

“Hm. Guess we’ll never know.”

“Besides, the basic principle of the Haninozuka technique is refraining from selfishness. So to let myself indulge in sweets would be out of the question.”

You chuckle softly, “One little piece of cake won’t hurt you.” You gently urge.

Hikaru and Kaoru pop up simultaneously behind Haruhi, “Hold on, I happen to know of a sweets loving, overly pampered little loli boy who happens to be-”

“- the next head of the Haninozukas.” Kaoru finishes as each twin points to Honey, “And he’s sitting right over there.”

Chika groans irritably, glancing at his older brother through his glowering peripheral vision, seated at a different table, shoving cake into his mouth as Mori watches over him.

“Let me just say, there’s no way I’m ever going to recognize a dimwit like Mitsukuni as the next head of our family.”

Honey perks up at his name, deflating slightly at his brother’s harsh words.

Your brows furrow, your jaw slightly slacked at the offensive nature of Chika’s statement. Honey is probably the sweetest high schooler you’ve ever met; how can someone talk about him like that?

“There’s no doubt my older brother is strong, but he lives a decadent lifestyle and had failed to show any self-restraint. He no longer has the right to be called a Haninozuka. I can’t allow someone who arbitrarily quit the karate club only to become hooked on cake and stuffed animals to be the head of the Haninozuka family. Even if he is my older brother.” Chika rises to his feet, “I’ve been meaning to make that clear for a while. And another thing, Mitsukuni, I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again- stay away from me at school, got it?”

After his barking command, Chika departs from the club room.

“Kyoya… would it be wrong to punch a child?” At your question, Kyoya takes your clenched fist and lowers it to your side, “Let’s not have any threats of child abuse on our hands.”

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Honey clutches tightly to Usa-chan as he gazes pensively through the window panes of the clubroom. Haruhi approaches him carefully, “Senpai? Are you doing okay?”

Honey hugs Usa-chan closer to his chest, sighing quietly.

You beam, arriving at Haruhi’s side, a plate of cake in your hand, “Honey-Senpai? Whatever should we do with this cake?” You tilt it gently from side to side.

Honey spins around immediately, “I’ll eat it~!” Honey quickly scarfs down the slice of cake and proceeds to twirl happily with Usa-chan in his arms, “Yay!”

Haruhi’s eyes follow Honey as he continues to spin joyfully, “So you used to be in the karate club, Honey-Senpai? I had no idea. What made you decide to quit and join with the Host Club?”

Tamaki slides over, miffed, “Why did you just say 'the Host Club’ like that? What are you getting at, huh?” He pouts.

“Well, no matter how you cut it, the karate club is a much more reputable club than ours is, Senpai.”

Tamaki wails in anguish, crouching into his dark, sullen corner and drawing patterns on the floor with his index finger.

“If you really want to know-” Hikaru appears on one of Haruhi’s sides, perching his elbow on her shoulder.

“- we’ll have to take a little trip down memory lane.” Kaoru mirrors his brother.

“It was long before the Host Club had been established.”

“Listen up, and we’ll tell you the legend of Honey-Senpai: The Captain of the Karate Club.”

☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁

In the Haninozuka estate, members of their elite martial arts group train for hours on end. Although, Honey-Senpai’s opponent seems to be bested easily.

“Oh… so the eldest son is in high school, now?”

“I heard he’s already been made captain of the karate club, AND he’s only a first-year!”

“That is outstanding!”

“I know he’s a growing boy, but doesn’t he seem small for his age? He may not be respected as head of the family if he stays that small.”

Knelt before his father with Mori by his side, Honey faces him with great respect.

“Mitsukuni, you are aware of what the others are saying about you, right?”


“You must work even harder to maintain your self-discipline, completely cast aside all weaknesses and leniency, and take hold of your true strength.”

“Right.” Honey determinedly nods.

☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁

“From that day forward, Honey-Senpai tried his very best. It was difficult, but he worked hard.” The twins nod in agreement with Tamaki.

“So he spent more time working on martial arts moves?” Haruhi assumes.

“Wrong! Well aware of what others were saying about him, Honey-Senpai worked hard to follow his father’s orders.”

☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁

“He sealed away all of his cute possessions so as not to seem weak.”

Honey tightens his karate belt, surrounded by mountains of crates full of his stuffed animals and the like.

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As he arrives in the grounds of Ouran, Honey can be seen carrying his very own school bag, tossed over his shoulder carefully. This was severely out of character, his face adorned with a solemn expression. Mori strides along behind him wordlessly.

“Then, he decided to take on a hard and fearless disposition. That of a manly man.”

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Honey grimaces at his lunch before him- a plate of finely cooked steak smeared in butter and plated with broccoli and a well seasoned baked potato.

“However, it was obvious to everyone around him that his efforts were failing.”

Honey pouts, giving in to his fate. Then, his eyes catch a glimpse of a spread of sweets, baked goods, and pastries.

“Excuse me, Haninozuka, would you like me to get you a piece of cake?” A female student offers, seated near him with her friends.

“What are you doing?! He can’t!”

Honey turns away from them, “No, thank you, I don’t like sweets.” He struggles with his words.

“He’s upset! See what you did? He was exercising self-control!”

“I totally forgot; I’m so sorry!”

Honey’s eyes well up with tears as the sweets gain his attention once more.

“He’s trying so hard to resist!”

“You can tell he’s really struggling!”

“Oh, wow! It’s so touching!”

☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁

“And so the girls were so touched by seeing him resist the things he loved that their moe senses went into overdrive.”

“I think you’re being a little dramatic.” You raise a suspicious brow at Tamaki’s observation.

“Not long after that, the Haninozuka fan club was born.”

Haruhi furrows her brows, glancing at each member in question, “What does any of that stuff have to do with the legend of the karate club?”

The twins come close together, their hands intertwined as they press their cheeks together, “Let us explain~.”

☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁

The members of the Ouran Academy Karate Club train diligently in the presence of their captain.

“Okay, guys! Take a ten-minute break!” Honey demands.

“Sir!” The club members chorus obediently. Honey turns on his heel and strides off in the opposite direction.

“Hey, you know, Captain Haninozuka is such a strict and manly captain. His technique is awesome, and he always keeps us in line.” A member reminds, the rest of the members nodding adamantly.

“No joke. He’s the best captain ever!” Clearly, they’re just being polite.

“For real, though. He’s a super manly man.”

Nonetheless, Honey basks in the praise.

☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁

Sniffling into their handkerchiefs, “That story’s such a tear-jerker!”

“You’re joking… how in the world is that story considered a tear-jerker?” You roll your eyes.

“Never mind, just tell me what happens, would ya?” Haruhi groans.

☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁

Honey watches over his teammates as they spar and train. But, something colorful peeking through the cracked door catches his eye. His eyes grow wide as he spots a pink bunny rabbit puppet waving to him urgently. As soon as it appeared, it disappears from the doorway.

Honey shakes himself of his glittering curiosity, glancing at his team from his peripheral vision and stalking after the bunny rabbit.

He storms outside, but there’s nobody there- not a soul. Then, as he steps out of the building, he spots the bunny rabbit again, this time peeking at him from behind a wall and disappearing once more.

Honey nearly follows the rabbit around the entire building before coming to its source- you, of course.

You kneel before him, dressed in your middle school uniform, your hand shoved into the rabbit and making its mouth move in tune with your melodic voice.

“Why, hello there, Haninozuka-Senpai. I know this may be out of the blue… but…” You giggle, moving the rabbit along with your mannerisms. Honey gawks at you in wonder.

“I’m recruiting for a new club at Ouran; think you’d be interested in joining?”

Honey’s gaze lingers down on you a moment, "Aren’t you l/n? y/n, right? You’re from the middle school. What kind of club are you starting?”

“Wow, I’m so glad you asked, Haninozuka-Senpai!” Your eyes disappear into a broad smile, and Honey’s lips tug upward ever so slightly.

You pop up behind him suddenly, “Come now, Senpai, don’t you think it’s about time that you start to use your overwhelmingly good looks to get more out of life?”

You appear on his opposite side, still letting the bunny speak for you, “Why would you stay here, fighting, when you could use your adorable personality to give solace to young girls with far too much time on their hands?” You simper.

“Not to mention all the stuffed toys and cake you can imagine.”

Honey pants fervently- he can’t deny that it sounds like living the absolute dream.

You chuckle at his reaction, “I promise,” you place a hand to your heart, “if you join, we’ll constantly have sweets in stock and on hand, ready for you. I’ll see to it personally that it’s done.”

Tamaki expressed to you the importance of having Mitsukuni Haninozuka in his new club, and you aren’t going to take that matter lightly. You have a job now, albeit one forced upon you, but you’re going to make sure you carry out your every duty with grace and intention.

Honey comes back to reality, shaking those impure, selfish thoughts from his head, “Really? I mean… no! I don’t like sweets, so you can forget it! And for the record, I don’t like cutesy things either!”

You smirk, waving the bunny rabbit puppet before his eyes and gaining his attention immediately.

“No way… not into cutesy stuff… don’t like it… at all…” He whimpers, following the rabbit with his entire body.

You giggle fondly, “I don’t know much about martial arts or anything of the sort… but could you do me one small favor?”

“Sure, what is it?”

“Forgive me, but… I was just ever so curious… could you tell me what true strength is?”

Honey’s breath catches in his throat at your question.

“I may be terribly out of line, but I personally believe that true strength is having the courage to come into your own… to be yourself even when the opposite is expected of you. Putting on a facade seems just the same as running away.” You rise to your feet, significantly taller than Honey.

He stares at you in awe as you take his arm and place the puppet in his grasp, “That’s my two cents, anyway. I’ll be sure to come around and ask you again… consider it, Senpai, really.” You back away with an adorable wave and disappear around the corner.

Little does Honey know, Mori waits for him out of sight, brows furrowed at the offer as Honey longingly stares after you.

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Once again, knelt before his father, Honey’s mind is plagued with an existential question.

“What is it that you wanted to talk to me about?”

“Well… there’s something that I’ve been a little confused about, father. Can you please tell me what true strength is?” Honey gently requests.

Honey’s father menacingly rises to his feet, his glare piercing through his son with a fierce will, “I will show you, my son, so you can experience it directly. Come with me to the dojo!”

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Both Honey and his father take their ready positions with determined glares.

“It has been said that Honey-Senpai’s father is the most talented fighter in the Haninozuka family’s history.”

The referee slices through the air, signaling the beginning of the duel, “And… begin!”

Honey’s father growls, channeling his energy. As he leaps to Honey, Honey merely closes his eyes, opening them again when his father comes near and ultimately demolishes him within a matter of seconds.

☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁

You put a thoughtful finger to your chin, “If my memory serves me correctly… Honey-Senpai had already gained his father’s current level of martial arts abilities, which is quite extraordinary if you ask me… well, am I right?” You turn over your shoulder, waiting for Honey’s response.

“Uh-huh!” Honey gleams from Mori’s shoulders.

“Rumor has it, the referee that happened to be officiating was Japan’s secretary of defense at the time, and he begged Honey-Senpai to never fight in public again, at least not at his full potential,” Tamaki informs.

“And why would he do that?” Haruhi grumbles.

“If the world ever saw Honey-Senpai’s true abilities, they’d suspect Japan of possessing a weapon of mass destruction! The secretary was afraid it might upset the UN, and then they would take it out on all of Japan…”

The twins come together once more, “How awful!” They coo.

“So, Honey-Senpai quit the karate club-”

“-and decided to become a member of the Host Club.”

You appear at Haruhi’s side, hands folded behind your back, “Because of his resulting decisions, Honey-Senpai’s younger brother had a much more strict upbringing to keep in tune with the original Haninozuka standards.”

“Sometimes, I think Chika-chan hates me because I’m not following the family rules.” Honey simpers wistfully.

“Alright, gentlemen! And lady, of course, time for operation 'Haninozuka Brothers’ Reconciliation’!”

The twins leap excitedly, “Hurray!”

“I knew he was gonna say that…” Haruhi deadpans.

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“Alright, ten-minute break!” Chika announces to the club members of the reputable karate club.

All in unison, “Sir!”

“You know, Captain Haninozuka sure is a strict captain. No matter how hard we try, it’s like he’s never satisfied. I really don’t think I can take it.” Most of the club members are thoroughly worn out by trying to reach Chika’s standards.

“Tell me about it…”

“He’s a tough captain, but he’s nowhere near as skilled at martial arts as his older brother Mitsukuni.”

Chika freezes in place at the mention of his brother’s name, especially in that context. He spins around and shoves his fist right up to one of his teammate’s faces, causing him to flinch so hard that he falls backward to the ground.

“You will not talk about my brother in my presence, do you understand?” Chika strictly commands.

His attention is soon diverted to the group of female students gathered around the tiny crack in the door, “Look! It’s Chika; he’s so adorable!”

“Oh, wow, he’s so totally cute!”

Chika might have almost enjoyed the attention until…

“Yeah, he’s not bad, but he’s no match for his older brother, Honey. He’s the cutest thing we’ve ever seen!”

Chika materializes in the doorway, glasses creating an intense glare, as he slams the doors to a close, drawing gasps and whispers from the teammates inside.

“What are you idiots looking at?! Get started with the next drill!”

“But… we’re still on our break, sir-”

“You’ve barely broken a sweat; you bums don’t need a break! Start working harder before you’re all out!”


The entirety of the Host Club observes the karate club through the building’s window, brows furrowed in concern.

“Well, so far, it looks like a simple inferiority complex.” Hikaru nonchalantly shrugs.

“He’s always being compared to Honey-Senpai, so that’s why he feels such animosity towards him. His older brother is more attractive, more popular, and a better martial artist than he is. I think he’s just letting his jealousy get the best of him.” Kaoru observes aloud.

“It’s totally normal and way boring.” The twins turn away from the window and prance off elsewhere, “We’re going to go find something more entertaining~” they sing.

“Hold on, come back here, you two? Why are you suddenly being so uncooperative?” Tamaki demands.

“Well, we thought there’d be an interesting secret reason they’re fighting; this is just lame.”

“So Honey-Senpai and Chika’s feelings aren’t excited enough?!” Tamaki snarls.

Honey approaches them calmly, “It’s okay, Tama-chan. Really.”

You let out a soft breath, “But, Honey-Senpai…” You begin.

“It’s alright. Don’t worry about me. So what if Chika-chan hates me? I would be happy just seeing him grow up to be strong and healthy. He is my brother, after all.”

The twins appear at his side, confused, “Um, he’s already a lot taller than you, Honey-Senpai.” Kaoru reminds.

“Yeah, he’s pretty grown up and plenty healthy.” Hikaru scoffs.

“'Scuse me, could you guys please keep it down?”

You nearly jump out of your skin as Chika appears near you, yelping and flinching into the nearest person- which happens to be Kyoya.

Chika readies himself into a sparing position, “What’re you doing here? I thought I had told you to stay away from me at school, Mitsukuni!” Chika lunges toward Honey immediately.

Honey almost gives him no reaction save for the leg he gently lifts to block his brother’s attack, much more at ease than Chika.

“You alien… would you just leave me alone?” Chika scoffs disgustedly, Honey’s brows furrowing with hurt.

“But, Chika-chan…”

“Reconsidering the child abuse threat.” Your brow twitches in frustration.

“What’s he mean, 'alien’?” The twins turn to each other in question.

You groan, “Just because your older brother’s stronger than you doesn’t warrant any name-calling.” You cross your arms, earning an almost guilty look from Chika.

“Yeah. Why are you so upset about cake and stuffed animals.” Tamaki voices behind you.

“Well, if it was just about the cake and stuffed animals, I would never have said anything…” Chika relents his fighting stance and rises back to full posture.

“Let’s get this straight; I didn’t call my brother an alien because he’s stronger than me…” Chika’s fists clench in on themselves.

In one motion, Chika points an aggressive, trembling finger to Honey, “Have any of you ever seen him devour an entire cake?! Don’t tell me you guys think that’s perfectly normal! He has three whole cakes every night for dessert! Seriously, three cakes a night! And he never gains weight!” Chika hollers, trembling with anger.

You deadpan, arms falling limp to your sides, “So he eats that way at home as well… if only we all had that metabolism.” you grumble.

“And then something crazy occurred last week. I happened to wake up in the middle of the night… and I noticed that the night was on in the dining room.”

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Chika follows the sliver of light emitting from the dining room, peeking through the doors cautiously, “What’s going on? It’s the middle of the night, you know.”

Surrounded by tiered cakes, Honey and Usa-chan acknowledge Chika’s presence, the candles casting strange shadows on his face, “Hey, Chika-chan~.”

Chika seizes up tensely, trembling.

“I’m glad you’re here. Once a week, I have a special cake night where I eat all the cake I want. Usa-chan here helped me come up with the idea. Would you like to join us?”

☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁

“C'mon, be honest… you know there’s no way that a regular human being can eat that much cake! Aren’t you terrified?! I bet he gets signals from his home planet through that weird bunny of his! Why can’t you see that he’s an alien?!”

The Host Club only awards Chika with vacant, unfazed expressions.

“That… doesn’t seem too out of the ordinary for Honey-Senpai.” You shrug dismissively.

“It makes perfect sense.” Kyoya voices from above you.

Chika turns, glasses glinting off the sunlight, “I don’t know, though. There was a time when Mitsukuni and I got along really well. While it’s true that my brother has always had a fondness for cute things and more of a sweet tooth than I have, I still respected his ability to avoid that stuff even though he loved it. And then this idiot came along and brainwashed him with some ridiculous nonsense. Something about acknowledging who you really are and just being yourself, that that’s true strength.”

Your heart drops through your stomach and falls right out of your ass at his assessment. Your eyes grow wide and let out a soft noise as Chika falls to his knees in despair.

“Not long after that, he fell apart and became the alien he is today!”

“Oh, boy…” your hand trembles as you gnaw on your nails anxiously.

“Oh, I see, so all of Chika’s troubles can be traced right back to you, y/n.” Kyoya declares in his monotoned voice.

“What the hell are you talking about? I didn’t mean to! Come on, we have to be able to fix this.” you whine, frantically thinking of a solution.

Mori places a firm hand on Honey’s shoulder, “There is a way to solve this, you know.”

You perk up, excited, “You figured it out?” You gasp, hopefully.

“So, Mitsukuni, you know what to do.” Mori nods gently.

Honey faces Chika, “Listen, Chika-chan, I never meant to upset you. I didn’t know that you hate sweets that much, and I’m very sorry.”

You sigh disappointedly, “He completely missed the point.”

“You could say that again.” Kyoya deadpans from beside you.

“Nobody can make me change who I am, and I’m really grateful to y/n-chan and all of the host club because they’ve shown me that.”

Your heart warms, and you place a hand on your chest, “Well, I don’t feel as bad, now.” you chuckle lightly.

“And you shouldn’t.” Kyoya places a steady hand on your opposite shoulder from behind, flooring your body with warmth as your heart flutters.

“So, let’s settle this like men in the Haninozuka style, Yasuchika.” Honey glares intensely.

Chika’s eyes narrow at his challenge.

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You glance around at your surroundings, watching as stray leaves flow through the intense breeze across the open field. “Since when does Ouran have open fields like this?” You question quietly.

“Pay attention.” Kyoya gently nudges you by your shoulder, and you return your attention to the fight between brothers.

“And don’t forget, Chika-chan, this is a one-point match.” Honey reminds.

“So what happens if I win?” Chika inquires, gaze narrowed at Honey under his windswept fringe.

“If you win, I’ll stop eating cake in the middle of the night.”

You scoff, “That’s all?” You groan exasperatedly.

After a moment of silence, Chika nods, “Alright.”

“And he’s okay with that?” You gesture indignantly to them.

“Indeed.” Kyoya sighs, thoroughly unamused.

“Are you ready for battle, men?” Mori asks from the sidelines where the rest of the club watches.

“Then… you may begin!”

You shiver at Mori’s volume, clutching onto Kyoya’s sleeve, “Wow… Mori-Senpai is intimidating.” you acknowledge breathily.

Kyoya follows your line of sight to Mori, unwavering. He puts his arm around your shoulder and brings you closer to him. You yelp at the pull, glancing up at him, but his gaze isn’t on you.

From the corner of his eye, Kaoru catches the movement and turns to face the two of you, brows furrowing at your proximity. He quietly nudges Hikaru and subtly cocks his head in your direction, indicating for Hikaru to follow his gaze.

Hikaru turns to see you pressed against Kyoya’s side, face contorting in confusion and then to annoyance, “Why are they acting like that?” He grumbles. Kaoru watches his brother’s expression, shrugging.

“Who knows?”

Meanwhile, the brothers begin off similarly to their fight before, but the roles seem to be reversed.

When Honey pulls out a metal rod, similarly to Chika earlier in the day, Tamaki seems to notice, “Is it just me, or is this fight turning out exactly like the one they had earlier?”

“Yes, but this time their roles are reversed,” Kyoya observes.

With arms crossed, Mori pipes into their conversation, “Mitsukuni’s already planned how this entire fight will pan out. Yasuchika will attack with the shuriken any moment now.”

Chika tosses the shuriken toward Honey, but Honey expertly blocks the attack with his metal rod.

“Whoa, he called it!” The twins gasp.

“Um… Mori-Senpai? Where do they hide these shuriken?” Haruhi sweat-drops.

Mori intentionally ignores her inquiry, “I have been watching these two brothers spar for many years, and it didn’t take long before I noticed that in every match, Yasuchika incorporates moves the Mitsukuni used in the previous match. Mitsukuni realized it as well and he always tries to give his brother the opportunity to practice those new techniques. He may call him an alien, but as far as martial arts are concerned, Yasuchika has a deep respect for Mitsukuni and his abilities. I think all he really wants is to be like his older brother. They are connected just as two siblings ought to be. And personally, I think a little sibling rivalry is perfectly normal.”

Your jaw has fallen slack at Mori’s long-winded tirade, arms fallen limp at your side.

Mori lifts his head, “There’s no need to worry about the outcome of this match; I can already tell you that Mitsukuni’s planning to throw this fight and let Yasuchika beat him. Trust me, I know everything there is to know about him.”

You almost begin pondering the meaning of life, turning your attention blindly back to the brothers as you process the number of words Mori just spoke.

“Defend yourself!” Honey cautions, completely demolishing his brother with a single kick.

A moment of tense silence passes, and the club realizes that Mori was wrong. He hums defeatedly, almost in disbelief.

“Yay! I’m the winner! Cake! Cake! Cake!” Honey cheers, leaping into the air with a grin.

He picks up Usa-chan and swings him around excitedly, “I have an idea! Since I won, I think we should start having special cake night three times a week!”

Meanwhile, Chika lies defeatedly on the ground, glasses completely shattered, muscles twitching. He’s soundly beaten.

Mori kneels defeatedly, motionless, also soundly beaten. You grimace from the sidelines by Kyoya’s side. The idiot trio cheers him on.

“Don’t let it get you down, Mori-Senpai.” Mori groans.

You simper fondly, softly humming as you turn your attention to Honey, celebrating himself.

“So, Honey-Senpai’s love of cake exceeds his love for his brother, huh?” You chuckle.

Kyoya smiles slightly, nodding, “It does seem that way.”

“Wow… he’s a horrible person…” You snicker jokingly. Kyoya merely chuckles, affectionally ruffling your hair, shaking his head.

♡        ♡        ♡        ♡        ♡        ♡        ♡        ♡        ♡        ♡        ♡

The sun disappears behind the horizon as Honey sits atop the roof of the school. Usa-chan’s ears dance softly in the breeze as Honey clutches him close to his chest.

“I personally believe that true strength is having the courage to come into your own… to be yourself even when the opposite is expected of you. Putting on a facade seems just the same as running away.”

Honey hums fondly, closing his eyes happily as he nuzzles close to Usa-chan with a giggle, “I love you~!”

I run and run a thousand miles, and I am barely breathing. Only the fuel of a passionate heart keeps this body strong and moving forward.

Could it be I found a place to rest? How far until I’m OK?

Trees of the town reveal the time has come once again to shift our shade and colors.

The world always changes around us but weakness will always remain;

Through all the pain, believe in who we are right here and now!

Raise one hand to the sky; raise them both lift them high!!

And you’ll cut through the darkness make it go!

The time to start is now! And I can show you how.

Start with me, and the world will be even bigger than ever before.

Next time, on Indeed…

You seem to have been kidnapped by your former Lobelia classmates! Don’t worry though, nothing stands in Kyoya Ootori’s way…

We’ll see you then!!

want to read more? here’s my ouran masterlist

and here’s my bts blog

want me to write something you want to see? request something

have any questions? talk to my characters!


I need some help figuring out what to cosplay as for Otakon Vegas this year. I am torn between Misa I need some help figuring out what to cosplay as for Otakon Vegas this year. I am torn between Misa

I need some help figuring out what to cosplay as for Otakon Vegas this year. I am torn between Misa Amane from Death Note and Haruhi Fujioka from Ouran High School Host Club. I would love to cosplay as many other people. However, due to the holidays just being over and spring semester starting on January 20, I am down to my last couple of weeks to put together my cosplay. I will only be going on January 17.

I currently have dark brown/black hair and bangs across my forehead. I am only 4'10 but height doesn’t really matter. I’m only saying it because some things I have to buy/make smaller and alter it. 

If I were to be Misa, I have most of the outfit and hair taken care of. I may take out the blades only because I have no idea if I’ll be able to have someone help me make them (I have shaky hands so I cut myself easily). I would just need to mail my Death Note from my previous home in California. However, I would also have to buy knee high socks online (thigh highs are too long for me). I would not buy a wig because I do not have a place to put it to keep it nice. I got her personality pretty much good and I love her style. 

If I were to be Haruhi, I would be the version of her in Episode 16 when Hikaru takes Haruhi on a date. Again, I am not planning to buy a wig so I would not be the normal version with her short hair and Ouran uniform. I’d make her costume but it would not be too hard. I can buy all the materials and sew them together. I would also wear headphones around my neck/on my ears and I may walk around with a thin white blanket or sheet. It will be cool outside so even though I’d be wearing sandals, the blanket/sheet will keep me warm. I absolutely love the scene where Hikaru finds Haruhi in the church and he puts the headphones on her to keep down the sound of thunder. I love her and all the characters from Ouran. It’s become one of my favorite animes.

I love both of the characters and the shows. If I can’t decide by the end of this week, I’m going to go with Haruhi but I’d like some help if you would. Thank you!

Post link

Visiting Anne-Sophie



Today is a Haruhi Fanart, from Ouran High School Host Club

Another suggestion from… TikTok! Haha, it was fun to draw her.


it specified TWO (2) kisses to fall in love

Some random sketches. Hope you guys like them. Forgot to color the lines on one of the sketches :P

this hurt me in the DEEPEST crevices of my soul

i KNOW it’s unrealistic, i know it’s been 14 years but a gal can dream

(creds: @jmichaeltatum on tiktok)
