#hate crime tw



If you hadn’t heard about this, you are not in the minority. *I* hadn’t heard about this. It’s not being covered or talked about at all, aside from by individuals in disabled communities. This is a horrific hate crime and Annie’s response to ableism and activists’ lack of attention to disability issues is so incredibly eloquent, powerful, and necessary. If you are a fellow marginalized person or an ally in general, you need to be sharing the hell out of this.

#signal boost    #ableism    #disability    #murder tw    #hate crime tw    #eugenics tw    #annie elainey    


ive already seen stuff about this so i want to make it clear. i hope people realize that john mulaney relapsing, having to go to rehab, divorcing his wife and then immediately after dating someone else and having a kid with her is one thing, it’s a series of things that happened to him and that are none of our business, they don’t impact anybody else’s lives except john’s and the people directly involved, that’s why people were defending him back then and talking about not putting him on a pedestal because he’s not perfect etc

john mulaney platforming a transhomophobe without a warning, and cheering him on and clapping and hugging him etc is a completely different thing. dude that HURTS people, that’s a direct attack towards his vastly queer online audience. it involves all of us

so here’s my point. “stop putting celebrities on a pedestal” worked for the first part, john was considered this untouchable being, and then he did something that was kinda ehhhhhhh and we know what happened

but THIS IS DIFFERENT. the pedestal is on the ground. we are ground fucking floor baby! the standard is literally “don’t be a bigot” AND HE DID THAT. there is no pedestal girl it’s basic common sense

one thing is elevating someone to godhood, giving them the untouchable perfect person status, and being disappointed when they do one thing that makes them less perfect. another is expecting the bare fucking minimum (not being a bigot) and being met with bigotry.

please. PLEASE for the love of everything that is holy and unholy on this earth, learn the goddamn difference and understand that this is nowhere near comparable as the previous shit that happened

doingthevoidything: [pictures of the shirt I wore, which has a drawing of a rainbow and a curvy pathdoingthevoidything: [pictures of the shirt I wore, which has a drawing of a rainbow and a curvy path


[pictures of the shirt I wore, which has a drawing of a rainbow and a curvy path. In Hebrew, it reads: “The path to Hashem isn’t always straight!”]

Ten years ago, a religious man named Yishai Shlisel stabbed three people at the Jerusalem Pride Parade and was sentenced to prison.

A month ago, he was released.

Today was the Jerusalem Pride Parade. And there he was, waiting with his knife.

I heard screams behind me and turned to see what the matter was. The crowd was splitting, and police was holding a man to the ground. I saw as they took him away, as ambulances sped off with the victims. (How many? 1? 2? 3? 4? The numbers kept going up.)

Turns out it was him. He stabbed six people this time.

I am repulsed.
I am ashamed to be of a religion that shares its name with his.
I am disappointed with the futility of law enforcement and the fact that no one thought to watch over him tonight.
I am sad.

Homophobia is not over. This is why we need Pride.

EDIT: The teen girl who was the most severely injured is no longer in mortal danger. Thank God.

Post link



Theres a huge difference between a trans person literally walking around in public and being at risk of getting killed and an ace person saying theyre asexual and someone being like “um okay… So like. You dont have sex? At all?”

Lord give me strength to not read the notes
