#sarai reblogs



Jewish women are the number one authorities on how Jewish men wield misogyny. It is not an issue of our religion being regressive or misogynist, it is an issue of men using whatever culture / ideology etc they can get their hands on as a lens for their misogyny. The day I let a goyische feminist come trampling into my culture and my religion, spew their unnuanced interpretations that are devoid of context and understanding, tell me how oppressed I am, spread antisemitic hate speech, and talk over me on my own experiences, is the day I die. Jewish women must and will be the foundation of our revolutionary liberation from misogyny. Jewish women will be the voices speaking up about how men do us wrong within our own religion and cultures. Not you. Us. If you really want to help us, listen to us. You are not our mouthpieces or better interpreters of our lives than we are. 

historical-nonfiction: Alla Nazimova was a Russian-American film actress, who was a huge star duri


Alla Nazimova was a Russian-American film actress, who was a huge star during the silent films era. In the early years she was very influential, helping later stars get their start in Hollywood. And it is known that she slept with quite a few of them too. In fact, Nazimova probably coined the phrase “sewing circle” to refer to closeted lesbian or bisexual actresses of her day.


She was Jewish!

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I had the privilege of hearing this woman speak the other day. She wants to inspire people to live as their authentic selves, so I found a talk of hers online for you all to enjoy :)


to our website: http://www.gishurim.org/?page_id=1205

This year (similarly to last year) the most holy day of the Jews - Yom Kippur and of the Muslims -Eid al Adcha will be celebrated around the same time. This year, Yom Kippur falls on the same day as “Kapat Arpa” which is the day before Eid al Adcha - a day of preparation where many Muslims also fast. Together with the Community Mediation and Dialogue Centers of Jerusalem, Lod, Ramle, Acre and Haifa we have produced the attached video in order to learn more about the holidays and in order to encourage mutual respect and understanding between people of two religions, who share a common space.

This video is captioned in English. You can find it with Hebrew and Arabic captions here.

May these wonderful people’s wishes come true. Shana tova and gmar chatima tova!


Part of building an effective support network is to know where we’re at and stick up for each other. But we can’t do that if you don’t know who you are?

We want to know you! We want to follow you! We want your voice to be a part of the Transgender Muslim Support Network

Drop us a line! Send us a message or an ask!Submit! If you’re worried about being outed, we don’t have to post anything or answer publicly. You can also e-mail us at [email protected]

[allies: this is okay to signal boost! reblogging this post does not automatically make you a trans person. you are not legally required to transition and/or take shahada after seeing this on your feed.]

ATTN TRANS MUSLIMS: Drop us a line! We wanna get to know you!

Signal boost for our Muslim friends!




A friend and I had a conversation which I have edited and turned into a sort of essay. Explanations are indented in this manner.

Friend: Can I complain to you about represtation of Jews in media? American Media, that is.
So, I was watching this Idea Channel video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VALaI9HpmUw) and I was like, yeah every minority is getting their time in the spotlight, by Jews are still off to the side. It’s like the world is saying “The world is diverse! But Jews are still all white and assimilated” /Only defined by the Holocaust (i.e. Magneto)and/or Israel. But that’s totally untrue! If, Ms.Marvel is awesome for being the first Muslim character to headline a comic (which she is), why not so with an openly Jewish Jew?

Keep reading

I am disappointed that this post ignores intersectionality, and also doesn’t even mention that other minorities still have it tough despite the progress, but the history here is important to understand.


theinturnetexplorer:iSmart’s logo really threw me for a second.We could all use a laugh-Sarai


iSmart’s logo really threw me for a second.

We could all use a laugh


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doingthevoidything: [pictures of the shirt I wore, which has a drawing of a rainbow and a curvy pathdoingthevoidything: [pictures of the shirt I wore, which has a drawing of a rainbow and a curvy path


[pictures of the shirt I wore, which has a drawing of a rainbow and a curvy path. In Hebrew, it reads: “The path to Hashem isn’t always straight!”]

Ten years ago, a religious man named Yishai Shlisel stabbed three people at the Jerusalem Pride Parade and was sentenced to prison.

A month ago, he was released.

Today was the Jerusalem Pride Parade. And there he was, waiting with his knife.

I heard screams behind me and turned to see what the matter was. The crowd was splitting, and police was holding a man to the ground. I saw as they took him away, as ambulances sped off with the victims. (How many? 1? 2? 3? 4? The numbers kept going up.)

Turns out it was him. He stabbed six people this time.

I am repulsed.
I am ashamed to be of a religion that shares its name with his.
I am disappointed with the futility of law enforcement and the fact that no one thought to watch over him tonight.
I am sad.

Homophobia is not over. This is why we need Pride.

EDIT: The teen girl who was the most severely injured is no longer in mortal danger. Thank God.

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