#hawkeye initiative





oh god i couldn’t resist


I love the addition of the arrow :D

jijikero: Haha, I’ve been wanting to pair Spideypool for the Hawkeye Initiative for a while and now


Haha, I’ve been wanting to pair Spideypool for the Hawkeye Initiative for a while and now I made the time for it. XD I think Peter Parker should wear this costume from now on. XD

Spiderman as Star Sapphire and Deadpool as Green Lantern from Green Lantern Vol 4 Issue #18.

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 jijikero submitted to thehawkeyeinitiative: My friend introduce me to this initiative a couple da

My friend introduce me to this initiative a couple days ago so I whipped this up in a night. Hope I’m not too late and that people like. Its Deadpool as Psylocke from X-Men: Psylocke #1 by David Finch. :3

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 sassy-gay-justice submitted to thehawkeyeinitiative:“Look, but don’t touch. *SNIKT*&r

“Look, but don’t touch. *SNIKT*”

Neverland Hook #3
Original cover by Pasquale Qualano
Published by Zenescope Entertainment

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 moneynolaundry submitted to thehawkeyeinitiative: rush job. a friend suggested i submit something

rush job. a friend suggested i submit something and so, here it is.

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They get their movie armor because that’s where I know them best xD

 tonomurabix submitted: I will always, ALWAYS love Michael Turner, but this shot of Sara (Witchbla

I will always, ALWAYS love Michael Turner, but this shot of Sara (Witchblade) will forever make me shake my head… then the Hawkeye Initiative came to be and I knew what had to be done. XD This could be my greatest masterpiece, shitty photoshop job and all. 

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I couldn’t decide which pose needed to be done more badly so bonus Nightwing I guess

Jade (jadehall013@gmail.com) submitted: So I can’t draw worth a crap, nor do I have a tumb


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badromancenovelquotes submitted: Since you said we could empower other male heroes, have some De


Since you said we could empower other male heroes, have some Deadpool being Psylocke sexy.

– The Wife

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Nathan Morton:Tigra and Hawkeye, just hanging out in their most comfortable pose. Tigra by Frank C

Nathan Morton:

Tigra and Hawkeye, just hanging out in their most comfortable pose.

Tigra by Frank Cho from Marvel comics Mighty Avengers #3 (written by Brian Michael Bendis, 2007)

Hawkeye parody drawn by Nathan Morton

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cinnamonhawkes:Did someone say “Hawkeye Intiative?” Clint: Jake Photo: Floresfabrications


Did someone say “Hawkeye Intiative?”

Clint: Jake


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The Dirty Pair: Run from the Future #1 (Adam Hughes variant) Dark Horse




Lady Huntress from Birds of Prey very lazily shopped to be male.  

Cover Artist: Ed Benes, Alex Lei, Hi-Fi Design
