


The conversation between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard had at the end of the trial has been leaked!

The transcript reads:

Heard: Johnny… Hey! Can you turn around and look at me?

Depp: (bows his head)

Heard: Let’s talk Johnny… Talk to me.

Depp: (Turns to his lawyer, and his lawyer shakes her head)

Heard: I have something to talk to you about.

Depp (with his head still down): I have nothing to talk to you about.

Heard: Please, look at me!

Depp: Good bye Amber.

Heard: Tell me something Johnny, do you still love me?

Depp: (Keeps quiet)

Heard: Do you still love me Johnny?

Depp (lifts his head, looks her straight in the eyes and says):

Amber, this might be the last time we ever speak, so please listen to me very carefully.

Culture is not your friend.


Terence McKenna chilling with Robert Anton Wilson and Rudy Rucker (Manuals of Evasion Movie Excerpt)

Manual Of Evasion LX94: Terence McKenna, Robert Anton Wilson & Rudy Rucker
