#robert anton wilson



Under the present brutal and primitive conditions on this planet, every person you meet should be regarded as one of the walking wounded. We have never seen a man or woman not slightly deranged by either anxiety or grief. We have never seen a totally sane human being.

— Robert Anton Wilson

At midnight,as I rise from my coffin,I ask:
Am I Christ or Mehmet Ali Agca?
Am I Count Dracula or just another Hiroshima Werewolf
Howling for human flesh?

In my mad and werewolf heart
I have howled half a century away
In despair and rage:
The bread and wine of werewolf Mass

Every God-damned, man-damned morning,I ask:
Is this the beginning of another cardboard day
Or is it the first day of the rest of the universe?
Will nothing happen or will everything happen?

In my green and bleeding soul
I have sung half a century away
In laughter and in scorn
The flesh and blood of sorrowful werewolf Time

Every twilight as the shadows fall,I ask:
How many missiles are aimed at Moscow?
At New York and London? At Paris and Rome?
At the naked skin of God?

In my high and mountain skull
I have mocked half a century away
In measure and in fact:
The line and square of werewolf Space

One dizzy moment above the Liffey I forget, I ask:
Is this O’Connell Bridge or Butt Bridge?
Am I on the Ha’penny Bridge perhaps?
Is this another endless werewolf bridge?

Until defiance builds of its own ruin
A truth more brave than the truth of death
My werewolf heart shall rage against
Both werewolf God and werewolf Man

Until terror builds of its own heat
A myth more green than the myth of life-
But my werewolf heart is pierced at last
By the silver bullet of the Lady’s gaze

My werewolf self is atom-bombed
By the golden sunrise of the Lady’s smile:
I am the Beast the Lady rides,
I am the stars within Her hair

And here’s the above poem performed by the Golden Horde: http://rawilsonfans.org/downloads/CBC-LawrenceTalbotSuite.mp3


The conversation between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard had at the end of the trial has been leaked!

The transcript reads:

Heard: Johnny… Hey! Can you turn around and look at me?

Depp: (bows his head)

Heard: Let’s talk Johnny… Talk to me.

Depp: (Turns to his lawyer, and his lawyer shakes her head)

Heard: I have something to talk to you about.

Depp (with his head still down): I have nothing to talk to you about.

Heard: Please, look at me!

Depp: Good bye Amber.

Heard: Tell me something Johnny, do you still love me?

Depp: (Keeps quiet)

Heard: Do you still love me Johnny?

Depp (lifts his head, looks her straight in the eyes and says):

Amber, this might be the last time we ever speak, so please listen to me very carefully.

Culture is not your friend.


Terence McKenna chilling with Robert Anton Wilson and Rudy Rucker (Manuals of Evasion Movie Excerpt)

Manual Of Evasion LX94: Terence McKenna, Robert Anton Wilson & Rudy Rucker

What is a magician?

‘One who does magic’ is the Magician’s reply.

What is a magician?

‘One who stands at the centre of everything’ is the Developing One’s reply.

What is a magician?

‘One who reflects the golden rays’ is the Foremost One’s reply.

What is a magician?

‘One who is I,’ replies the Divine.

- Josephine McCarthy, Magical Knowledge II: The Initiate

“Javacrucianism also has the simplest theology in history, teaching one thing only is necessary for salvation, the American Coffee Ceremony—a variation on the Japanese Tea Ceremony. This is performed at dawn, and you must face towards the rising sun, as you raise the cup to your lips.

When you take the first sip, you must cry out with intense fervour, “GOD, I needed that!” If this is performed religiously every morning, Javacrucians say, you will face all life’s challenges with a clear mind and a tranquil spirit.”

- Robert Anton Wilson
