


As with all my posts– there’s probably going to be several updates. Please keep in mind this this post comes from my experiences, so whatever may be true for me may not be true for you, and one or two flags may not mean a malicious spirit. Everything is situational.

This doesn’t cover any spirits who may have good intentions but can’t control what their energy/presence does to people. The Leanan Fae’s energy for example, will cause a person go insane if not bound correctly.

How To Identify:

1. You get uneasy/feel you are in danger around the spirit/their vessel.
Now, keep in mind that some bias is going to come into this, too. You may, for some reason or another, end up with the spirit race/type that you aren’t comfortable working with. Just because you’re uncomfortable, that doesn’t make them malicious, and you should talk to the conjurer about that. However– I don’t like saying trust your gut, because I don’t believe intuition is usually more than ego in most cases. But if this, persists to the point where it impedes your communication, I would look into either banishing or rehoming. *Your mental health takes priority over a spirit, all reputable conjurers will tell you this.* If you’ve talked to the spirit about this and the spirit has made no attempt to talk with you or discuss what’s happening, you’ve gotten a red flag.

Another red flag: there is a large amount of negativity surrounding the vessel.

2. The spirit repeatedly guilts/ ignores you unless you give an offering.
Would you like a friend that does this to you? This kind of behavior shouldn’t be acceptable, and is kind of thing should be self explanatory. Bonus red flag points if you tell them that you don’t have the money, and they keep bugging you for it anyway, and ignore any other type of communication.

3. The spirit starts telling you that they’re from a past life, after you have a good reason to believe that they don’t have the best intentions.
If you believe in that thing, two spirits in my home are from a past life. They’re not cruel or abusive in any way– in fact, most past life spirits care enough about you to find you again. However– *there is nothing that important, there’s nothing that the spirit tells you that can justify for any mistreatment you received.* Just because the spirit tells you that you were lovers in all your past lives (99.9% of the time, that claim is BS anyway), that doesn’t mean you should welcome them with open arms and accept that the spirit is doing this because “they love you”.

4. Your boundaries are repeatedly pushed despite warnings to stop.
No spirit who truly respects you should purposely push anything onto you. I have very mixed feelings on spirits who “test” you– but if they repeatedly touch you, talk to you, move things around, whatever, after you ask them to stop, it’s probably time to end the relationship. Respect is a two way street.

I know there’s the argument of: I want to be tested! But I’m not talking about that. I work with a goddess that’s known for putting people through intense situations so they grow, and I knew that before I went into it. Most cases aren’t like that.

5. *Your spirit family/guides/whatever flat-out tell you that this spirit doesn’t have the best intentions*.
I can’t believe how often this one is ignored. Yes, discernment should be used in these types of cases, but if everything is adding up and you have multiple spirits telling you that the spirit is doing shady activities behind the scenes, it’s time for them to go.

It doesn’t matter if you’ve had good experiences with them before–some spirits play nice to get you to lower your guard.

On the flip side, make sure that the other spirits just don’t like the entity.

Make sure to talk to your conjurer before you banish/rehome. As a warning though– there are conjurers who claim that the “spirit just wanted to help” or “this spirit still cares about you!” or otherwise invalidate your experiences. In my opinion, this isn’t acceptable for any conjurer to do because they were not there with you when working with the spirit.

And lastly, we need to discuss how to deal with a few with these spirits.

The most important thing. Do not give into any hatred or any other “negative” feeling when dealing with them. They feed off of that. As hard as it sounds, don’t panic, it only makes the situation worse. You’ll be fine.

A spirit isn’t super powerful just because they got through your wards– all wards have loopholes, and it could have even entered through an unwarded spot.

A spirit isn’t super powerful because they’re able to resist other spirits/spells. There are so many factors that go into this circumstance, and it’s so situational that I can’t even put a blanket statement on it. I’ve had a being resist a vanishing spell when I first started my path because it *walked into a far room of my house where it wasn’t very effected, then came back as soon as the magic lessened*. This gives the illusion that it’s super powerful, even though it’s just actually just smart.

Now, onto the actual methods.

I know this is going to be hard to hear– you need to do most of the work yourself, you are the one that the spirit is harassing, and you need to take back your space. You can do anything you want here– incense, cleanse, or beat the crap out of it. You need to force your intent into what you’re doing. Don’t stop. Persistence is key. It could take weeks if the spirit is really determined. Don’t just say to the spirit that it’s not welcome here (because it knows that by now, it doesn’t care), show it.

You may hear the spirit taunt/guilt you. Think of it as the “Exorcist” movie ordeal. Remember the scene where the spirit possessing the girl repeatedly attempted to get into the priest’s head and get him upset and angry? It’s like that. Ignore it.

Once you feel that the spirit is sufficiently weakened (replies are soft and ‘muted’), it’s time to send it packing. Again, do what ever you most feel comfortable with– force your intent for it to leave and never come back. Do this a few times if you want.

When you feel that the spirit is gone, take a break and do something you enjoy. Take your mind off of it. Don’t stress about the spirit coming back, because if you do, there’s a good chance that it might. Try and fix up your wards, and mend anything broken by the spirit, if anything. Cleanse.

This has always worked for me in the past– I hope this helps people who have this problem. Good luck!

You know I have a fancy WIP that I could probably post, but I think I’m just going to leave thYou know I have a fancy WIP that I could probably post, but I think I’m just going to leave th

You know I have a fancy WIP that I could probably post, but I think I’m just going to leave these here instead.

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huntersonthewing: askfordoodles:littlemissbloo:whitmerule:pardonmewhileipanic:red3blog:parhuntersonthewing: askfordoodles:littlemissbloo:whitmerule:pardonmewhileipanic:red3blog:parhuntersonthewing: askfordoodles:littlemissbloo:whitmerule:pardonmewhileipanic:red3blog:parhuntersonthewing: askfordoodles:littlemissbloo:whitmerule:pardonmewhileipanic:red3blog:par












It’s actually impossible to measure how many fucks a corvid give because there is no device sensitive enough to register such a tiny amount.

science/animal side of tumblr… explain to me the birb thing

Tail Pulling is a behavior noted in many corvids. The practical application is to create a distraction that will allow the birb to make off with the target’s food. Imagine being in the lunch room and a large fellow has a Twinkie you covet. You can’t just take it from him because he’ll defend his Twinkie. But if you thwap him on the back of his neck and then dash around to snag the Twinkie while he investigates, you stand a decent chance of enjoying spongey goodness. This is basically that in birb form.

Except corvids don’t only do this as a distraction. Sometimes they seem to just being doing it to mess with other animals/birbs. But to use my lunch room analogy, there are times you might thwap someone sneakily on the back of the neck just for amusement. Primates exhibit behavior that appears to be just be annoying other animals for amusement. Given how intelligent crows are, its not unlikely that this is a manifestation of an innate desire to just fuck with someone else for the fun of it. Such as this from the link above:



This speaks to me on a molecular level.

birbs just wanna have fun

Sorry to hijack a little, but to put it bluntly, corvids are also pretty BALSY. They are more than prepared to harass other huge birds of prey which could deal them a lot of damage. There’s plenty of cases of corvids ‘riding’ other birds as well. It’s often to harass the larger bird out of the area, but as @red3blog said, they quite often (in layman’s terms) enjoy fucking shit up for fun.

‘Where the hell is the seatbelt on this thing?’

I mean they deserve a medal for having such huge bird balls imo

Literally no fucks are given by corvids. Ever.

Still my Favorite. Birbs. EVER.

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out of curiosity, does everyone have a certain type of character they get attached to or are urs random




raccoons make no sense because they will leave your birdseed and garbage and garden and compost pile alone but they WILL open a barrel and pull out an empty 5 gallon gas canister and unscrew the lid and leave it in your yard and also untie the dog tether from your porch beam for no reason

one time I watched a raccoon pull up plastic tent stakes at a campground and just walk away, content with causing mischief

another time at camp I woke up to find a raccoon had grabbed the yarn that connected the string telephones my neighbor and I had strung up between our cabin windows and was just yanking on it… I grabbed one end and ended up in a tug-of-war over the string phone while this beefy raccoon pulled and pulled, hand over hand, making direct eye contact with me

and sometimes they’d sneak into cabins and just…. touch people while they slept

why!!! who said you could act like this!!!

god gave them hands but not shame

“Vxxllyr’s not a demon. He’s just a faun trickster perpetuating religious mythology. He’s dangerous,

“Vxxllyr’s not a demon. He’s just a faun trickster perpetuating religious mythology. He’s dangerous, but not as dangerous as he wants you to think he is.” - Ansel, undermining Vxxllyr’s attempt to intimidate. #faun #demon #demonwannabe #illusionist #tricksters (at Barcelona, Spain)

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A cursed mashup that shouldn’t have worked as well as it did


The conversation between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard had at the end of the trial has been leaked!

The transcript reads:

Heard: Johnny… Hey! Can you turn around and look at me?

Depp: (bows his head)

Heard: Let’s talk Johnny… Talk to me.

Depp: (Turns to his lawyer, and his lawyer shakes her head)

Heard: I have something to talk to you about.

Depp (with his head still down): I have nothing to talk to you about.

Heard: Please, look at me!

Depp: Good bye Amber.

Heard: Tell me something Johnny, do you still love me?

Depp: (Keeps quiet)

Heard: Do you still love me Johnny?

Depp (lifts his head, looks her straight in the eyes and says):

Amber, this might be the last time we ever speak, so please listen to me very carefully.

Culture is not your friend.


Terence McKenna chilling with Robert Anton Wilson and Rudy Rucker (Manuals of Evasion Movie Excerpt)

Manual Of Evasion LX94: Terence McKenna, Robert Anton Wilson & Rudy Rucker

chaos7: i…. drew this trickster aradia… because its super cute and you all know how little self cont


i…. drew this trickster aradia… because its super cute and you all know how little self control i have when it comes to super cute trickster designs…….. sorry i dont know how to draw strawberries though omg ??

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