#helen joyce


I’m posting this video from the 2021 LGB Alliance conference separately from this post about Dr Az Hakeem as it is really worth watching in its own right.

It covers a lot of subjects, including safguarding in schools, and sex and relationships education, and how these things have been hijacked by trans and pro-porn (ie, ‘queer’) ideology.

Dr Hakeem’s section starts at the 01:02 mark (and is less than 20 minutes long), and listening to him talk about his practise, it is really, really obvious that he is not ‘transphobic’ in any meaningful sense of the word (he also talks about the institutional homophobia of the Tavistock).

Dr Hakeem’s comments at 01:12 on sub-cultures are worth hearing too: his idea is that before social media, sub-cultures were based around music (Hakeem was a ‘post-punk goth’ as a teenager), and were about being rebellious and subversive; now instead of music-based subcultures, we have people identifying as non-binary, which is ‘goth, mark 5’:

Goth, mark 1 = post punk

Goth, mark 2 = The Cure

Goth, mark 3 = shoe-gazing

Goth, mark 4 = emo

Goth, mark 5 = non-binary

There’s also a surprise guest appearance from Baroness Emma Nicholson in the Q&A section at the end!

 I guess transphobes are running out of “arguments” because they’re starting to just say what they’v

I guess transphobes are running out of “arguments” because they’re starting to just say what they’ve actually been wanting to say this entire time- they don’t want you to exist. At best they want you to look the sex you were born as and pretend that you’re not trans. At worst they want it to be clear (beard and muscles while wearing a dress) so they know who to kill.

There are people like Helen Joyce using language that Nazi Germany used to talk about disabled people. “They need special help. (And that’s a burden.)”

There’s a “genocide pyramid” based on the patterns of actions usually taken before a genocide happens, and we’re just one step below the top.


It’s been time to treat transphobes as genocidal for awhile now. Nothing you say will sway them, so you have to push against them. (Be careful while doing it though.)

Alternatively if you can, I’d suggest moving to a progressive city where there’s a decent chance that you’ll have more allies than enemies. I feel really fucking lucky every day that all four of my grandparents just so happened to have wanted to move to the city I live in, and those who wave MAGA flags look extremely out of place among the BLM and Pride flags.

Edit: I forgot to mention- in that “documentary” that Matt Walsh made, he used a picture of a topless 15 year old trans boy. But by his logic he’s actually a girl. So to him and his audience he used a picture of a topless 15 year old girl.

Edit 2: I know this was strongly implied, but the trans boy had breast reduction surgery. I just wanted to clarify that before anybody asks why his boobs were out in public.

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