#help spel



Spell to Bind Someone from Causing Harm

You’ll need:

  • A photo of the person
  • Black ribbon
  • A glass jar with a lid

In a number of modern magical Traditions, a binding spell is done to prevent someone from causing harm to other people or themselves. This you can use the simple binding spell to metaphorically tie the hands of the individual who is presenting you or your loved ones with the threat.*

Wrap the photo with the black ribbon, knotting it 9 times. As you do, imagine the individual leaving you and your loved ones in peace, and say “You have no power over me, and I bind you from doing harm to me. You have no power over others, and I bind you from doing harm to others.”

Place the wrapped photo in the jar and put on the lid, then bury it on the north side of your home. It’s a person’s Behavior improves and you wish to release the binding, simply dig up the jar and I’ll grab the photo.


Daily Spellbook for the Good Witch: Quick, Simple, and Practical Magic for Every Day of the Year,” by Patti Wigington

* if you’re concerned that someone in your life may be self-harming, this spell should be used in addition to, not in place of, proper mental health counseling. Likewise, if someone has threatened physical harm to others, be sure to get law enforcement involved as well.
