#daily spells



Honeysuckle Spell to Dream of Love and Passion

You’ll need:

  • A red candle
  • 3 honeysuckle branches for Vines

Between the onset of spring and Midsummer, honeysuckle flowers are typically in blue. Their strong, sweet scent is associated with passionate love, as well as dreams and intuition. If you want to feel about your lover - real or potential do the spell at night, right before you go to bed. Try to do it on a Monday if possible. 

Light the candle besides your bed, and twist the honeysuckle vines around one another, being careful not to knock the flowers leaves. As you do, say “Sweet as honey, below and above, send me to the dreams of love. Show my lover’s adoring face, and wrap me up in my lover’s embrace.” 

Tuck the honeysuckle beneath your pillow, blow out the candle, and dream of your lover.


Daily Spellbook for the Good Witch: Quick, Simple, and Practical Magic for Every Day of the Year,” by Patti Wigington


Spell to Bind Someone from Causing Harm

You’ll need:

  • A photo of the person
  • Black ribbon
  • A glass jar with a lid

In a number of modern magical Traditions, a binding spell is done to prevent someone from causing harm to other people or themselves. This you can use the simple binding spell to metaphorically tie the hands of the individual who is presenting you or your loved ones with the threat.*

Wrap the photo with the black ribbon, knotting it 9 times. As you do, imagine the individual leaving you and your loved ones in peace, and say “You have no power over me, and I bind you from doing harm to me. You have no power over others, and I bind you from doing harm to others.”

Place the wrapped photo in the jar and put on the lid, then bury it on the north side of your home. It’s a person’s Behavior improves and you wish to release the binding, simply dig up the jar and I’ll grab the photo.


Daily Spellbook for the Good Witch: Quick, Simple, and Practical Magic for Every Day of the Year,” by Patti Wigington

* if you’re concerned that someone in your life may be self-harming, this spell should be used in addition to, not in place of, proper mental health counseling. Likewise, if someone has threatened physical harm to others, be sure to get law enforcement involved as well.


Broom Spell to Protect an Empty House

You’ll need:

  • A strip of white cloth
  • An old broom

No one likes to leave their home empty for an extended period of time. If you’re going on vacation, or if you are in the process of building or buying a home that’s sitting unoccupied right now, do this working to protect the site from intruders, vandals, and other mischief-makers. 

Tie the cloth around the broom handle, leaving a loop, and thoroughly sweep the front entry doorway, brushing any dust or dirt outside. As you sweep, say “No one’s here, no one’s home, or we’ll leave this house alone. Broom in the door both night and day, keep the troublemakers away!” 

Use the loop of cloth to hang the broom on the inside door knob. Close the door way, lock it behind you, and know your house will be undisturbed when you return.


Daily Spellbook for the Good Witch: Quick, Simple, and Practical Magic for Every Day of the Year,” by Patti Wigington

Journal Spell to Fight Your Fears

You’ll need:

  • A blank journal and a red pen

Do you ever wish you had more courage? Sometimes if we could only speak up, take that first step, or make a leap of faith, we’d feel better. A lack of courage isn’t something to be ashamed of, and it’s certainly something you can overcome with a bit of time and effort. This spell, which will take three weeks, should help you get focused and brave enough to make the decisions you need to.

Begin by making a list of what scares you on the first page - not the mundane things like spiders or heights, but the big, life changing issues, like Being aloneorMaking a new start. Once you have your list, turn the page. Each day, for the next 21 days, right the list again, but add the words I am not afraid of… in front of each item. Speak it out loud as you write.

After you’ve written your list on the last day, build a fire, burn the journal, and send away your fears for good.


“Daily Spellbook for the Good Witch: Quick, Simple, and Practical Magic for Every Day of the Year,” by Patti Wigington

Spring Wildflower Inspiration Crown

You’ll need:

  • A selection of wildflowers with stems
  • Ribbons in silver, purple, and gold

During the merry month of May, wildflowers are blooming all over the place. Why not take advantage of what’s available, weave flowers into a crown, and use it for inspiration when your creative juices are feeling blocked? Find a field where you can collect wildflowers undisturbed, and do this spell on a bright, sunny afternoon.

Gather up as many wildflowers as you can, and find a quiet place just sit. We’ve the flowers together into a circle, much like the Daisy chains you made as a child, until you have enough to sit comfortably on your head. As you are connecting the flowers, let your mind wander a bit, opening up to the issue at hand - in which aspects of your life do you need to unlock your creativity? Add the ribbons for a finishing look, and place the crown on your head, saying “Inspiration come to me, vision and creativity, ideas and insight flowing free, as I will, so it shall be.”

Relax in the field, enjoying the fresh air and sunshine, until you’re ready to go home. Thank floral crown over your workspace to help inspire you.


 “Daily Spellbook for the Good Witch: Quick, Simple, and Practical Magic for Every Day of the Year,” by Patti Wigington

Doing a quick catch up!

Been going to therapy lately and let me tell you that I should have gone years ago! I feel so much better even with the short time I have gone. I get so much out of talk therapy, I know it’s not for everyone, but I encourage you all to at least try it! Talk those feelings out, speak about your past traumas to someone who won’t judge you. it’s so nice!!!

Anyway!!! Back to my beloved schedule programming!!!


Midnight Sun Fortune-Telling Magic

You’ll need:

  • A bonfire
  • Any of the following herbs: sage, mugwort, heliotrope, tobacco leaf
  • A journal and a pen

In some areas, particularly those in far northern latitudes, June 22nd is celebrated as the day of the midnight sun. It’s the point in the year when there are 24 hours of light, and in a lot of magical traditions this makes it a perfect date to do a bit of magical fortune-telling. You may not live in a place that’s illuminated all day long, but around the time of the summer solstice, you’re getting plenty of sunlight, to do a bit of divination in the hour right before full darkness descends.

As a sunset beyond the horizon, lights your bonfire. Take a moment to get a good blaze going, then toss the herbs into the fire. Close your eyes, and breathe in the fragrance of all the herbs, all of which are associated with divination. Focus on the questions you have about the future, then open your eyes and look into the flames. What do you see? Shapes? Patterns? Figures of people or animals? Write down what you observe so you can remember it later. Once you feel like you’re no longer seeing anything new, allow the fire to go out on its own. Take some time to think about what you’ve seen, and how does images relate to your question.


Daily Spellbook for the Good Witch: Quick, Simple, and Practical Magic for Every Day of the Year,” by Patti Wigington


Cancer the Crab Spell for Social Success

You’ll need:

  • Rose oil
  • A glass of salt water
  • A dried bay leaf

June 21st is the first day of the zodiac sign of Cancer the crab, which is a water sign. Cancer is associated with both sensitivity and social skills, so if you occasionally feel awkward around other people, this working can help you overcome that. If you have access to salt water straight from the ocean, use it; if you don’t, make your own by combining sea salt with spring water.

Put three drops of rose up the rose oil into the salt water, then crumble the bay leaf and add it in. Stir the blend in a clockwise direction, and as you do so, say “Confidence and power, energy of the sea, I am self-assured and poised, and people listen to me.”

Before you enter a social social situation in which you will be expected to speak, anoint your wrists and throat with a bit of water.


Daily Spellbook for the Good Witch: Quick, Simple, and Practical Magic for Every Day of the Year,” by Patti Wigington


Summer Solstice Power Spell

You’ll need:

  • Gold or yellow paper
  • A purple pen or marker
  • String

The summer solstice, also called the Litha or Midsummer, falls around June 20th each year, although the date can vary. This is the longest day of the year, and in many magical traditions, it’s when the sun is most powerful. Full of blazing, masculine energy, the sun is a source of warmth and life. Why not spend some time outside enjoying it, and boost your own personal power levels? Do this spell at noon, when the sun is at the highest point in the sky.

Cut three equal-sized circles from the gold paper; the easiest way to trace a cup or a small plate. On each of the circles, use the purple marker to trace a spiral from the center to the outer edge. Take your time as you do this, saying “Power growing in the sky, power growing within me, power growing overhead, power growing strong times three.”

On each of the circles, draw your spiral a little faster than on the previous one. When you finished the third circle, hold all three up to the sun. Say “Power of the Sun, revitalize me, strengthen me, and make me grow!”

Poke holes in the circles, and use the string to connect them. Hang them in a sunny window as a reminder of your own empowerment.


Daily Spellbook for the Good Witch: Quick, Simple, and Practical Magic for Every Day of the Year,” by Patti Wigington


Luggage Protection Spell for Air Travelers

You’ll need:

  • Rosemary oil
  • A hematite stone
  • Your luggage tag

Got a trip on a plane planned this summer? Use the simple spell to make sure your luggage gets to the proper destination safely. Do one for each bag or the suitcase that you’re checking at the airport, especially if you have to change planes along the way. The energy of the sun can serve as a perfect magical booster. Do this working outside on a sunny day.

Poor the oil into a bowl and add the hematite stone. Hold the bowl in your hands and raise it up to the sun, saying “Watch over my belongings as I travel, protect me as I fly. May we arrive together safely, protect us in the sky.”

Dip your finger into the oil, and use it to draw an image of the sun on the back of your luggage tag to protect your bags in flight.


Daily Spellbook for the Good Witch: Quick, Simple, and Practical Magic for Every Day of the Year,” by Patti Wigington


Wrench Spell to Adjust Your Own Attitude

You’ll need:

  • A blue candle
  • A photo of yourself
  • A small wrench

None of us like to recognize that we’re being negative or cranky, but we all are at one time or another. It’s hard to admit, but sometimes we need an attitude adjustment. And what’s a great tool with which to make adjustments? A wrench! You probably have one in your home, but if you don’t, borrow one from a friend. When your mood improves, you’ll be glad that you did.

Light the candle, and wrap the photo of yourself around the wrench’s handle. Hold it firmly in your dominant hand, and say “An attitude adjustment is what I need, changing toward the positive in word and deed. Negative thoughts are going away, tighten up my attitude beginning today.”

Drip some of the melted candle wax on the edge of the photo to seal it around the wrench. Extinguish the candle, and place the wrench in a spot where you’ll see it regularly as a reminder that you’re making adjustments.


Daily Spellbook for the Good Witch: Quick, Simple, and Practical Magic for Every Day of the Year,” by Patti Wigington


Strong Sun Moon Spell to Sweeten Someone’s Disposition

You’ll need:

  • A photo of the individual
  • A brown paper lunch-size bag
  • A cup of sugar

June’s full moon is known as the Strong Sun moon, for obvious reasons. Falling right around the summer solstice, this full moon is associated with bonding are friends and family, as well as nurturing our gardens and souls. You can work on nurturing your relationships if someone in your life is a bit of a sourpuss. Use the spell to sweeten his or her disposition a bit. Do this working on the night of the full moon.

Place the photo in the bag, and pour the sugar in slowly. As you do so, say “Sweeten your life, sweeten your world. Take joy in all that life has to offer, and share your joy with others.”

Dig a hole under the tree or bush and bury the bag, sugar and all. The person’s mood and demeanor should improve substantially.


Daily Spellbook for the Good Witch: Quick, Simple, and Practical Magic for Every Day of the Year,” by Patti Wigington


Footprint Spell to Get Someone Out of Your Life

You’ll need:

  • Sea salt
  • Cayenne pepper or dried habanero flakes
  • Sulfur powder

Want to get someone out of your life who has been causing trouble? Some magical traditions use footprints as a link to the individual. You can do a bit of spell work if you know where the person has walked.

Blend equal parts of the three ingredients into a bowl until they are well mixed. Go outside to a place a person has walked, such as a doorstep or sidewalk. Sprinkle the mixture on the ground, walking backwards so you don’t step in it. As you do so, say “[NAME], stay away, [NAME], get out of here, [NAME], you are unwelcome.”

The person will no longer feel comfortable walking where you sprinkle the powder, and will learn to stay away.


Daily Spellbook for the Good Witch: Quick, Simple, and Practical Magic for Every Day of the Year,” by Patti Wigington


Father and Child Bonding Spell

You’ll need:

  • A red candle
  • A gold string
  • Two sticks, one to represent the father and one to represent the child

When Father’s Day rolls around on the second Sunday of June, take a few minutes to do this spell to bring you and father - or you and your child - closer together. You can do this working even if your father lives somewhere far away from you, or if he has passed away. Try to do this spell outside on a sunny morning.

Light the candle, and close your eyes for a moment. Think about how important the bond of father and child is. Hold one of the sticks in each hand, and raise them up to the sun, saying “Mighty sun, bringing life and light to us all. I honor you today, and honor the sacred masculine energy of fatherhood. I celebrate the men in my life, who have raised me, who loved me, and that I myself and raising.”

Bring the sticks together, and use the string to wrap them together firmly. As you do so, think about all the men who have made a difference in your life - and if you’re a father, consider how your actions and words impact the child you have brought into the world. When you’re done, extinguish the flame, and keep the sticks in a place where you can see them everyday.


Daily Spellbook for the Good Witch: Quick, Simple, and Practical Magic for Every Day of the Year,” by Patti Wigington


Sun Spell to Light Your Way

You’ll need:

  • A gold candle

Have you ever been outside in the dark in the middle of the night, when the moon and stars weren’t out to illuminate your path? It can be pretty frightening to stumble around with no idea where you’re headed. Sometimes we get lost emotionally or mentally, and that’s when a bit of metaphysical light can come in handy. In June, we have the longest days of the year as the summer solstice approaches, so it’s a perfect time for the spell. Start this working just before sunrise - you may have to get up pretty early to do it.

Sit outside, facing East, and light the candle. Make sure you’re in a location where you’ll have a clear view of the sun as it breaks over the horizon. As you wait for the sun to come up, say “I have wandered off my path, I have walked blindly in the darkness. Now I am ready to see where I am headed. I am ready for new journeys and new directions. I am ready to follow the sun and welcome the light.”

Repeat this as the sun comes up, and when the sun has risen enough to shine directly on you, extinguish the candle and be glad the daylight is back in your life.


Daily Spellbook for the Good Witch: Quick, Simple, and Practical Magic for Every Day of the Year,” by Patti Wigington
