
Me-Me wakes up right on time to say goodbye to Peri and Waddell as they leave in the early evening. Me-Me wakes up right on time to say goodbye to Peri and Waddell as they leave in the early evening. Me-Me wakes up right on time to say goodbye to Peri and Waddell as they leave in the early evening.

Me-Me wakes up right on time to say goodbye to Peri and Waddell as they leave in the early evening.

Melisa:Thank you for your help.

Prosperity:No problem. Call me if things begin to get overwhelming around here.

Melisa:I’m sure we’ll be fine.

Prosperity: Please listen to me because I’m worried. Kai will do any and everything for you and that boy. There’s nothing wrong with that, but it’s not sustainable over the long run. Being a parent, running a farm - it’s a lot. If he’s not careful, he’ll work himself into exhaustion. So please make sure he asks for help when you see that he’s doing too much.

Melisa: Okay. I will

Prosperity:Thank you!

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Peri can see why Kai is exhausted by the time she finishes. Craig passing down this farm to Kai is bPeri can see why Kai is exhausted by the time she finishes. Craig passing down this farm to Kai is bPeri can see why Kai is exhausted by the time she finishes. Craig passing down this farm to Kai is b

Peri can see why Kai is exhausted by the time she finishes. Craig passing down this farm to Kai is both a blessing and a curse. She’s glad that Kai finally listened to her and hired a gardener, but she’s still worried about him.

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Prosperity sends Me-Me upstairs as well. She can already tell that she will be spending a lot of timProsperity sends Me-Me upstairs as well. She can already tell that she will be spending a lot of timProsperity sends Me-Me upstairs as well. She can already tell that she will be spending a lot of tim

Prosperity sends Me-Me upstairs as well. She can already tell that she will be spending a lot of time around here helping, or else they will never get any rest. She and Waddell decide to support Kai and Me-Me by going out back and helping with some farm work. Waddell doesn’t have much gardening experience, but he does know a weed when he sees one. So he begins pulling every weed he sees while Peri helps out by fixing the broken sprinklers.

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Prosperity: Don’t be so hard-headed! Go back to bed so you’ll be ready to take care of your son whenProsperity: Don’t be so hard-headed! Go back to bed so you’ll be ready to take care of your son whenProsperity: Don’t be so hard-headed! Go back to bed so you’ll be ready to take care of your son when

Prosperity:Don’t be so hard-headed! Go back to bed so you’ll be ready to take care of your son when he’s up all night.

I guess you never get too old to be told what to do by your mother. And I’m not about to try and find out what’ll happen if I don’t listen. So I let her take over the dishwashing and go back upstairs.

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The cake is so good. I finish up way too quickly, then get up to start cleaning the dishes. Ma sees The cake is so good. I finish up way too quickly, then get up to start cleaning the dishes. Ma sees The cake is so good. I finish up way too quickly, then get up to start cleaning the dishes. Ma sees

The cake is so good. I finish up way too quickly, then get up to start cleaning the dishes. Ma sees me and isn’t too happy about it.

Prosperity: Let me do that, Kai! Get some rest.

Kai: I’ve got it, ma. I’m almost done.

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I wake up from my nap still feeling tired, but I’m not willing to sleep all afternoon. So I go downsI wake up from my nap still feeling tired, but I’m not willing to sleep all afternoon. So I go downsI wake up from my nap still feeling tired, but I’m not willing to sleep all afternoon. So I go downs

I wake up from my nap still feeling tired, but I’m not willing to sleep all afternoon. So I go downstairs to find a cake, already fitted with candles.

Kai:*to Me-Me* Did ma bring this?

Melisa: I think my dad made it.

I don’t need to make a wish because all of my wishes have already come true. What else could I possibly ask for? I blow out my candles and age up.

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Waddell spends his time downstairs while Peri gets to know her grandson. He loves Kai as if he were Waddell spends his time downstairs while Peri gets to know her grandson. He loves Kai as if he were Waddell spends his time downstairs while Peri gets to know her grandson. He loves Kai as if he were

Waddell spends his time downstairs while Peri gets to know her grandson. He loves Kai as if he were his child, so he can’t help but think of Wade as a grandson. But knowing that he’ll never actually father a child** still brings him some pain. Waddell has some things to work through before he meets Wade. He’s just glad that Peri understands.


Prosperity: Hey there, Wade. I’m your Gran, Peri. And I want you to know that I love you so much.


**link takes you to my WordPress website

(Full post available to read on my website)

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Buttercup Cottage

Another preview of the overgrown cottage build I’m working on. I really want to make this available for download once I’m finished but I don’t know if anyone would use it.

I’m so obsessed with this pack, all I want to do is build cottages all day. My only gripe is why no usable kettle!??? Hello!? Anyways :)

The English Farmhouse … Exteriors Available for Early Access now on PatreonPublic Release 12tThe English Farmhouse … Exteriors Available for Early Access now on PatreonPublic Release 12tThe English Farmhouse … Exteriors Available for Early Access now on PatreonPublic Release 12tThe English Farmhouse … Exteriors Available for Early Access now on PatreonPublic Release 12tThe English Farmhouse … Exteriors Available for Early Access now on PatreonPublic Release 12tThe English Farmhouse … Exteriors Available for Early Access now on PatreonPublic Release 12tThe English Farmhouse … Exteriors Available for Early Access now on PatreonPublic Release 12tThe English Farmhouse … Exteriors Available for Early Access now on PatreonPublic Release 12tThe English Farmhouse … Exteriors Available for Early Access now on PatreonPublic Release 12tThe English Farmhouse … Exteriors Available for Early Access now on PatreonPublic Release 12t

The English Farmhouse … Exteriors

Available for Early Access now on Patreon

Public Release 12th August 2021

Huge thanks to all cc creators ❤ @novvvas @aggressivekitty @pinkbox-anye @tububsubub @cowbuild @mxims @sanoysims @eniosta @hel-studio @sundays-sims @vintage-simmer and more ❤

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marsbelle:melody’s house don’t you love the cottagecore? this tiny pink cottage is a romanticized inmarsbelle:melody’s house don’t you love the cottagecore? this tiny pink cottage is a romanticized inmarsbelle:melody’s house don’t you love the cottagecore? this tiny pink cottage is a romanticized inmarsbelle:melody’s house don’t you love the cottagecore? this tiny pink cottage is a romanticized inmarsbelle:melody’s house don’t you love the cottagecore? this tiny pink cottage is a romanticized inmarsbelle:melody’s house don’t you love the cottagecore? this tiny pink cottage is a romanticized inmarsbelle:melody’s house don’t you love the cottagecore? this tiny pink cottage is a romanticized in


melody’s house 

don’t you love the cottagecore? this tiny pink cottage is a romanticized interpretation of western agricultural life with a lot of flowers and pastel palette, this is a dream cottage if you love tiny houses and the idea of living in harmony with nature. 

read the terms of use  

  • place it withbb.moveobjectson 
  • cc-free!  
  • 1 bedroom
  • 1 bathroom
  • 20x20 in windenburg
  • § 41.318

download:online gallery /free on patreon/sims file share
origin id:marsbelle

thank you@maxismatchccworld

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