#heres the good shit


You’ve always loved how professional wooden props look, but you have no idea where to start. Watching and reading tutorials is a great way to figure out how you’re going to make something. Take a peek at these projects and see what you can make of them:

Beginner’s Sword (all you need is a marker, a plank, a knife, and sandpaper):


Beginner’s Rubber Band Gun (it’s given by a little kid who uses mixing sticks and hot glue. It’s a great way to get you thinking about layering and open up your mind to different resources):


Keyblade from Kingdom Hearts (helps you get a handle on construction):


Sword of Altair from Assassin’s Creed (good for working on carving skills):


Functioning Wooden Crossbow (will help beginners transition into medium-skill carpenters):


Sword Template for Workshops (meant for seasoned workers, this provides an awesome guide for medieval-style swords):


What you’ll see again and again in here is the importance of planning your cuts, taking your time when you’re cutting and sanding, using primer, and patience. All the time you put into making wooden props will come back to you three-fold: they’ll be able to stand more abuse and will last much longer than most other props.
