#hero is so horrible



Interlude part 2: Hero Finds Out


CWs:child abuse (whumpee is 16), beating, guilt tripping, emotional whump, emotional abuse, verbal abuse, blood, injuries, gaslighting.


Sidekick didn’t sleep all night. When the morning sun broke through his window, the anticipation was painful. Any second, now, Hero would go downstairs to find Villain missing. And then what? Would he be able to claim innocence? Would it even matter? He would be in deep trouble, no matter what he did. He watched the minutes tick by on his alarm clock.

5 am.
He got hungry, but didn’t dare to move out of his bed. If he just stayed here, under the blankets, maybe he could delay the inevitable a little longer.

6 am.
He tried to remember how kind Hero had been last night. It was just like before Villain arrived. It would be difficult for a moment, but he was sure Hero would calm down eventually.

7 am.
He was probably going to have a terrible headache from the serum. Sidekick winced at the poor timing.

When he heard Hero scream his name at 8 am, he was flooded with relief and a nauseating fear. There it was.

He curled up tighter under the blankets, shuddering in fright, as he heard Hero storm up the stairs. The bedroom door hit the wall, and he flinched.

“Where the fuck is he?” Hero yelled, still wearing his pyjama and dressing gown. His curls were unstyled, which only made him look more explosive with anger. Sidekick sat up and pretended to wipe sleep from his eyes, like he’d just been startled awake.

“Wh-Hero? What do you mean, where is who?”

Hero’s dark blue eyes were alight with fury. His mouth was a tight line, and he stomped over to where Sidekick sat.

“Don’t you dare play dumb with me,” he hissed. “I can smell the guilt on you, and this is your last chance before I really get angry. Where is he?”

Sidekick held up his hands, and pressed his back against the bedroom wall.

“Please, Hero, I don’t know what you’re talking about! I haven’t done anything, I swear!”

He had to at least try to insist on his innocence. But just like he feared, that only made Hero angrier.


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