#hero x villain community


Short Prompt #790

“Ah… ACHOO!” - the hero sneezed loudly and rubbed at their noise. “Ugh… What the hell is that smell?”

The villain beamed. “My new perfume! Made specifically to irritate your allergies.”


Short Prompt #94

“Villain!” - the supervillain barked, clearly irritated. “Where the hell is Other Villain? You two were supposed to stay together!”

The villain gave them a guilty smile. “Ah, well…, about that…”

“You got into another argument, didn’t you?” - Supervillain grumbled accusingly, crossing their arms and looking down at the other, unimpressed.

Villain’s gaze fell to the floor. “Uh… Y-Yes, sir…”

With a long sigh, the master criminal waved them off and went looking for their other apprentice.

Short Prompt #789

CW: emotional breakdown, neglect/lack of support.

“I’m under too much pressure! I can’t handle this stress!” - the hero exclaimed, tugging at their hair as their breathing began to grow shallow.

Their mentor scoffed. “Stress? What stress? You don’t know what real stress looks like.”

Hero felt something ache inside their chest, tears brimming in their eyes at Mentor’s words. They wanted to argue, to yell, but didn’t have the strength.

So the hero simply ran.
