#hes just like me fr


mom can u come pick me up, shattered glass hurt my feelings again


ajin is a wild show, it literally addresses what would happen if immortals suddenly started existing and how they will be hunted by governments so they can be used in nuclear weapons testing, and the entire show is focused on this self centered asshole that is only worried about how he won’t get into medical school and become a respectable person, like imagine you find out you keep regenerating no matter how gruesomely you die and your first thought is “aw man my phd”

If Bruce actually starts to create the more sociable, playboy persona in the next movie, I’m gonna require that he’s emotionally drained by each event and just lies down like this:


What if you were dating a moth prince and living in his kingdom and he knew how out of place you felt so he made you dozens of silk dresses and blankets and gave you lots of fuzzy shawls and scarves so you wouldn’t stand out so much and always said you were so beautiful you were glowing and occasionally bump right into your face because it was a little joke and he would pretend you were a light bulb and give you tiny kisses


Literally in the house like Cory


actually dean should have been an angry crier


i was going to make a whole necklace then i came up with low quality jerma wine fancam

going crazy over the trivia section on tvtropes
