#high noon over camelot


oh my loves raise a glass

Ok this is technically late but godsdammit I wanted to do at least one day and these fuckers give me emotions

[Image ID: A rough sketch in blue monochrome of the Pendragon gang at a bar. From left to right Guinevere(an East Asian woman with messy short straight hair) sits on the bar with her back to the viewer and her face turned towards Lancelot(a black man with a sparse beard and a slightly receding hairline), who is sitting behind the bar facing the viewer and leaning on Guinevere’s knee. He is lifting a tankard as if about to take a drink but Arthur(a Mexican man with a loose braid) with has reached over his shoulder from his seat on the Lancelot’s right and put his hand between the cup and Lancelot’s mouth, in his other hand he holds a bottle of whiskey. Lance’s head is tilted towards Gwen, who is smiling affectionately at her loves, but he’s glancing back at Arthur with some mischief and a broad grin. Art’s head is turned towards the other two with a soft smile. All three of the Pendragons have lined faces and are beginning to go gray.]






[Image ID: A fanfiction titled What if we just… DIDN’T put dangerous scorpions on a space station?byquantumducky, tagged for the fandom: The Mechanisms (Band),High Noon Over Camelot - The Mechanisms (Album). It is marked for General Audiences, Gen (no relationships as the main focus) and complete. End ID]

ongoingart: High Noon Over Camelot, gouache on mountboard.


High Noon Over Camelot, gouache on mountboard.

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I just realized that Arthur’s gun in HNoC is called a Clarent ten caliber railgun. A ten caliber. X Caliber

Johnathan Sims you beautiful bastard


The Hanged Man Rusts (or oxidizes I guess)

(Click for better quality)

[Image ID: A digital drawing of Mordred from High Noon Over Camelot. He is a Black man with dark bro

[Image ID: A digital drawing of Mordred from High Noon Over Camelot. He is a Black man with dark brown eyes, and hair in short locs. He is facing the side and is crying which a shocked expression. He has two earrings, a nose ring, and a piercing on the bridge of his nose. He is wearing a grey waistcoat, a white shirt, and a red bandana around his neck. His face and clothes are covered in blood. His nose is bleeding and his lip is split. end ID] 

@mechsalbumweek Day Three: High Noon Over Camelot 

tell me dear brother, is this how you’ll rule?

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The Mechanisms at the O2 Academy in Oxford, 20th June 2014The Mechanisms at the O2 Academy in Oxford, 20th June 2014The Mechanisms at the O2 Academy in Oxford, 20th June 2014The Mechanisms at the O2 Academy in Oxford, 20th June 2014The Mechanisms at the O2 Academy in Oxford, 20th June 2014The Mechanisms at the O2 Academy in Oxford, 20th June 2014The Mechanisms at the O2 Academy in Oxford, 20th June 2014The Mechanisms at the O2 Academy in Oxford, 20th June 2014

The Mechanisms at the O2 Academy in Oxford, 20th June 2014

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‘Oh tell us Father Galahad, tell us!’ I hear you cry. ‘Is it piety, is it purity, is it virtue?’


The Hanged Man Rusts (or oxidizes I guess)

(Click for better quality)

Hold brutality near and release the coiled violence that’s inside of me

Occasion: Are you tired of being nice? Don’t you just want to go ape shit?

Source: Peacemaker, 2:04

[…] there stood an empty chair.

Occasion: That chair’s suspicious. Somebody definitely got interrogated here. Or there’s an invisible person tied to it. Or somebody was tied to it. Or-

Source: “The Hierophant”, 0:03

wouldn’t do that, preacher man.[ID: image 1: digital illustration of galahad from the mechanisms alb

wouldn’t do that, preacher man.

[ID: image 1: digital illustration of galahad from the mechanisms album high noon over camelot. he is a middle aged man in an old western preacher suit, with a flat wide brimmed hat. he is wearing reflective round glasses. he is holding a book in one hand while the other is holding up a finger, his mouth open as though passionately giving a sermon. image 2: screenshot of tumblr ask reading “ A2 galahad (during hellfire maybe??) for the color palette thing? “}

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 holy shit, once and future king fucks me up every time [ID: Mordred and Arthur from the mechanisms

holy shit, once and future king fucks me up every time

[ID: Mordred and Arthur from the mechanisms album High Noon Over Camelot. Arthur is kneeling with a shocked expression, his hand holding his chest, which has blood spilling from it. Mordred is crying and is holding a gun. ] 

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Hey. Hey you. Listen to High noon over Camelot by The Mechanisms. It’s not often I obsess overHey. Hey you. Listen to High noon over Camelot by The Mechanisms. It’s not often I obsess overHey. Hey you. Listen to High noon over Camelot by The Mechanisms. It’s not often I obsess over

Hey. Hey you. Listen to High noon over Camelot by The Mechanisms. It’s not often I obsess over an album for three years but when its King Arthur Western… in Space.

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