#hilda librarian

autumnalfallingleaves: Silly comic inspired by a post about Witches Stairs (that I’ll link to in a rautumnalfallingleaves: Silly comic inspired by a post about Witches Stairs (that I’ll link to in a rautumnalfallingleaves: Silly comic inspired by a post about Witches Stairs (that I’ll link to in a rautumnalfallingleaves: Silly comic inspired by a post about Witches Stairs (that I’ll link to in a r


Silly comic inspired by a post about Witches Stairs (that I’ll link to in a reblog because Tumblr has decided that it once again hates links) that had something about the witches in Hilda hating them added on that I thought would be hilarious to draw

This also doubled as perspective/architectural practice lol (and for that matter a version of the background in panels 2, 3, and 4 is under the cut because I’m quite proud of it)

reblogs are highly appreciated, and please do not repost my art

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airborneice: so this is the point where y’all realise i’ve actually lost my mind-centaur/mermaid au


so this is the point where y’all realise i’ve actually lost my mind-

centaur/mermaid au bc i just think they’re neat ‍♀️ johanna and hilda are merfolk - hilda looks a lil different to her mum but i’ll do another post for her - they moved to trolberg after their home in the ocean got destroyed. kaisa’s a unitaur but usually hides her magic to keep her being a witch secret (plus i can see her feeling a bit awkward about being a literal magical creature but not a ‘proper’ witch and finding it easier to just pretend otherwise) ..none of which is going to plan here :>

also this exists entirely because of @ewwgene-fitzherbert so you can all blame her for this <3

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airborneice:@the-hilda-librarians-wife @randomwords247 so that cinderella au might be living in my h



so that cinderella au might be living in my head rent free-

based on this post!!@randomwords247 did kaisa’s design and im just not immune to cute aus or pretty dresses :>

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so has ANYONE pointed out that now the owl house has a gay purple haired witch who works in a library with secret dark inner sanctums she has to sneak her well meaning but clumsy friends into?? because


Hilda definitely gets it from her mum

This is all I have planned so far, hopefully I’ll think of the rest soon!!

this started with me wanting to draw kaisa in a shirt I saw ashley wear on crit role and just&hellip

this started with me wanting to draw kaisa in a shirt I saw ashley wear on crit role and just…spiralled out of control from there. anyway y’all can’t tell me kaisa doesn’t have a blast dancing around to her music after hours at the library. or during hours. she does what she wants

special thanks to @ewwgene-fitzherbert bc I spent so long trying to draw the shirt design from my own terrible screenshots and complained abt how hard it was, and she found a full reference for me immediately <3

alt version under the cut bc I couldn’t make up my dang mind

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