#hisirdoux casperan x reader



you were my clarity, i swear

warnings: no capitalization, swearing, reader insert’s bare chest at one point gn tho, blood, dark humor, stabbing, minor character death, as in not a minor character but a minor death

a/n: you could say this idea possessed me haha not full texas accent but still some country sentence structures cus i’m trying to be more me flavored instead of palatable. ¡buen provecho!


PLINK! the sound of glass shattering pierced the quiet rhythm of the cauldron’s bubble. archie jumped at the sound. the bottle had slipped right out of douxie’s hands. its contents lay helplessly on the floor, contaminated and ruined for any further use. the five second rule doesn’t exactly apply to eye of newt and toe of frog. douxie didn’t hear the crash. transfixed, he numbly stared at the spilled potion ingredients. and as the inexplicable grief filled his heart, a few silent tears made their way down his face. archie rubbed against douxie’s legs as he braved himself over the cauldron, choking out a painful sob.

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warnings:swearing, beer

a/n: yoooooo it’s douxie day ✨✨


  • douxie’s not too into the significance of his birthday
  • at this point he’s just kinda meh about the whole thing. he is 900-something after all
  • well mainly he’s over the “getting older” thing
  • now having a free pass at being an attention whore? that’s another story
  • it’s Everyone Has To Be Nice To Hisirdoux Day, how could he not be into that?

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What About the Smaller Picture (6)

summary: california drive time and some conversation. start->(1)

warnings: food, swearing, sexual harassment mention, animal death, i say the word california so much it stops sounding like a word

word count: 1981

a/n: me trying my best to draw from the only experience of being in cali i have lmao oop feeder road is texan for, frontage road?



So. Turns out the nearest slor was only one state over, in Oregon. Checks out. There’s plenty of crazy shit in Oregon.

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What About the Smaller Picture (7)


Warnings: blood, catholicism, and animal death. in that order. misremembered information about the tree from 3below. im sure the slor needs a warning but im not sure what it would be

Word count:~1900

A/n: was gonna be having this as a longer chapter. but no my head hates me rn so whatever youre getting it in two pieces cus im trying to have a chpater out weekly but this one;s late 



[^^^ the best image my duckduckgo search yielded for wizard island at night for visualization or whatever idk]

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What About the Smaller Picture (7)


Warnings: blood, catholicism, and animal death. in that order. misremembered information about the tree from 3below. im sure the slor needs a warning but im not sure what it would be

Word count:~1900

A/n: was gonna be having this as a longer chapter. but no my head hates me rn so whatever youre getting it in two pieces cus im trying to have a chpater out weekly but this one;s late 



[^^^ the best image my duckduckgo search yielded for wizard island at night for visualization or whatever idk]

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