#hisuian sneasel



i wanna believe the reason ingos clothes are torn up is cause he cant say no to little gremlins

i feel like im turning my pla pokemon oc into an edgelord in my art, while in my head she’s really nice and sweet actually.

Oh her way to make some mayhem

I have collected so many sneasies. I’m gonna move them into Pokémon home and hoard them like a crazy cat lady

Evolution of the goblin drawing

Goblins Goblins Goblins…..

Showing my goofy-ass process a little with these derp children. I love the underdrawing/initial sketch it’s so jenk.

Progress progress progress

I started something…

Oh gosh, it’s contagious…

Mood mood Sneasel mood.

I have been in rough shape and I’m coping using my new favorite Pokémon.


My sneasel clan grows…..

Luck still going strong

Chaos baby Sneasel holds a special place in my heart

Making silly pokemon emojis :3

Feel free to use!

Just one more alpha Hisuian Sneasel and then evolve it and I’ll have the whole alpha Sneasel squad!

Oh, and I caught this in an outbreak.

Something a little different this time: showing off my current shiny alphas!

These were my first 2 from one massive mass outbreak!

From a regular outbreak.

First static spawn shiny alpha.

Second static spawn found right as a massive mass outbreak was ending.

Another static spawn while in a massive mass outbreak.

Was just flying around checking static alpha spawns and this was just chilling right next to the alpha Goodra in the Highlands.

Got this one in a massive mass outbreak.

Same with this one.

And finally, another static in the middle of a massive mass outbreak.

10 shiny alphas so far! Can’t wait to find some more!

And now, shinies. Again.

Went to a Grotle outbreak in a MMO and this guy was just chilling there with them.

And then…

Another shiny alpha!

Big girl.

Comparison with my regular shiny Sneasel.

And then this guy showed up in an MMO when “the horde has reformed”. Not alpha, but I’ll take it.

Shinies again!

Always pay attention to your surroundings, folks.

Just filling out pokedex entries and noticed it.

sneasel meets another sneaselalso happy valentine’s day :D

sneasel meets another sneasel

also happy valentine’s day :D

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