#hobby goals

Hobby Achievements in 2018I really haven’t posted many updates over the past few months. Moving hous

Hobby Achievements in 2018

I really haven’t posted many updates over the past few months. Moving house and a very busy time at work means that I haven’t really finished any projects since the summer. I should possibly post more WIP updates.

I’ve been a bit of a hobby butterfly recently, making good progress on a number of projects but not finishing anything. I was close to finishing my first unit of Ork Boyz but then had to paint my Adeptus Mechanicus for a tournament. I started on my Shadespire Skaven and then got attracted to the new Speed Freekz for Orks.

My hope is to finish off a few of these units that are nearly done in the first few months of 2019. I would also like to get a few more units of my Orks painted so I can take them to tournaments. I’m hoping for a fairly distraction-free year, but who knows what it will bring?!

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