#homophobia cw






“trans men don’t experience misogyny because they’re men thus cannot experience women’s oppression”

I hate to tell you this but even cis men experience misogyny if they step a toe over the line of what our incredibly sexist society sees as “proper” for a man. You really don’t think that a man with interests or expression the world sees as “female” aren’t treated with violence?

“would you say that of other privileged groups? do you think white people experience racism?”

I mean sometimes they do yeah. I know a white guy with monolid eyes and zero known Asian ancestors and he absolutely experiences anti-Asian racism on a fairly regular basis because people think he’s mixed Asian/white. I know a woman who was told throughout her life that she was Native as an adoptee with no known history or background who experienced incredibly violent amounts of anti-Native racism until she discovered as an adult through DNA test that she is 100% white. I know white people who tan incredibly dark in the summer comparatively that are constantly accused of being mixed race and experiencing racism due to that, usually anti-Mexican racism perpetrated against white people with Greek or Italian ancestors.

Their ability to make it stop by saying “hey, I’m white actually” only goes as far as the person enacting violence on them is willing to believe them. They still have to live with the trauma and physical scars from the altercations. We live in a racist world and thus there will be violent people who force all others to pass a whiteness test and eliminating or harming the rest.

Got an ask that I just block/deleted but it was basically “so you think cis people experience transphobia!?!?!?!?” and uh

If you think cis butches don’t experience both transphobia and misogyny and homophobia for daring to be women who break gender roles while still holding onto their womanhood you’ve sorely misunderstood just how bad butches have it in this world sorry. If you don’t think cis queens experience transphobia and homophobia and misogyny for daring to be men who break gender roles while being loud and proud about it and still holding onto their manhood then you’ve sorely mistaken just how bad they have it in this world as well.

Not to mention all of the cis men who wear dresses and skirts and makeup and nail polish and heels simply because they like them who experience all of these things. All of the cis straight women who simply just exist but something about them doesn’t pass society’s “woman enough” test, leading to them being caught in bathroom bills and sporting rules and being attacked by people who mistake them for being transgender or gay.

Just like how straight people experience homophobia to such a degree that they literally beat their children out of any potential deviance from rigidly upheld gender roles and let politicians make jokes on national TV about how they’d drown their pre-teen kids if they came out as LGBT. Do you really think a straight kid still figuring themselves out hears that and doesn’t internalize that homophobia? Doesn’t rigidly hold themselves to some impossible standard so that no one could ever possibly think they’re gay? You don’t think straight teenage boys who maybe don’t pass some bully’s straightness test are getting the shit kicked out of them for “being gay” when, surprise, they aren’t? You don’t think all those kids being attacked by their priests and coaches and teachers are being told “this wouldn’t have happened if you weren’t gay” when they’re literally not gay? Do you know how many straight kids had close calls at my school that famously expels all gay kids, because someone made up a believable enough rumor? Do you know how many of them still got their shit kicked in even though administration ultimately decided to let them stay?

All bigotry is violent and all bigotry catches people it doesn’t “intend” to and hurts them as well. It doesn’t matter what someone’s label is, or if they even have one. It matters if the person enacting the violence is doing it because their victim didn’t pass whatever “acceptable enough” test they didn’t know they were being subjected to.

Everyone is at risk. Oppression doesn’t care what your label is. Some people are more visible targets than others, and as a result those people are the more common targets. That doesn’t mean no one else experiences it.

My first post to reach 2k without people clowning in the notes I feel so proud


i feel like now is a good time to remind everyone that chris pratt is a creepy republican fundementalist christian that goes to a notoriously homophobic megachurch




What is or isn’t a slur can be highly contextual, y'all.

“Jonny Sims bummed a fag off my ma” doesn’t contain a slur, but “What are you, some kind of fag?” does.

“Queer studies”, “the queer community” and “I’m queer”? Not a slur. Some bigot calling you a “dirty queer”? Slur.

“Be gay, do crimes” and “He’s gay” ≠ slur, but “Ew, that’s so gay” = slur.

In conclusion, stop buying into this fucking “q slur” bullshit. Queer people talking about the queer community aren’t using it as a slur any more than a gay man calling himself gay is using that term as a slur.

Looks like its time for derogatory pepperoni again

That is actually hilarious, thank you for this addition

I swear to god, I’m gonna combust if I see a single post about the fucking homophobe Måns Zelmerlöw tonight.


I remember reading such a good heartfelt and intellectual essay about how Frodo Baggins is basically a perfect protagonist and it was absolutely correct but the one part I vividly remember is that there was a section about how he was put down a lot when the movies came out because he showed weakness and by 2001 toxic masculinity terms that’s inherently homosexual and the essay went on to be like “if going forward despite your pain and struggle because you’re kind at heart is gay, gay people should be proud to have him” and like I know what the real point here was but when I read that I was like cheers I’ll drink to that bro we gay people ARE proud to have Frodo Baggins


smth fun about being A Queer is when people try to be homo/transphobic to you and very confidently make a complete arse of themselves

terf quote tweeted one of newt’s selfies & now there’s people in the replies like “you’ll never be a real man!!” “if you’re a female who likes men then you’re het” & newt is… a nonbinary queer dating nonbinary queers… they are not a man and aren’t trying to be. they aren’t having sex with men and don’t want to be. 0/10. but points for effort!

This is a very real question: Have most terfs ever faced queerphobic violence in real life?

Cause like, I live in a deep rural area, and queer people do get our asses beat out here, which is why the concept of just excluding some queer people is so foreign to me. Like, are y’all aware that queer bashings still exist? Have you experienced it? Because I’ve not met a single queer person whose been beaten physically to the ground who still believes that people beaten to the ground for the same fundamental reasons as they were are somehow inferior.

I’m being serious, if a single hate-crime survivor who is exclusionary exists I’m curious how you came to the conclusion that the people who beat you are somehow more justified in beating someone else.
