#honestly idk


ok so ive been thinking how to put this into words for the last couple of weeks so um here it goes

the sims has been a game i’ve been playing for years now and i tried to make things better for myself and for others by sharing cc i’ve been learning how to make for the last couple of years but it came to a point it doesn’t bring me joy anymore. 

Not only thinking about making cc brings me anxiety but i’ve been feeling the contant feel like EA doesn’t care for the players anymore and it honestly made me lose interest for that game at all. 

I thought my last straw was Eco Lifestyle but when i saw the trailer for the new knitting SP i was really disappointed and honestly i felt disrespected as a player in so many ways i dont care to explain honestly. Im fully aware im not a consumer of this company because i play a cracked game. (i HONESTLY dont need to give explanations for this,,,,, but i live in a 3rd word country that buying the sims as i have it cracked it costs me more than 30k pesos) but i still have rights as a player and a custom content creator to demand a better game not only for my experience but for everyone’s too.

So anyways, i’ve never thought i would archive almost 15k followers in such a short amount of time and im grateful for every one of you, for sticking up with me while i was still learning how to make cc and textures, for reblogging, liking and using my stuff and interacting with me in any way.

I honestly will be forever grateful.

Im not deletig my blog because i still hold on to a little bit of hope that the sims franchise would spark that excitement i had for it before, and for you to have the platform open if you want to keep downloading my cc. 

I have rebooted my pc and uninstalled the sims, my mods, my cc, my tray files and my saves. I have deleted every wip, every edit, every done piece of cc. I honestly don’t want nothing to do with the sims anymore and its probably for the best of my mental health right now.

Honestly thank you so much for letting me be a part of this wonderful community even in its ups and downs. I hope you can still enjoy the game as much as i used to.

Feel free to use my cc and my meshes for anything honestly (not reuploading tho, thats not nice) i wont be using them anymore.

I might come back, i might be still posting ocassionally shitposting, who knows. This blog and my cc blog will still be open as well as my ask box.

i love yall and i will miss you

Holy shit

Holy shit I just came up with the best follow up headcannon on why Neil and Andrew don’t wear their wedding/promise rings on their fingers but instead hang it on necklaces/keychains:

Tilda always wore the promise ring the twins’ dad gave her, even if the promise was broken.

Mary and Nathan both wore rings, and rings hurt pretty fucking bad on skin.

Neil doesn’t want him and Andrew to end up like Mary and Nathan or Tilda, Andrew caught on these and agreed and thats why



boyfriend and girlfriend should be based on vibes not gender

tag yourself are you a boyfriend or a girlfriend

nobody in all of oz. no wizard that there is or was. is ever gonna bring me down.

nobody in all of oz. no wizard that there is or was. is ever gonna bring me down.

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