#horizon forbidden west spoilers



Kotallo: Reporting for duty, commander.

Yeah yeah, it’s not a thing, but I got tagged by a number of lovelies recently – @kittynomsdeplume@starsandskies@iarollane@crackinglamb@elveny – and I figured I will share a snippet of Kotallo x Aloy while I have a moment! 

It’s been a stupid busy week/month and I’m caught up in a bit of a family crisis, so I don’t think I will finish this chapter of Becoming Whole in time for the usual weekly update but I’m not working next week, so guess who will be in her writing cave for the whole week??? THIS GIRL.


Aloy blew out a breath and flexed her fingers as though she was winding down from a fistfight, then reached for his maimed arm. 

Kotallo held his breath as her hand approached him. Her fingers hovered over his skin, sending a ripple of goosebumps along his arms. Then, finally, she placed her hand on his shoulder. 

Her hand was warm. She ran her palm from his shoulder down to the end of the stump in a firm caress, and another spill of goosebumps lifted the hairs on his remaining arm. 

She lifted her other hand and encircled his bicep with her fingers. She smoothed her thumbs over the end of the stump — her hands, Aloy’s hands, warm and callused as they pressed into his scarred and crippled flesh…

He shuddered and looked away, and her hands went still. “Does it hurt?”

He swallowed the lump in his throat and shook his head. “I will tell you if it hurts,” he said gruffly.


Tagging back to the lovelies who tagged me, and tagging forward to @mythicaitt@iamcayc@ranaspkillnarieth@perhapsrampancy@johaeryslavellan@charlatron@alyssalenko and anyone else who would like to share!!

more tilda sketches bc i am obsessed

manipulative space lesbian milf girlboss with carrie anne moss’s face makes brain go brrrrrrrrrr. i wanna say more but god if you ever want want to play this game pls block spoilers and dont look up who tilda is bc fuck ME it had me screaming at several plot points.

i will be posting tagged hfw spoilers

Aloy’s old friends looking at her with unconditional love and adoration upon first seeing her in HFWAloy’s old friends looking at her with unconditional love and adoration upon first seeing her in HFWAloy’s old friends looking at her with unconditional love and adoration upon first seeing her in HFWAloy’s old friends looking at her with unconditional love and adoration upon first seeing her in HFWAloy’s old friends looking at her with unconditional love and adoration upon first seeing her in HFWAloy’s old friends looking at her with unconditional love and adoration upon first seeing her in HFW

Aloy’s old friends looking at her with unconditional love and adoration upon first seeing her in HFW is enough to keep me solar powered for the rest of the century

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Unless, like me, you miscalculate the glide section half the time and end up missing it.

Unless, like me, you miscalculate the glide section half the time and end up missing it.

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I liked this, gave both a really cool moment and a good reason for Hephaestus to still be running lo

I liked this, gave both a really cool moment and a good reason for Hephaestus to still be running loose for the next game.

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Sylens just hanging out in the workshop, giving everyone who tries to talk to him a highly superior

Sylens just hanging out in the workshop, giving everyone who tries to talk to him a highly superior and uninterested look.

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They really went after every item on the checklist of foreshadowing.

They really went after every item on the checklist of foreshadowing.

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The final quest was a bit average and both Regalla and the Zeniths could have been utilised better,

The final quest was a bit average and both Regalla and the Zeniths could have been utilised better, but overall I’m very impressed by the quality of the quests. I was also really glad to see that there wasn’t a reset to before the final mission this time, I spent the whole credits hoping for that.

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I really liked Fashav! It made me so sad when he had to get killed off T_T The guy made such an impa

I really liked Fashav! It made me so sad when he had to get killed off T_T The guy made such an impact despite only being in the game for like 5 mins. I like to believe him and Kotallo became friends during their years as Marshals together, having good conversations and exchanging stories of their cultures and past over a game of Machine Strike or a good drink. 

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“… what about Kotallo?” “Ah, now there’s a man that can hold his liquor. Pretty sure we downe

“… what about Kotallo?” “Ah, now there’s a man that can hold his liquor. Pretty sure we downed half a keg. We had a good chat. I think.”

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