#hort of bloodbrook


Rambles on Hort/Hophie

back on this blog to randomly ramble and tbh, coming from someone who sorta shipped hophie when she first read Book 1, then hated it, the appeal of the entire ship laid in the fact that Hort was so awkward but sweet. Initially, I thought that if Sophie had been less stuck on getting a prince it could’ve worked.

Once Hort got hot in Book 3 and got a personality downgrade is when the ship took a turn for the worse because whatever aspects of Hort were lovable were taken away, and book after book I always found myself rooting for him to go back to his Book 2 self: awkward, a bit quirky, but all around, someone who had somewhat noble aspirations. I never felt particularly attached to him, and always felt he was overrated, but I can say that when I reread AWWP, I really think he was sweet.

And if Soman had stuck to this awkward personality, but conventionally attractive physique from Book 3, it would’ve worked for him, because think about it: Hort had been awkward all his life, how do you even act when suddenly people think you’re hot? It would’ve been on character and it would’ve made him more likable.

Another reason he’s so nice to me in AWWP is cause he is concerned about his dad getting a proper burial, and trying to make a friend. He has other “motivations” outside of Sophie, and it actually makes him out to be more “realistic”. Had he stayed like this, and maybe gotten self esteem, he would’ve been a great character!

And from a shipping standpoint, it would’ve worked, because Hort would have his own persona outside of Sophie, who genuinely cares for her, as a person, and not just as an object of his affection. It also would’ve felt more organic, because maybe they could’ve been friends, or something along those lines, and Sophie could have seen him for who he was too.

I don’t really know where this came from, but Awkward and Sweet Hort from Book 2 was very nice, and i wish he wouldn’t have gone away :(


In my opinion tlea Hort was one of the worst. Not only did he lose all of the amazing qualities that made him loveable in the first two books and start acting like an annoying “bad boy”(tho I can get why he sometimes acts the way he does but still) but… *sigh* HE BECAME FRIENDS WITH HIS FATHER’S KILLER??!! His father who meant so much to him and whom he was always desperate to make proud! I can’t believe that the boy who was willing to KILL for his father and who hated Tedros so deeply because he was jealous forgave Peter Pan, who was the reason why Hort became an orphan at the age of six… and he did that because he felt he was better than Rafal for forgetting all the things Peter has ever done to him… wtf that doesn’t make any sense, Hort was willing to do anything for his dead father how could he even… Listen, you shouldn’t desire revenge so much that your grief and hate make you miserable, I understand that. BUT IT DOESNT MEAN THAT YOU HAVE TO BECOME FRIENDS WITH YOUR DAD’S KILLER! There’s a difference between working on your trauma and accepting your dad’s death and making friends with the person who CAUSED your trauma. AND there’s a difference between just working together and befriending each other plus “making a blood oath to mutual respect”. Like I loved his and George’s relationship wtf happened here? Then it got ignored in all the other books and he completely forgot about it. Also. Why would Merlin even pair a poor traumatised after George’s death boy with George’s killer in the first place? He said it was cause the old heroes knew the villains well but I’m sure that Hester knows more about her own mother than some random kids and Hort knows Hook very well cuz his dad worked for him. Old man wanted some drama I guess then. Anyway, I think that was the moment when I realised that Hort’s character changed for the worse. His arc literally revolves around making his father proud, Soman, you can’t just do a complete 180 and say “o well this boy doesn’t want revenge anymore because he’s better than that” like NO this is the guy who very much remembered all the awful things people have done to him and wasn’t going to forgive anyone. Hort, even if he was a sweet kid most of the time, was still a never so it makes sense that he was so hateful towards Tedros, Peter Pan and Sophie in the second book. Him forgiving Peter is NOT character development, it was just out of character and stupid.


When I first started to read QFG I was hoping that Hort would become an actually important character and help Agatha and others navigate Igraine cause he’s father was a pirate and he literally said in the “Who would want a Hort?” chapter that he wants to change his life and become a hero. And there was also a pirate crew that included the children of other pirates from Peter Pan? And I thought he’d help his classmates on their adventures on sea and that could’ve been how he and Nicola became friends! But then the only thing we got were some lines about him remembering Thiago and then nearly getting killed by him. I want more honestly. Show me a pirate Hort that actually does something important for the story(that doesn’t have anything to do with Sophie) and no love triangles please.

Yes please!! I can’t say he ever was my favorite character but I always was rooting for him to have a more interesting character arc.

He was so underused, and he could have had a story more interesting than just being part of a love triangle. Especially because by like ACOT you realize Hort barely even has a personality.

I loved sweet, dorky Hort who was somehow evil but meant well! I wished that whatever happened in TLEA to him had just been temporary and not his new like, personality????


  1. tedros as ‘this city’ by sam fischer because camelot basically broke him and he called it home but honestly it did so much shit to him.
  2. agatha as ‘july’ by noah cyrus because she didn’t want her and sophie to change and go to sge and she was mistreated by the village, they all thought her a witch.
  3. sophie as ‘moral of the story’ by ashe because she ‘fell in love’ with so many people through the series and thats like her main motive for doing things because loads of people fucked her over
  4. hort as ‘ruthless’ by marmar oso, his whole sophie and nicola thing and because he probably sees himself as a ‘nice guy.’
  5. hester as ‘achilles come down’ by gang of youths. i actually have no explanation for this it just feels right.
  6. anadil as ‘no more happy endings’ by weird inside. although there are no lyrics the creepy ambiance radiates anadil vibes.
  7. dot as ‘sharpener’ by cavetown.(tw)it’s mainly about being ashamed how you look and shit like that and dot really struggled with that ealier on in the series and stuff :/.
  8. nicola as ‘talk to me’ by cavetown. (THE COMFORT SONG MWAH) anyways. there’s a lot of talk about how you don’t have to be the best to be happy and i think nicola could hear that and relate.