#tw body negativity


Redoing this cause the rational part of my brain was like….yeah way too many creeps on here to keep that last BC up. Plus I look so gross so…yea

normal > sucked in > normal > pushed out

I’v had some joint pain for a year or so now in my knees, there’s usually only pain on my period though, and now my wrists, ankles, and elbows hurt too. I have calorie restricted for many years because of bad body image and relationship with food so i’m worried I have osteoporosis. I’m autistic so I have texture sensitivity issues with vegetables and fruits, I try and have as balanced a diet as I can but I also take multivitamins.

My logic was most of the food I eat is high calorie and processed so I should just eat less so I don’t be even more unhealthy and not put on weight. Because my mum has been dieting for years and it’s ingrained in my brain to lose weight even though I know diets don’t work and i’m being fatphobic to myself??  So my eyesight got blurry, I got constipated, my periods stopped, I got weaker, fatigued, my hands and feet were cold, I couldn’t sleep without aid, and my joints began to hurt.. And then I googled calorie restriction and found out all my symptoms were caused by my disordered eating.

So I’ve been eating more, enough to get my hands to be warm and my symptoms have got better. My eyesight has actually got less blurry. But now the joint pain is getting worse. My periods are trying to come back and I think this is a period of low eostrogen so the pain is worse  but that means it’s just masking the pain that’s always there, right? I sent an e-consult asking for advice and the doctor thought I was asking for a sick note? ?

Has anyone had experience with this before? I’m so scared to talk to me doctor about it because my experience with untreated chronic pain has left me with no faith in them. I’m so scared and in pain


  1. tedros as ‘this city’ by sam fischer because camelot basically broke him and he called it home but honestly it did so much shit to him.
  2. agatha as ‘july’ by noah cyrus because she didn’t want her and sophie to change and go to sge and she was mistreated by the village, they all thought her a witch.
  3. sophie as ‘moral of the story’ by ashe because she ‘fell in love’ with so many people through the series and thats like her main motive for doing things because loads of people fucked her over
  4. hort as ‘ruthless’ by marmar oso, his whole sophie and nicola thing and because he probably sees himself as a ‘nice guy.’
  5. hester as ‘achilles come down’ by gang of youths. i actually have no explanation for this it just feels right.
  6. anadil as ‘no more happy endings’ by weird inside. although there are no lyrics the creepy ambiance radiates anadil vibes.
  7. dot as ‘sharpener’ by cavetown.(tw)it’s mainly about being ashamed how you look and shit like that and dot really struggled with that ealier on in the series and stuff :/.
  8. nicola as ‘talk to me’ by cavetown. (THE COMFORT SONG MWAH) anyways. there’s a lot of talk about how you don’t have to be the best to be happy and i think nicola could hear that and relate.