#hospital aesthetic




A gender related to Mikan Tsumiki and her aesthetic. Fict comes from fictional, Aestheti comes from Aesthetic or Aesthetigender (aesthetic based genders).

Those who identify with this gender may feel he align with Mikan’s aesthetic, have a bit of gender envy from her, or feel like she represents a bit of their gender. They may also feel like their gender is related to soft colours, hospital aesthetics, nursing equipment and first aid.

The flag is made up of mikan’s main colours, pink for her dress, purple for her hair and white with a red stripe for the nurse’s apron she wears

hospitalbedz: I’ve seen a lot of people do these hospitalglam things so I had my mom take a photo of


I’ve seen a lot of people do these hospitalglam things so I had my mom take a photo of me for it

Image description: a blond agender person in a hospital bed connected to an iv and heart monitor, they are making a peace sign with their fingers

Post link

There is a lack of medcore items so I opened a store
