#hs rose


Thank you for 200+ followers!!!

[Mod Em: I can’t believe I’ve reached 200+ in less than a month- that’s really amazing! So in thanks for that, feel free to send in drawing requests!]

[The requests should be homestuck related, this is a homestuck blog after all (ship requests are welcome too). I am also free to refuse a request if I’m uncomfortable with it!]

[I’ll close my inbox around 12pm EST, thanks once again for 200+ followers!]

Happy Halloween! Rose is a vampire! (we all know who loves vampires)

ROSEMARY FOR THE VALENTINE’S DAYYYYY (i don’t care if it’s tomorrow, everyday it’s valentine’s day if there’s rosemary)

Rose Lalonde and the Magic Cue Ball

Rose Lalonde and the Magic Cue Ball

Post link

my blog had been blocked for spam since weekend :c i even thought it was deleted at all… this got me depressed and concidering to start art insta, or even twitter (though i don’t like it) just to not fall out of online life.
here is some Rose fighting injustice and bad hackers~

tool: PS

almost forgot to post her here!!! whoops

almost forgot to post her here!!! whoops

Post link