#hu tao x reader


❝ celebrate your very special day with your significant other! ❞


. albedo + arataki itto + beidou + childe + diluc + eula + ganyu + gorou + hu tao + jean + kaedehara kazuha + kaeya + kamisato ayaka + kamisato ayato + keqing + kujou sara + ningguang + raiden shogun + sangonomiya kokomi + shenhe + thoma + venti + xiao + yae miko + yoimiya + zhongli x gn!reader

. headcanon (written) ; 1.7k

. established relationship au ; fluff

. birthday voice lines

. yay, it’s my birthday! well… in three hours. and guess what? it’s jean’s birthday, too! i haven’t written in a while, so why not give a headcanon as a present to myself.


. he sketches you all the time, but hasn’t gathered enough courage to show you them. for his gift, it’s a portrait of you smiling and laughing. you begin to tear up of how beautiful it is, to which he confesses that the first time you expressed those emotions there was when he fell in love with you.

. not one normal person would gift you onikabuto and miss hina trading cards, but you appreciate his efforts nonetheless. this year, he takes you to a cliff where he holds a talent show with his gang. as he’s about to perform his birthday song, the tenryou commission appears to chase after the two of you. it turns out the cliff is private property, and he didn’t see the signs.

. celebrations are always lively at her ship. her connections with wanmin restaurant and liquor merchants allow her to prepare a feast just for you. as it’s your special day, she’ll let you be captain, giving you permission to sail wherever you want to go. you and her crew know too well that she’ll go all out on the drinks and become too drunk to handle her duties.

. just for one day, he doesn’t want to do anything related to the fatui so he can spend time with you in peace. throughout the dinner with you and his family, the both of you sense a presence outside, excusing yourselves to take care of “business” — agents from another organization who you took down a while ago. maybe some celebrations aren’t meant to be peaceful after all.

. romantic dinners are the best dreams to come true; no need for extravagant parties. having one at the balcony of dawn winery, with candles burning brightly and each person holding wine in one hand, you make a toast with your significant other to another good year ahead. afterwards, he’ll take you to the living room, dancing to each other’s heartbeats.

. as she had celebrated her birthday alone in the past, she isn’t used to someone else holding her hand and being dragged around the city, spewing laughs for such a special day as yours. when you ask her if she wants to stop, she shakes her head. when her special day comes, she wants to feel free with you.

. working all day and night, she didn’t find time to buy you a present. instead, she bakes you a qingxin flower cake, and a messily attempt at that. yet she hides it behind her back, thinking that you won’t appreciate it. you happen to see it, which makes you want to try it. she sighs in relief to hear you say you really like it, and now she’s obligated to bake one for you every year.

. you didn’t think it’s possible for someone else being more excited than yourself in celebrating your special day. the morning of, he’ll hunt for fresh fish and crabs at the beach. at night after his patrol, he’ll prepare a banquet in front of a bonfire, rousing sparks of jealousy. they wish to be dedicated and loving as the general for their future significant others.

. it’s not the spooky season yet, but she never fails to bring its energy to everyday life, and your birthday is no exception. after her shift, she takes you to wuwang hill just to stargaze, which she keeps on insisting. you don’t trust everything she says, but you still get pranked by her, using her ghost to disguise as her to make you think she’s “gone”.

. the guildmaster has many hidden talents, and one of which is singing. she gets embarrassed if someone hears her sing. everyone assumes that you did, but that’s a misconception. for your birthday, you finally hear her for the first time in forever after annoying her for so long. to your surprise, she really has a nice voice.

. being the poet that he is, it’s no surprise that a haiku will be his gift. yet every single time he recites one, you fall in love with him all over again. he doubts his creativity in this one in particular but you insist that it’s the best he’s ever made so far, thanking him with a kiss. you would’ve never thought to see him so flustered.

. for someone who talks a lot to charm his way into someone else’s affairs, he greets you with a few words and a sliver of a smile. he doesn’t want to ruin your special day. but how can that be if he’s the reason your life has gotten so much better? as soon as he feels your reassurance, he reverts back to being a tease. your special day won’t be special without him.

. she manages to find out your birthday from the housekeepers in advance so she could make your gift extra special. she initially thinks that an expensive one would be suitable to your liking, but begins to have second thoughts. she decides to take you to chinju forest, a place not too far from the estate and where she’ll perform her fan dance.

. (kind of?) salty that his retainer chose to spend his birthday with the traveler instead of him and his sister, he doesn’t give you the liberty to act on your own today — he wants you for himself until then. while he pampers you with his peculiar cooking, you think of ways to fool him to escape. however, outsmarting him won’t do, because he’ll catch you in the end anyway. send help, aha.

. learning an important lesson from the traveler to rest every now and then, she requests time off from work for the first time in a while to make you a present. she gives you a lantern which looks ordinary, but it runs on electro energy and stays lit indefinitely. she tells you that it serves as a reminder of her being an extra light in your life, and you in hers.

. spending the majority of her time tending to her duties as a general, she’s unsure how to celebrate birthdays other than her own properly. on yours she immediately skips the formalities and goes straight to the point by asking you if you have a birthday wish. not only will she grant you one, but five, her lucky number. it’s cute that she’s trying her best, and you happily accept her offer.

. when you first started working under the tianquan, you were intimidated by her presence. once you get to know her, she’s a generous and kind lady; for instance, giving you a super expensive gift for your birthday. they’re brocades, which you can use to make your clothes. as someone who has never learned how to sew before, she’ll gladly teach you how to do it.

. ah, don’t mind the shogun; she won’t hurt you! the electro archon finally accepts that time goes forward and she must go along with it. ever since the cataclysm, you celebrated alone, but now she’s at your side with a bundle of tricolor dango in her hand. it’s the modern age of inazuma, where the both of you can pursue eternity in a different way together.

. as expected of the resident strategist of the sangonomiya resistance, she has already planned out everything for your birthday, even noting the possible changes of the weather. one thing she hasn’t done since the war is swimming at the pools of the island, so she takes you there for a dive in the morning. the shrine maidens are glad to see her having fun as she sprays water at you.

. her master tells her about the importance of birthdays and also notes that humans in particular highly appreciate materialistic things. as someone who isn’t really fond of them, she takes you to her favorite place in the world — the mountains, where you can see the beautiful view of the sky. her way of celebrating your day is way better than any physical present.

. he’s friendly… too friendly. he practically invited the entire city, recommending them to bring any of their signature foods and drinks for your celebration. you told him you wanted a small party, but never mind that; he worked too hard for this. oh, yeah! a party hosted by thoma isn’t one if the hotpot game isn’t included, which is quite dreadful to say the least.

. despite not being an experienced baker, he attempts to bake a cake for you because someone once told him that you’re supposed to eat one on birthdays. it’s apple-flavored, his favorite! an amateur in baking, the cake doesn’t look like an actual cake — more like an apple pie. regardless, you did enjoy it. in addition, he allows you to request to have him sing a song as you eat.

. he doesn’t celebrate birthdays because he doesn’t understand their concept, stating that they’re redundant. yet he still gives you a gift before going off on your journey — a butterfly emblem created from leaves. he says it’s an adepti amulet that staves off evil. so no matter where you go, the object will protect you from harm every step of the way.

. she isn’t a big fan of celebrating such festivities because people would merely come to her for her blessings instead of using their time for other things, as their visits disrupt her leisure time. since you’re her significant other, she’ll give you special treatment (for a minute before kicking you out of the shrine). she won’t admit it, but she’s happy to see you and wishes for a fruitful year ahead.

. she’s the definition of lively… and disastrous. you’re still unsure whether lighting up fireworks is a great idea because she got caught by the tenryou commission (again) for “illegal activity”. however, that doesn’t stop her from making you the best birthday present ever. as she begins to light up the fireworks, you could hear the footsteps of the soldiers trying to contain the incoming chaos.

. as old-fashioned as he is, he gifts you a dried glaze lily. he says that it bears the beautiful memories and prayers of the nation. afterwards, he connects it to another story of a god whose eyes fell upon the love of their life, and then a field of glaze lilies bloom. unbeknownst to you, it’s about you and him, when the two of you first met.


. (if your url is in bold, that means i can’t tag you!)

@aibiito;@aqualesha;@blissmal;@bluexiao;@bokutosworld;@dreamiehrs@help-wtf-am-i-even-doing;@lilikags;@pastelsicheng​ ; @philosopher-of-fandoms;@shxnosuke;@sleepyyangyang;@stage-lucida@sucrosia;@sunfloweritea;@wworkaholic@xriin;@yeetmeoffjueyunkarst;@yunzuha

hELLO!! im sorry i didnt really post anything here, ive been busy T-T anyways, theres a big lack of hu tao in this community, maybe its bc she was just released eheheh im finally a hu tao haver!! i hope yall get lucky with the pulls as well, hu tao is so cool…. anyways, i hope yall like this, im super uncreative with titles tbh and also, dont be afraid to request me!! i had a huge art block until today,,, then i read hu tao’s story and i was like I NEED TO WRITE SOMETHING

warnings: near death experience ig? but that’s it

word count: 720 

soulmate au; where time stops for a few seconds when you first touch your soulmate. 

gathering herbs was never an easy task, but it was necessary.

as a healer and a bubu pharmacy employee, it was quite normal. it came with the job, after all. so, here you were, walking around in the eerie abandoned village in wuwang hill. although it was daytime, the fog and darkness in the region made it hard to see things from a distance, making you walk around helplessly as you looked for some violetgrass. 

you didn’t particularly liked being here, but it was your job. the mysterious atmosphere made you quite scared, especially as you were completely alone, since qiqi went to mingyun village to gather her share of herbs. maybe if i had a soulmate, they could come with me, you thought. soulmates existed, but they weren’t quite that usual. maybe one in a hundred people had soulmates, at least in liyue. 

they said time stopped when you first touched your soulmate, quite literally. and that’s how you knew someone was your soulmate — you just had to touch them.

just thinking about it made your heart flutter. having a soulmate who could help you when you’re scared seemed like a good deal. this hill was scary, and the feeling of not being able to see things properly made you anxious. if anything were to appear, like a hilichurl, you knew it would be hard to defeat it. you were a healer, not a fighter. it simply wasn’t really something you liked or enjoyed, so you didn’t really try to learn anything beyond the basics.

you suddenly hear a noise, snapping you out of your thoughts. it was something moving in the grass, but it was too foggy for you to identify what it was. there was something nearby, and you knew it. you looked around, finally spotting a silhouette.

as you reached for your weapon, the silhouette disappeared. the next thing you knew, you were on the ground. 

you opened your eyes, whining in pain. now that it was closer to you, you could see it was a cryo whopperflower. you turned your head in fear and looked for your weapon, but it had been knocked out of your belt and was now laying on the ground, far away from you. even if you managed to get your weapon, it wouldn’t be of much use, since your hand and ankle hurt a lot from the fall.

as the whopperflower prepared itself for its next attack, you closed your eyes. is that it? you thought, the sudden realization hitting you. is this how i die?

suddenly, a warm breeze meets your skin. after a few seconds, you open your eyes, only to see the cryo whopperflower on the ground, defeated. you look around, finding a girl with brown hair with red tips.

she turned around to look at your frightened self, giving you a smile. she wore a hat with a symbol you knew you had seen before, and, as you digged through your mind to find out what it was, realization hit you. she was the director of the wangsheng funeral parlor, hu tao, as the hat indicated. you had heard of her, mostly from baizhu, who seemed to be always annoyed at the director’s persistence to give qiqi her final rest, but you had never really met her. 

“hey there! what were you doing wandering around wuwang hill? it can be quite the dangerous place, you know…” hu tao stopped her sentence, looking at your injured hand. 

she walked towards you, and then lowered herself, as if to check the injury.

“t-there’s no need to check, i’m a healer, i can just-” you said, holding your injured hand with your other hand, but stopped suddenly as she touched you.

a weird feeling made its way to your heart, and the wind seemed to stop blowing. hu tao felt that too, as you both looked around, only to find that everything was frozen in place. the grass, the leaves of the trees, even the animals in the area. you looked at hu tao, and she looked at you, both with widened eyes. 

and, as you looked into her crimson eyes, time seemed to be back to normal, just as fast as it froze. yet, you couldn’t notice a thing. 

you could only stare in surprise as she smiled softly.

“i’ve been waiting for you.”

this series will only be updated when im sick

part 1

this could be platonic or romantic idrk i share beds with my friends all the time

im sick and cranky and over worked so im listening to the magnus archives (episode 139 as of now) while writing this

ayaka manages to wake up in the weirdest positions bc she moves so much in her sleep.

itto snores. so. LOUDLY. but the trick where you kick the person and then they stop snoring doesnt work on him. he kicks you back and continues shaking the house with his snoring. 

hu tao farts in her sleep. she’s lactose intolerant but couldnt care less/forgets all the time (#relatable) so i think you can come to your own conclusions with that information…. ew. 

the raiden shogun (ei) sleeps with her eyes open. she never actually “sleeps”, but its easier to describe how she rests as sleeping. she goes into REM with her eyes open and its the scariest thing you will ever see in your entire life.

ganyu basically falls off the bed because she refuses to be anywhere near you. dont take it personally, she’ll just lose her mind if you guys make any sort of physical contact.

yun jin is part of the snoring/sleep talking club! honestly you dont mind at all (if you do SHAME ON YOU jkjk unless….) her snoring is basically like singing idfk how she does it but her nose can sing???????? dont question me this is my account not yours

kokomi sleeps for 2 hours and then stays up for the rest of the day. somebody help her plz just let her SLEEP

gorousleeps with his tail between his legs because it bothers him when his knees touch 


beidou’s arm will randomly move and smack you in the face. it stays there for the rest of your night and she doesnt know that she does it. 

kaeya is a sleep hugger but to the point where its sO ANNOYING he has such a strong grip and you literally cant move at all. if you move as much as a centimeter, he will hug you impossibly tighter. kaeya scares me

razor falls asleep in the bed and always manages to make it onto the floor. he literally could sleep in the middle of the bed and manage to wake up face first on the floor.

i just- im miserable. poor me nothing is worse than this this is the worst thing thats ever happened to anyone ever… obviously.
