#hvitserk x ofc



Vikings Fic: The Keeper of Fragile Things   ||    Hvitserk x ofc

Happy Birthday, @adrille88​ ! You are the bees knees, my love. One of the truest hearts in this fandom, and one of the nicest. I hope your day has been wonderful and full of the love you deserve. Please accept this gift from me to you, a little piece as a follow on from that prompt fic from a while ago, Moon Take Thy Flight. I hope you enjoy this.

Thank you, @serasvictoria​ and @istorkyou​ for reading over and finding the clunks. 

Hvitserk x ofc

Fae people AU

CW: none, little bitta magic, little bitta sorcery, little bitta cheeky. Because that’s how fae!Hvitty rolls. 

The Keeper Of Fragile Things

It always comes out of the blue. Every single time. She knows he has a hard time adjusting to the life she takes for granted, that he finds it difficult to live among the cords and electromagnetic fields and gently whirring ticking buzzing machines. So she understands why he runs, but understanding doesn’t mean it’s easier on her.

Sometimes she finds it hard to calm her heart when she wakes alone in a bed, the spot where he lies now cold from the loss of the internal furnace that’s unmistakably him. He’s warm like a wildfire, different to his brother who ignites on cue but with the cerulean flame in his eyes that she has no fear of now. No, it’s internal, uncontrolled, innate, part of him wholly, like the twining roots of her heritage that circle her limbs and anchor her to the ground like a tree. 

Sometimes, at night, when it’s just them, the fire he ignites in her spirit comes close to how he feels against her skin: an intense, intoxicating warmth she can’t get enough of. He says it’s normal, it’s how The Mouth Breathers fall under his spell, how they can slip between worlds without a care or a blip in their moments, but she thinks it might just be magic.

Keep reading

Thank you so much! I was so surprised and literally tearing up seeing this and the sweet things you said, and it means so much. I can’t wait to read this!
