

Inside Buzludja (feat Burial ‘kindred’)

we picked up Murdoch from Sofia Airport and over the next couple of days slowly drove to the mountains. we briefly stopped at Shipka, a monument on top of a mountain that is a proud point in their history were Bulgaria fought off the Serbs (?) and the Ottomans. tourists of all ages were here, it was very busy with people proudly enjoying the view in all directions but this one - no one would even look in the direction of the enormous crumbling UFO shaped building on Bulgaria’s highest mountain, Buzludja

ignoring roadblocks and warning signs, within in an hour were finally at this building i had become obsessed with for the last 2 years because of this post. for a while after that it had become the Holy Grail of Urban Explorers around the world

we scratched around the building and could find no way inside. any entry had been bricked up or sealed off with thick metal bars. for about an hour we thought of a few ways to get inside, but none would get us inside the dome. 

i was a little disappointed and a little pissed. we had driven for days to get here. i threw a bit of a tantrum. bashing on walls, throwing bits of wood, kicking rocks. as i kicked one rock away i threw my foot down on a sheet of wood that was laying underneath it and i fell through the ground

landing balls first to the ground, huge scratches up my bloody leg and metal rod millimetres from ripping through my calf, but i was nothing but pissing myself with excitement - i had found a hidden passage inside

it was a 5 metre drop straight down into the basement. we drove into the nearby town to get rope, braved dirt-faced street urchins in the Lidl car park, approached a nearby lodge about accommodation but after 2 minutes of talking to the manager inside and looking at the decor realised it was a hunting lodge for a militant fringe white pride political group and by the time we decided to camp in the forest near to the HQ it was sundown

while the boys set up camp and cracked open the €4 bottle of Lidl vodka they had come to love so much, i couldn’t wait and walked back to UFO alone

it such an impressive, brutal and intimidating building that i would have converted to communism right there. they knew what they were building here. it has an awesome and sinister power as you approach it. i have not seem anything like it

the next morning as we approached clearly equipped to get inside, there was a young couple and their infant son standing outside. they were locals and thought it better to talk to them an assure the we weren’t there to cause damage - and i’m so glad we did

the father spoke english very well and unlike any other bulgarians wanted to talk about the place. he used to come here as a child. it was like Scouts but compulsory for young bulgarians to be initiated in ceremonies held here. the building was largely ceremonies and most of the time went unused. he couldn’t fully describe how beautiful it was back then, but assured us many times how amazing it used to be inside. it is now a part of their history they do not want to remember, so they refuse to look at it and wait for it to crumble. they wished us good luck and we busted inside

the rest you can see here.

except this:

i had been waiting a long time. the few opportunities i had were either the wrong time or just didn’t have the impact i wanted. when i got the Irish Elk alone inside the dome, after a few minutes of him wide eyed and bewildered by all the beautiful decay, i called him over to me, wrapped my arms around him and for the first time told him 'i love you’. it’s not a big deal for most people, but it sure is for me. i almost never say it. i only say it when i mean it. we had known each other for 12 years and been together 6 months. any son of a bitch can say it at a restaurant or at sunset. for me it to be somewhere fucking amazing that no one had or ever will say something to him like that again.

it was a big deal for him too because it scared the shit out of him. “oh fuck,” he said as two bearded men just kissed underneath the giant hammer and sickle, “i don’t think the commies were expecting this”

so why the fuck am i posting all this? partly to boast and gloat, but also when i’m hooking i try to show guys the best possible time i can and in return i don’t blow the cash i earn on new shoes or getting fucked up or pissing it up the wall. i don’t waste it. i spend it weird as fuck holidays and experiences like this

Nikola Tamindzic, Fatima Al Qadiri, 2014I shot Fatima Al Qadiri for Sasha Frere-Jones’s New Yorker c

Nikola Tamindzic,Fatima Al Qadiri, 2014

I shot Fatima Al Qadiri for Sasha Frere-Jones’s New Yorker column.

Fatima’s Asiatisch is coming out on Hyperdub on May 5.


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