#i already cant stand them skjhks



the first thing chungha thinks of is that this girl is so familiar.

she can’t tell how or why but the thought never leaves her. it becomes an annoyance to her, nagging at her. it was on the tip of her tongue but her brain couldn’t get a grasp on the thought fully. chungha hates it when memories escape her. they only come in incomplete flashes that do nothing to bring her closer to the answer.

this typically results in chungha staring at her for extended periods of time lost in thought.

eventually chungha opts for just asking rather than driving herself mad with thought. she takes a seat next to the younger girl. her eyes furrowed even as she readies the question. she hoped her brain would make a last minute slam dunk and hit her with the memory. she had no such luck. she might as well ask.

“do i know you from somewhere?”


     as the hours pass by, it grows harder and harder for heejin to ignore such pointed stares.

     really, any other time, being so eye catching wouldn’t necessarily be something that bothered her to the extent that it does now she’s been in the public eye many times throughout her life, her time during the mgas subjecting her to the gazes of far more than she can count off the top of her head, so the nerves that come with public displays have long since ceased to make themselves known.

     maybe that’s why the older woman’s gaze puts her on edge so much. normally, she’s able to read others faces pretty well, but chungha is different. all she does is stare, expressions flashing on her face only briefly, far too brief for heejin to fully grasp while trying to participate wholeheartedly during their practices.

     when they finally do speak ( at the shorter womans start ), heejin isn’t sure whether to be grateful the looks have eased a tiny bit or nervous that they’re now this close. “idon’t know..?” her tone is so unlike her, hesitant as she speaks. “i was on tv around a year ago, so maybe you saw me there..?
