#˚ ♡ ‧₊˚✧ › t i go


。˚∘ i go ;


tv? no there was no way. the flashes of memory she got didn’t seem like television. chungha shakes her head. if it were on television then she definitely would have known (right?). “what were you on tv for? i don’t think it’s that….” but maybe it would be a step in the right direction.

even if chungha couldn’t really grasp the memory fully, she can recall certain things. she remembers it being chilly. if it was on television then she wouldn’t have been cold. she would have been snuggled up to meiqi if that were the case. therefore, she couldn’t even think of being chilly. (and admittedly she probably wouldn’t have been focusing much on the television if she was on meiqi for warmth. her girlfriend was distracting.)

chungha narrows her eyes. she can’t pull anything else from the glimpse. “no it’s definitely not television….it was cold.” so she must have seen her in the street or something. “do you busk by any chance? were you performing in the fall?” it was the best guess chungha had at that point. why else would she remember feeling cold?

     the older womans denial causes her brows to raise, chunghas strong insistence doing fairly well to convince heejin that what she’s saying must be true, and that alone is something she finds odd. sure, random encounters while going about your days on the streets can happen, but unless heejins memory was suddenly beginning to fail her, she can’t seem to remember a time where they’d have met that would leave as strong an impression on her as the older woman seemed to recall.

     “it was for last years season of the mgas i was in the runner up group. that’s actually where i was offered my contract,” she answers, brows beginning to furrow just the tiniest bit. in her mind, her appearance then seemed to be what people recognized her now the most for, but if the show brought no more memories to the surface, they must have met even before then.

     “i’ve never busked before, so that’s not an option” now she’s starting to get annoyed, not with chungha, but with her own inability to remember where they could’ve possibly met. “maybe during an event that took place in the winter since you said it was coldor” it’s then that her mild frown relaxes a bit, head tilting. “have you handed out flyers?


the first thing chungha thinks of is that this girl is so familiar.

she can’t tell how or why but the thought never leaves her. it becomes an annoyance to her, nagging at her. it was on the tip of her tongue but her brain couldn’t get a grasp on the thought fully. chungha hates it when memories escape her. they only come in incomplete flashes that do nothing to bring her closer to the answer.

this typically results in chungha staring at her for extended periods of time lost in thought.

eventually chungha opts for just asking rather than driving herself mad with thought. she takes a seat next to the younger girl. her eyes furrowed even as she readies the question. she hoped her brain would make a last minute slam dunk and hit her with the memory. she had no such luck. she might as well ask.

“do i know you from somewhere?”


     as the hours pass by, it grows harder and harder for heejin to ignore such pointed stares.

     really, any other time, being so eye catching wouldn’t necessarily be something that bothered her to the extent that it does now she’s been in the public eye many times throughout her life, her time during the mgas subjecting her to the gazes of far more than she can count off the top of her head, so the nerves that come with public displays have long since ceased to make themselves known.

     maybe that’s why the older woman’s gaze puts her on edge so much. normally, she’s able to read others faces pretty well, but chungha is different. all she does is stare, expressions flashing on her face only briefly, far too brief for heejin to fully grasp while trying to participate wholeheartedly during their practices.

     when they finally do speak ( at the shorter womans start ), heejin isn’t sure whether to be grateful the looks have eased a tiny bit or nervous that they’re now this close. “idon’t know..?” her tone is so unlike her, hesitant as she speaks. “i was on tv around a year ago, so maybe you saw me there..?


。˚∘ i go ;

the mention of the mgas makes chungha twitch her nose. although no that’sdefinitely not where she knows her from, at least it was an interesting tidbit of information to know about the younger. knowing the show, it must have been the summer and she must have been a trainee since its conclusion. so it meant she was within her first year of training and with such a great opportunity too. lucky. “who did you sign with?”

(with her luck the girl will say kt)

she did seem a bit young so the lack of busking checks out. and there tends to be less and less busking as the weather turns cold so the chances of that being remotely accurate was abysmal as well. and it bothered chungha to no end. where did she know her from.

“you’re too cute for it to be a random encounter. i’m decent with remembering faces but not without something happening you know? did i help you find your way or–” ah. the girl says it. immediately it clicks in to her head. that it must have been flyers but now the issue was which time?

she had joined kt in november so it had already turned frosty. and that would have been embarrassing if it was that. but she had also joined sphere in the frost of february. maybe even if it had been during her time in kt, the girl didn’t remember. how many people actually kept those flyers that they handed out? “yeah i’ve handled them before.” she hoped they could just brush past that and avoid the discussion of which company it actually was.

“that was such a long time ago. who would’ve thought we’d end up right back here? wow.” it brought a lopsided smile to her face. gone was the furrow in her brows “sometimes the world feels so small after all.”

     for as great a memory as heejins, it irks her to no end how she’s unable to really recall a single moment when she and the older woman might have crossed paths in the pass. obviously, it hadhappened she barely knows chungha, but simply judging from their current initial interaction, heejin sees no real or concrete reason for the older to make up something so trivial but was brief. it amazes her, then, that chungha can remember, even if only a little ( that’s more than heejin can say for herself ). “in the end, it was trc that wanted me.” even now, the sting of royals disinterest in her is still present, even if small.

     she lets the older get her thoughts out silently, and while she doesn’t respond, her compliment makes heejins cheeks warmer for only a moment.

     that warmth fades almost as quickly as it had come, replaced with brief recollection. if her own supplied moment was right, judging from the wheels she could see turning in the older womans mind, then there were now at least a few points of meeting that could be narrowed down now even further. she wasn’t someone who received flyers very often, and knowing that this was all centered around the colder months, heejin could slowly begin to piece things together from the depths of her memories.

     “it really is strange” she can’t help but with a small grin of her own, thinking back. “before, and even a little after i was signed, i was so headstrong about royal that i didn’t really give other companies as much of a thought. maybe that’s why i didn’t remember as well as you did me.” heejin was a stubborn girl, but she was even more so a year ago. “kinda dumb now that i think about it.”
