#i am still laughing at this








If I ever see any of you in public, the code is “i fill my ass with orange juice”

that way we know we’re from tumblr without revealing anything

I’m just going to say this to strangers until i find a tumblr person


must keep reblogering!! Im going to be so suspicious if any one tells me this now!

Remember the answer is: ”17 cocks”


always reblog tumblr identification

this post makes me want to gouge my eyes out

im laughins so hard who changed it


No seriously the edit function has been gone for years who did this

olderthannetfic:kateosaurus-rex:tallahasseemp3:help So this showed up on Twitter andAnd here’s that olderthannetfic:kateosaurus-rex:tallahasseemp3:help So this showed up on Twitter andAnd here’s that





So this showed up on Twitter and

And here’s that linkyou’re welcome

It’s making the rounds everywhere, but in case you haven’t seen it…

Post link
crackwhoresaresneaky:I think this is one of the best jokes in Schitts Creekcrackwhoresaresneaky:I think this is one of the best jokes in Schitts Creekcrackwhoresaresneaky:I think this is one of the best jokes in Schitts Creekcrackwhoresaresneaky:I think this is one of the best jokes in Schitts Creek


I think this is one of the best jokes in Schitts Creek

Post link




I love going viral on tumblr.com. It’s like if you stood in a field and said some of the stupidest shit a human being is capable of and then like fifty thousand crows attacked you

Don’t do this to me

my brother in christ you made the post




everything is never as it seems

hey Op, do you accept criticism 

i DO accept criticism but i WILL cry


Things the Fellowship has argued about

  • What name to call Aragorn
  • What name to call Gandalf
  • What to call their meals. Boromir thinks, if it is eaten at dinnertime, regardless of whether it is the first meal of the day or not, then it is dinner. Sam thinks it isn’t proper to call the first meal of the day dinner. Aragorn suggests they combine the two words but now everyone is fighting over whether it should be called breakfast-dinnner or dinner-breakfast. The fight nearly becomes physical
  • Whether Legolas or Gimli is winning their daily argument with eachother
  • If hobbits are regular sized and everyone else is really big, or if everyone else is regular sized and hobbits are small
  • The same as above except with horses and ponies
  • If Gimli’s beard is real or not. This one started as a joke between Merry and Pippin but then Legolas saw how mad it made Gimli and so continues to bring it up
  • Inter-hobbit fighting about whether it is called pot-ae-toes, pot-ah-toes, or taters
  • “Can Legolas really talk to trees, or is he just fucking with us?” Aragorn and Gandalf refuse to weigh in on this
  • Whether the Ent-draught caused Merry and Pippin to grow or if they just did that on their own. This fight is Pippin vs. Everyone Else
  • Whether the non-hobbits of the Fellowship would be Tooks, Brandybucks, or Bagginses. This argument is unintelligible to most of them, although Gandalf has the knowledge to be offended when Pippin suggests he would be a Took.
  • “What would happen if someone ate the ring?”
  • Fights over whether the elves, the dwarves, or the hobbits tell the story of the reclaiming of Erebor most accurately. Even though Gandalf was there, he just shrugs when anyone asks him
  • Which variety of pipeweed is the best kind. Merry threatened Gimli to a duel over this one
  • Who gets next watch





Man I love vine and I’m gonna miss it! I’m totally jumping on the bandwagon but hey why not? Here is some of my favs!

Bless these human beings for simply being alive and living life. 

Treasure trove

Vine had pure chaotic energy that tiktok just cannot match and I miss it so much





i would buy officially licensed tumblr shoelaces staff really missed out on a golden opportunity with their new merch store

tumblr is a site that, by tradition, you do not discuss using in public, let alone plaster on your body. however the subtlety of shoelaces combined with the comedy of the Bit would make that specific item worth it


We’re exclusively selling them to the president. If you want them you’ll have to get them the hard way.





star wars is best in an animated format simply because they never have the budget for loose hair and that’s how you get tons of female characters with short/no hair

these are designs you just don’t get in live action or higher budget animation. not a beach wave in sight

Because all their loose hair budget was spent on that one loose strand of Obi Wan’s hair that defined my sexuality that gets animated in the later seasons.

Well of course Obi-Wan’s lock of hair gets lovingly animated. He is the Disney Princess of the group. He deserves some hair porn shots after the crap Dave Filoni Anakin puts him through


women are like diamonds: synthetically-produced women are not meaningfully different from naturally-formed women, and anyone trying to tell you otherwise is probably trying to justify keeping their women mines open


Booty shorts that say this



I have mixed thoughts on sex work. I love sex, but I hate work!

“Yeah, we hate seeing you work too!”





If your modern Javert Derailed AU doesn’t feature him downloading the Reddit app in a fugue state and posting, unedited, the longest and most controversial inquiry r/AmItheAsshole has ever seen, dni

This is the funniest Les Mis shitpost I’ve seen in a while

Why is this not on the post itself???

Im crying rn

#someone funnier than me needs to come up with the post title

“AITA for pledging myself to the law?”
nd then you see the post preview & the first sentence is like “The criminal fugitive (62M) who for 17 years has evaded justice and hounded my (52M) existence has just saved me from being executed by college students”


vine legends just randomly popping up on tiktok gets me every time

words-writ-in-starlight:stinson-png:This was funnier in my head.  If this was funnier in your head I



This was funnier in my head. 

If this was funnier in your head I have no idea how you’re still alive because I’m fucking dying.

Post link