#i am terrified



What I think I look like:

What I actually look like:

the problem is that like. it’s really common for cis people to think that transmascs identify as masc/men so that we won’t be subject to misogyny anymore when that’s not even remotely true.

like every single transmasc i know is well aware of the fact that they’re not going to get to stop being the target of sexism just because they changed their identity? reproductive and sexual health issues that affect cis women will continue to affect afab trans people, especially bc a huge number of us will never be able to physically transition. we will continue to “pass” and be read as women, with all the consequences of that. sexist sentiments will materially harm us, as will transphobic ones, because we’re still trans. there is literally No social benefit that we’re going to magically gain by identifying out of womanhood. but it’s very convenient and desirable for cis women, especially, to act like afab trans people are traitors to their sex class, because it essentializes us down to our genitals + agab + cis women never want to confront the fact that they may have material privilege over non-cis people. when terfs talk about ‘desisting’/‘detransitioning’ — weaponizing the stories of trans people with fluid gender identities and complex transition stories — when they fearmonger about permanent damage to bodies due to hormones/surgery, when they pick out young afabs online to groom into their poisonous ideology; the targets are trans & nonbinary people. we must be groomed and radicalized into this culty crab bucket so we don’t realise or action our transness or depart from the gender binary in any way. terfs have an outright, murderous hatred of transfems and a slow, treacherous loathing for afab trans people where they will abuse us to the ends of the earth mentally and emotionally and socially so that we don’t dare to be trans. there is nothing non-violent about this, they do not like us and their sympathy for us is entirely fake and it is designed to remove us from existence in one way or another.
