#i dont even go here

nanons:You can dream of me tonight, I’ll allow it.CHERRY BLOSSOMS AFTER WINTER (2022), Episode 6nanons:You can dream of me tonight, I’ll allow it.CHERRY BLOSSOMS AFTER WINTER (2022), Episode 6nanons:You can dream of me tonight, I’ll allow it.CHERRY BLOSSOMS AFTER WINTER (2022), Episode 6nanons:You can dream of me tonight, I’ll allow it.CHERRY BLOSSOMS AFTER WINTER (2022), Episode 6nanons:You can dream of me tonight, I’ll allow it.CHERRY BLOSSOMS AFTER WINTER (2022), Episode 6nanons:You can dream of me tonight, I’ll allow it.CHERRY BLOSSOMS AFTER WINTER (2022), Episode 6nanons:You can dream of me tonight, I’ll allow it.CHERRY BLOSSOMS AFTER WINTER (2022), Episode 6nanons:You can dream of me tonight, I’ll allow it.CHERRY BLOSSOMS AFTER WINTER (2022), Episode 6


You can dream of me tonight, I’ll allow it.

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noahreids:olreid: Billy Tillerson in Outer Range. I love him, and I love this show. Hope y’all are enoahreids:olreid: Billy Tillerson in Outer Range. I love him, and I love this show. Hope y’all are enoahreids:olreid: Billy Tillerson in Outer Range. I love him, and I love this show. Hope y’all are enoahreids:olreid: Billy Tillerson in Outer Range. I love him, and I love this show. Hope y’all are enoahreids:olreid: Billy Tillerson in Outer Range. I love him, and I love this show. Hope y’all are enoahreids:olreid: Billy Tillerson in Outer Range. I love him, and I love this show. Hope y’all are enoahreids:olreid: Billy Tillerson in Outer Range. I love him, and I love this show. Hope y’all are enoahreids:olreid: Billy Tillerson in Outer Range. I love him, and I love this show. Hope y’all are enoahreids:olreid: Billy Tillerson in Outer Range. I love him, and I love this show. Hope y’all are enoahreids:olreid: Billy Tillerson in Outer Range. I love him, and I love this show. Hope y’all are e


olreid:Billy Tillerson in Outer Range. I love him, and I love this show. Hope y’all are enjoying the first couple of episodes of this strange metaphysical western on @primevideo. And if you haven’t seen it yet, don’t be a silly goose. Get in.

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m-oshun: Netflix Castlevania Dracula is the most requested character I’ve gotten, I hope he is everym-oshun: Netflix Castlevania Dracula is the most requested character I’ve gotten, I hope he is every


Netflix Castlevania Dracula is the most requested character I’ve gotten, I hope he is everything you dreamed

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snakewife:snakewife:here are some facts about this sketch:1. as a smaller person who frequently spoo



here are some facts about this sketch:

1. as a smaller person who frequently spoons a larger person, i believe Azu can and should be the little spoon

2. that is sasha’s a) comfort knife b) comfort paladin c) comfort capitalist d) comfort other paladin

3. Yeah Grizzop is sharing one pajama set with Hamid. It’s sensible.

4. Yeah Hamid is sharing one pajama set with Grizzop. It’s cute.

By popular demand of my heart, please enjoy Hamid and Grizzop being cute and sensible (respectively).

As the larger person referenced, I am pleased to see more tiny person as big spoon representation.

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chibigaia-art:pov you enter a boss arena for the fifth time without realizing it’s a boss arenachibigaia-art:pov you enter a boss arena for the fifth time without realizing it’s a boss arena


pov you enter a boss arena for the fifth time without realizing it’s a boss arena

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do the spiderverse kids all have. slightly different meme cultures

miles: look I can fit my whole fist in my mouth

gwen:freaky flexing. but alright


miles, through his fist: I’m sorry what did you just say

ok but remember Peter B’s world is most like ours

 so both Miles and Gwen would have slightly off memes and distress him when he has a hard enough time remembering his own world’s memes


Miles: It’s “strange flex but cool beans.”
Peter: Am I tripping on something? Is this a stroke, is this what a stroke feels like?

Miles: *makes a mistake* This is distressing. Siri play Take on Me.

Gwen:you absolute heathen. It’s ‘This is tragic, google play All Star.’

Peter:whAT the fUCK


noir: strange flaunt, but alas


You’ve done it - you found something that fits the format but holds the meaning “fuck Nazis”.

spiderham: hmm disappointing, jukebox play what’s new pussycat


good evening ladies, gents, and nb legends, as some of you may know, finals are just around the corner for me, plus it’s been over a year since i did one of these, which in turn means it’s time for


*dedicated to @permanentlydead bc girlie, you don’t even know what you finally reading this means to me okAY and to @supersuperfluous, the second pillar of my emotional stability, literally what would i do without your literary commentary

▪︎Fencing With Reality by@fuzzballsheltiepants, 7.2k, oneshot
,,,,, i won’t lie, this really made me want to pick up fencing (it’s just so good, there’s feels and humour and Betsy the spider and an amazing whack-a-mole metaphor that ends with a line that had me screaming)
▪︎ Back to the Startalso by @fuzzballsheltiepants, 29k, complete
an iconic amnesia fic that we’ve all probably read at some point and i srsly have to reread soon bc it’s been a while - andreil angst central? yes pls.
▪︎ maybe we couldby@stjosten, 6.4k, oneshot
a cute college au that definitely didn’t make me yearn for romance and the good-ol’ pre-pandemic uni life….. 
▪︎In My Defense, I Have None bylikearecord, 65k, complete
a highschool au in which jean asks neil to fake date him to get riko off his back, andrew’s not buying it, people gossip, pasta is made, aaron is ‘handling the situation’ 
▪︎let it come down crashingby@giucorreias, 2.1k, oneshot
it’s a flowershop au, andrew pines like a pinacea, what else do you need
▪︎what if it took foxes way longer than baltimore to clock in on andreil
by@youknow-igetit, tumblr bullet point fic
this makes me wanna scream, it’s so good ,,,, just read it okay
▪︎No Mourners, No Funerals by@gluupor, 145.7k, complete
the six of crows au, where andrew minyard is the bastard of the barrel and the Foxes are a gang, need i say more?

(cut bc i’m not a monster, this is long)

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“One of the things that we kind of said for this season was imagine if Stephen King or M. Night Shyamalan was in the writer’s room of Riverdale”


the Kraken’s out for blood (art by @lydsirabella on IG)


this reaction shot of karamo and jonathan is my new fave thing



ok but like. dracula has to pretend that he has servants. so he not only has to cook for jonathan. but he has to do it well enough to pass as a professional employed to do that. 

the man who is a noble who hasn’t eaten for several centuries…has to cook. the hilarity. im imagining him taking cooking lessons to prepare for jonathan’s visit. can u imagine. the vampire ladies like ‘what’s the matter. you haven’t terrorized anyone lately’ and he’s all ‘i can’t. this chicken is at a delicate stage.’

Honestly I think what many people fail to see is the comedy plot from DRACULA’S perspective. like. centuries old vampire micromanaging his own household to be at everywhere at the same time. dracula running through a scooby doo hall-way dressed as driver, cook, butler, and himself. ‘we cant let people KNOW we live like this’.


“izzy wants to control blackbeard” is such a shallow reading of the text when like. half the time when we see them together izzy is literally trying to gently coax ed into doing his job

izzy DOESN’T want to control ed. he’s BEEN the one making pretty much all the decisions, seemingly for some time, perhaps even years, as ed has declined and become more erratic

he doesn’t want to control ed, but like. he doesn’t want stede to control Ed either - he thinks that Stede will get Ed and everyone else killed

what Izzy wants is basically for Ed to not be mentally ill and to be in charge again, he wants Ed to have his own internal motivation that’s also roughly connected to common sense and self-preservation - he misses the Ed to whom those things were intrinsic (or at least, thats how Izzy remembers it)

i don’t think izzy is a good person, and he’s absolutely jealous, possessive, cold, and nasty, but like. he isn’t actually that cunning or intelligent. he’s not creative like Ed is.

like, do all the people who despise Izzy not see how and why Ed keeps Izzy so close? why he trusts him so entirely even when Izzy is being a massive bitch?

when he pats Izzy on the lower back and says “need you here”, that’s not just some shallow, meaningless line, and it’s not a manipulation either

when izzy snaps and resigns, Ed’s SURPRISED

like. from Ed’s perspective, Izzy is this unshakably loyal pillar in his life. Izzy comes to him and doesn’t try to order him about, but suggests stuff kind of desperately until Ed says “fine” and they do something

for years, Izzy has acted as Edward’s executive function, an external motivator - he still gets Ed to choose and make decisions wherever possible, but he needles and pushes at Ed to make the decisions in the first place, because otherwise Ed would just obsess over some little thing, or sink into one of his depressions

like. Izzy brings him his tea. Izzy. Look at Izzy. look what a dick he is. is that a man you imagine making tea for you and gently handing you the cup? setting the cup by your bedside and saying, “Edward, come on, it’s been three days. just walk out on the deck and you’ll feel better.”

izzy couldn’t survive without Ed, I don’t think. he’s unlikeable, he’s a bitch, I think he makes a great boatswain or quartermaster, and he cares about a ship being in good repair, he actually cares if they lose crew (unlike Ed), he’s efficient

but Ed wouldn’t have survived as long as he has without Izzy. not because Ed isn’t a genius, not because Ed isn’t smart or intelligent, but because Ed is fundamentally disabled by the immensity of his mental illness

like, Ed and Izzy have this codependent fuck-up going on where Ed is a creative genius who’s constantly depressed and wants to die, whether it’s because he’s bipolar, ADHD, just prone to depressions, whatever

Izzy has rage issues, but imo like. he’s so obsessive, he’s so incapable of remaining calm, and I think he’s probably got some kind of anxiety issues on top of his evident self-loathing and masochism

and so they rely on each other. Izzy coaxes Ed out of bed while also bullshitting to everyone how well Blackbeard is doing, safeguarding his reputation - and Ed keeps Izzy on because Izzy is the only man he can trust to be a complete mess in front of and not risk his life…

until Stede. until Stede’s crew. until Stede says, actually, its okay to not be okay sometimes. thats alright, isn’t it? we all have bad days. I’ve had millions of bad days. but together, I think we can have some nice ones. shall we?

and they do.

and Ed is suddenly loved and supported by a huge group of people who see that he’s messy and sad and dramatic and don’t make a big deal of it but also don’t make him hide it, they SUPPORT him very casually and easily, and also, there’s ofc Stede

whereas Izzy spirals. because everyone’s treating him like he’s the way he is for no reason, but also like, acting as if he does what he does to hurt Ed, when from his POV like… he’s been keeping Ed alive, and now Ed is throwing him away for these nice shiny people who are encouraging him to be weak and who will get him killed

this is why Izzy being in the wrong genre is such a thing, bc like. he cannot see this as anything but dangerous to all of them, but especially Ed


Chris Pratt to Replace John DiMaggio as Bender

FIJMU News6-10-22byDon Logsllamadachshund

With John DiMaggio refusing to return to his iconic role as Bender the robot from Futurama for the Disney owned 20th Century Studios continuation, actor Chris Pratt has stepped in to the role.

DiMaggio refused to play Bender unless he and his co-stars were paid a well deserved wage after their many years on the show, but Disney executives have given a clear and resounding “no” as the role has now been recast.

Pratt, best known for his roles in Guardians of the Galaxy and Jurassic World, as well as his upcoming voice roles as Mario and Garfield, will voice the famous naughty robot in four planned seasons of the popular sci-fi comedy to air on Disney+.

According to fans of DiMaggio, “Why the fuck not, just why the fuck not. This is what the fucking world is now. Fuck it. Fuck it all.”


Welcome to my Freezerburn propaganda
Source: @yangsabs on Twitter.

(@officialrocketjumper this was number 12 on the list xD)


my specialest little guy!!!



Part 5 - The Chase

Joel Miller x OFC (“Sparrow”)

Summary;Denver. At last

Word Count: ~7k

Content | Warnings; ADULT. CONTENT. including but not limited to; primal play, unprotected sex, cumplay, rough sex, anal sex, sex outdoors, biting, scratching, spitting, fighting, aftercare. Also - angst. Lots of it.

A/N;not gonna lie. This chapter beat my ass like it was mad at me.Writer’s block is real and nasty and I wish it upon nobody. Thank you so much for sticking around ❤️also…sorry in advance

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Forgive me :(

Your fingertips are cold when they find his, wrapping delicate bones around his thick palm as you press his hand harder into your skin, as if reminding him, even in sleep, that you’re here, and you’re safe, and he has you. 

He wonders what he would sacrifice to keep that.


“No, little bird. This is going to give you the chance to run. Keeping you alive is my job now” he says, brushing hair from your forehead as he looks at you. 


Oh my god a chase game a chase game A CHASE GAME

I want to comment on the smut. I WANT to, but I’ve lost the ability to form words just know that um… yeah. This is… everything.

“I could survive on my own?” you ask, a yawn buried in his chest, sleep coming for you as you shift, comfort against his body. 

“You don’t have to” he replies, kissing your cheek as you fall into a thick sleep, bracketed by the scent of the wild around you. 


“Do you know any constellations?” you ask, the warmth of the fire and the heat of his body lulling you closer to sleep. 

“No” he admits. “But for you I’d learn”


It’s more weight, each drop as they leave your grip. Every question you’ve ever wanted answered, falling heavy into the earth, to be forgotten with the turn of time, eaten by tiny bugs that don’t know their meaning, don’t know the people of who you speak in curling script. The earth that doesn’t understand the anger, the sorrow, seeping into ink into dirt into nothing as you feel the last one slip from your fingers, a colourful pile staring back at you. Wish you were here.

SPEAKING OF CRYING……. not only is this FUCKING DEVASTATING but the LANGUAGE. It’s incredible. I love it, this whole thing is so beautifully written.

And… the cliffhanger. Holy. Shit.
