#i just





[talking about lore] “it takes quite a lot of preparing”

*violently grabs tommyinnit by the shoulders* tommyinnit. if you were to log onto the dream fucking smp right this second and just mine for one hour straight while dropping three lore references that would keep the fans happy for a week. what the fuck do you mean preparing. are you getting yourself posessed before every stream or some shit. do you have to read through some five hundred page lore google doc on your character to prepare for it. tommyinnit the expectations aren’t that high. you could log on with anyone, literally anyone, talk for three minutes semi serious and then goof off the rest of the stream and we’d party as if michael jackson rose from the dead. OUR EXPECTATIONS HAVE NEVER BEEN THAT HIGH. THIS IS AN IMPROV MINECRAFT ROLEPLAY.

Tommy can log on make an off hand comment and people will make angsty lore headcannons about it the expectations are not high.

this is gonna turn into a catching syd being desperate for disc duo account


the other day i was talking with a guy friend and we’ve been planning to do a road trip together as soon as I got my van.

And one of the potential destinations we discussed is the clown motel.

He thought it would be funny, a lil spooky, the type of thing we spend a night at just to say we did it.

And I Just Can Not Stress how much unironically I want to go to the clown motel. Like, not even as an oooo spooky thing, I just fucking love clowns man. It’s going to be like taking a kid to a Disney hotel and letting them pick which character themed room they get. This is genuine excitement and i can not fucking wait to go to the clown motel and bore this man to hell and back with my insistence on taking a hundred pictures

nytewing: Dick Grayson in Batman: Prelude to the Wedding - Nightwing vs. Hush 


Dick Grayson in Batman: Prelude to the Wedding - Nightwing vs. Hush 

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do any of my UK followers have any experience with child social/protective services?

long story short, my mother is trying to get rid of my little sister (13yo), and apparently rang them

all i can find out is that there will be some kind of assessment to see if my sister counts as a ‘child in need’

Eve: *Turns around*

Villanelle: *Turns around*


hi so the main reason i didn’t post much this weak was because i was working on these giant ref sheehi so the main reason i didn’t post much this weak was because i was working on these giant ref sheehi so the main reason i didn’t post much this weak was because i was working on these giant ref sheehi so the main reason i didn’t post much this weak was because i was working on these giant ref shee

hi so the main reason i didn’t post much this weak was because i was working on these giant ref sheets that took forever so don’t @ me

dry season warly for the seasons au that i’m doing with a bunch of friends,,, i love warly sm please love him too

feel free to spam my inbox with warly related inquiries i will Accept Them All 

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not only is warly a koi boi, he is now also a lava boiwarly from the seasons au cause im crying i lo

not only is warly a koi boi, he is now also a lava boi

warly from the seasons au cause im crying i love him sm 

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I spent way too much fucking time on this [x/x]


Michelle Yeoh & Jamie Lee Curtis


hopefully my rudimentary duolingo italian is readable

Uh, so it looks like I am actually going to LifeCare today. Dad called saying he spoke to the liason who met me and she apparently confirmed that there’s a bed for me.

Part of me doesn’t want to believe it until they come into my room and tell me to my face.

The rest of me, though?

I am actually leaving the ICU after only four days.


This idea has been kicking around my head since last month for @fire-lady-ilah birthday. It’s a bit late but better late than never.

This is LuZhao, Zutara and implied Azulon/Ilah and didn’t quite make it into a fully fledged fic so here’s a few more details:

  • This is set in a No War AU
  • Wei is Angie’s name for Zhao
  • Zuko is a Commander in the Navy and Lu Ten is a General in the Army.
  • Zhao isn’t military at all in this AU and instead is a very popular Fire Nation poet.
  • The wedding tattoos are a headcanon shamelessly stolen from Angie as well.

Keep reading
