#i like him a lot


Beautiful Aphrodite, please give me your guidance and blessing tomorrow and let happen whatever it needs to happen

SAMUEL “SAM” MURPHY; a sim for @vagabond-simmer — romantic, art lover, adventurous.sam grew up sulan

SAMUEL “SAM” MURPHY; a sim for @vagabond-simmer
— romantic, art lover, adventurous.

sam grew up sulani, but with his dad being in the military, he was used to moving around a lot. while some kids may have found this hard or frustrating, sam always loved to experience so many different places and people. he could always see the beauty wherever he went. every place and person he came across, he captured with his art or photography, to assure the memories would always be kept alive.
now that sam’s on his own two legs, he’s unsure where to go or what to do. continue traveling? go to college? find a career? maybe finally settle down with someone after all the short-lived relationships he’s had…

private download. (cc included)

hope u like him <3 japanese/black ya male with similar features to my version of kasen henry, with a boho-streetwear style & dreads.

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