#aphrodite devotion


Beautiful Aphrodite, please give me your guidance and blessing tomorrow and let happen whatever it needs to happen

relaxing shower spell

limited ingredient & super limited effort spell designed for when you’re feeling really drained after work or after an outing, yknow <3

what you’ll need;

white candle (or pink!!)



rose quartz <3

light your candle anywhere you can place it safely in the bathroom, aim for somewhere you can see it’s light nicely from inside the shower but if you can’t that’s ok no worries ofc!! take a dab of honey and place it onto your forehead. i usually just put it on my finger(s) and press in some intention for a moment, sometimes i’ll press some across my cheeks too <3 rinse off your hand but leave the honey on your forehead and anywhere else you put it to rinse off in the shower! if you’re using one, get your rose quartz and hover it above your honey covered area(s) for a moment and take a few breaths, then go ahead and shower with your rose quartz in sight or just near the tub! blow out your candle when you’ve finished up your night routine <3

water salt

encourages calmness, protection, healing, renewal, and understanding. use to represent the element of water for an alter/spell.

  • sea salt
  • rose
  • chamomile
  • eucalyptus

grind together with a river stone until combined (sub for whatever you have on hand if you can’t get one ofc), charge using crystals of your personal association, by having it on the windowsill during a heavy rain/storm, or with a blue candle to reawaken before use.

fire salt [x] - air salt [x] - earth salt [x]

my pendulum for aphrodite broke today (fell a few feet from my clumsy hand to tile floor) and i am this close to having a breakdown- so! guess it might not only be time to expand my relationship with her beyond a pendulum, but ask for some advice from my fellow spiritual blogs. 

i was raised christian, and still hold a variety of christian beliefs within me- but my spirituality is expanding every day. what were some of your most valuable resources when you first began reaching further into the theoi? do you have any advice for me as i tentatively take this step? if you weren’t raised with it, how long was it until you felt hellenic paganism was the right path/right thing to incorporate into your path? it’s entirely possible that this may simply be a phase of interest in my life, but i can’t let fear of the unknown deny me the opportunity to grow if that’s what i need. it’s an enormous step, reaching into a new religion- i’m approaching the idea with much caution. 

are there any aphrodite devotees/hellenic polytheists with thoughts for me? if so, be sure to rb so i can keep your words on my blog! 


My style of clothes is hardcore alternative, the only color I’d wear was green and black. Since I’ve started worshipping aphrodite I’ve been buying so much pink stuff??? And like I’ve painted my nails pink, I didnt even know I owned pink nail polish. But I found it in my room and it just felt GOOD. Idk man this is wilddd
