#i love this site










you people are really out there putting skeletons in negligently small enclosures without any enrichment or socialization smh

You mean coffins? Those are just their beds, are people really believing that’s their whole enclosure??

actually coffins are primarily for TRANSPORT. some skeletons may enjoy using them as a resting area, but that is highly dependent on the individual and the breed (bog skeletons for instance prefer to sleep under the stars or in mud baths). But most people assume those tiny ass coffins work as a daily unliving space, bc that’s all the mortuary supply store sends them home with, when actually that’s as cruel as keeping a goldfish in the plastic bag it came with. Coffins have no room to roam around in! No room for toys or enrichment, hardly any light, and often a concerning lack of cobwebs (necessary fiber supplement!) and halloween decorations.

Oh and fyi keeping skeletons in closets is not any better! do your research before buying or adopting!!!!!

This is actually incrudbly classist and ablist. Some people simply arent able to give their skeletons an idael environment. Besides my mom let our skleton unlive in a coffin for years and he unlived fo be like 203

excuse you how is it classist to recognize that skeletons are unliving creatures with unique needs, requiring proper care and enrichment??? yes skeleton care requires a lot of time and expense–which means people need to think carefully before making that commitment! I feel so sorry for your family skeletons—keeping a skeleton in box for 203 years qualifies as Inhumane Treatment of Unhumans. next you’ll be telling me you make your boogeyman sleep under the bed.

and look, I get that there are concerns about skeleton overpopulation, and that plenty of skeletons are in need of a good home—emphasis on a good home. but I would prefer to see more skeletons unliving in properly qualified Skeleton Sanctuaries than in individual homes that aren’t equipped to care for them. because the fact is, not everyone is responsible enough to have a skeleton! Owning a skeleton is a privilege not a right!!!

So is keeping my skeleton encased in a mobile flesh suit okay, or… ?

Contrary to popular belief, a mobile flesh suit isn’t actually a housing. It’s the skeleton’s larval stage.

This is a great time to set up your skeleton for a happy and heathy unlife, though! Make sure the larva has plentiful access to good food and fresh water, and provide it with ample room to play and stretch. The ideal diet for your skeleton will be rich in calcium, protein, and B and D vitamins. Healthy larval skeletons require approximately 30-60 minutes of activity per day, although they may enjoy more. Larval skeletons should also not be too overstimulated—while they may try to overextend themselves, it’s important that they get enough sleep!

And finally, be sure you provide appropriate enrichment for your larval skeleton. Unfortunately, some larval skeletons in less than ideal circumstances may take to damaging behaviors that cause poor development of the larval sac, also known as “the brain.” To prevent this, enrichment is necessary. There are a lot of kinds of good enrichment for your skeleton, but many papers and reports suggest some kind of creative hobby is a good option.

the way this is genuinely making me want to take care of myself tho










time smells bad.

what Synesthetic bullcrap is this now


I accidentally leave the milk out overnight.

Milk smells bad the next day.

Why does milk smell bad?

Time gets in it.


tag screenshot: #ancient greek philosophyALT

Just realised this implies that a fridge cancels or slows time down

As a simple experiment I will put some plutonium in my refrigerator and see if it decays slower, brb

The results are in!

I have radiation poisoning!

this time it’s the opposite of Greek philosophy because you used the scientific method

Conclusion: the scientific method gives people radiation poisoning


Happy pride month everyone 

#laugh tag    #videos    #i love this site    

cryptocurrency, ao3, feminism, blirblr, ammonite and bts are trending at the same time… why.





Honestly the queue and schedule post options on Tumblr are extremely underrated. No other major social networking site has the ability to do that with the same ease as Tumblr does, and we’ve had them for like a decade now. They’re fantastic features and Tumblr doesn’t get enough credit for having them.

I’m actually willing to assert that Tumblr actually has some of the best site functionality:

- queue/schedule system

- tagging that doesn’t interfere with the actual content of posts

- the ask/inbox system

- ability to make likes/following lists private

- ability to reblog posts multiple times

- the “Keep Reading” feature

- ability to easily post different media. AFAIK Tumblr is the only social media site that lets you post audio without it being a video.

- dash is always in reverse chronological order

the ability to almost entirely customize your home page is pretty neat, too

I could go on about this forever but I firmly believe that Tumblr is a remnant from a time before companies figured out how to efficiently monetize social media, and as such it’s designed with users instead of advertisers in mind.

That’s both why it has continued to have active avid users in spite of a lot of technical /policy issues, and why it hasn’t been massively profitable.

I treasure this garbage site.
