#ikemen vampire


Comte, staring at Vlad’s black cloak: Whose funeral is it?

Vlad: Could be yours but we’re purebloods, so no, I haven’t decided yet.



♡ summary: an encounter in a seedy side-street brings a teacher doing his best at his job and a makeup artist with a (secret?) youtube side hustle together. mere chance meetings or the invisible string of fate working overtime—call it what you want, but either way they still ending up falling in love.

♡ word count: 8.6k words 

warnings: sexual harassment at the beginning / brief mention of skipping meals & implications of eating disorders / brief mentions of bullying & fat-shaming 

♡ other tags: modern AU / strangers to friends to lovers / fluff (LOTS OF IT) / humour / pining 

♡ notes: @kissmetwicekissmedeadly​​​ here’s your tag, as promised also since JP ikevamp twitter has announced that MC’s canon name is mitsuki after conducting a poll,that’s her name in this fic and future suitor x MC fics

AO3 link


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Omw! Ive said it once before and ill say it again! I freaken love academic/uni type aus gaaaaaaaaah. Just picturing napo as a teacher!❤️❤️❤️love love love this! cant wait to read part 2! These 2 just have great chemistry
