#ikemen vampire



Ikemen Vampire: History’s Greatest Clean Freaks

aka Mama Comte and the tsun children

Comte, I think you just triggered a tsun-explosion?

LMAO HE PLAYED HIMSELF THERE like Sebastian told it was Comte who decided the teams and thought he’d have it easy by pairing with the tsuns lol

Mama Comte is mad, this isn’t what he was expecting so he yeets the tsuns into the library, because yanno… what could possibly go wrong in sending them to the place that might as well be considered Leonardo’s second bedroom?

Awwww bonk me in the head too, mama comte

My Promise to You [Arthur x Reader][Fluff]

My Promise to You [A gift for @toloveawarlord for the Ikemen Vampire Gift Exchange]

Characters ⤞ Arthur Conan Doyle x Reader

Rating ⤞ General

Tags ⤞ Cotton-candy sweet fluff, First-time Parents, Married Life

TW ⤞ Babies

A/N: It’s been such a pleasure participating in this gift exchange! Thank you to @ikemenlibrary and everyone involved for all of the hard work you put into organizing this. Additional thank you to @toloveawarlord, as I’m a huge fan of her work, getting the opportunity to write this has been so great.

Disclaimer ⤞ I don’t own the rights to Ikemen Vampire or any Ikemen/Cybird games.

Word Count ⤞ 1.3k

Tag List@atelier-maroron@aquagirl1978@kleeps@ikesimp100@chaosangel767@devildomwritersposts@themysticalbeing@and-then-she-died-tm@kpop-and-otome@rhodolitesroseforclavis@curious-skybunny@moonstruck-writing@lordsister@violettduchess@randonauticrap@art-of-love-and-war

The sun’s early morning rays beamed through the window, casting the room in a soft luminescent glow. The warmth from the sun’s beams began to caress your face, slowly bringing you forth from your sleep. With a groan, your heavy lids began to open, faintly recognizing the familiar surroundings of your room. As you regained your senses, a soft movement against your belly caused you to lower your gaze, only to realize where it was coming from. Your husband, Arthur, had draped his arm over your body in the middle of the night, hugging you to his side as close as physically possible. The steady breaths coming from him indicated that he was still deep in his slumber.

It had already been two years since you two had recited your vows in front of everyone you held dearest to your heart. Yet, every passing day you spent waking up with your handsome, loving husband by your side still felt like newlywed bliss.

Speaking of your husband, as though spurred by a sixth sense of having someone’s eyes on him, Arthur Doyle slowly roused himself from slumber, eyes like the deepest sapphire gems gazing at you with a look of pure love and adoration. “My love, just how long were you expecting me to stay still while you examine me with those beautiful eyes of yours?” He teased, deft fingers reaching towards your face to tuck a strand of your hair behind your ear. The affectionate gesture had your heart soaring in your chest. You were seconds away from pressing a kiss to your lover’s lips when the sharp wail of a baby’s cries interrupted your intimate moment with your lover.

“And there she goes,” you murmured, sighing exasperatedly, yet, the twinkle of amusement in your eye betrayed your true feelings. This was you and Arthur’s morning routine now, with a four-month-old newborn baby daughter with hair matching the exact shade of yours and eyes as blue as her father’s. And after all of it, the sleepless nights where you were cradled in Arthur’s arms, exhausted out of your mind, you wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world.

“Don’t worry, just stay in bed. I’ve got her,” Arthur murmured, pressing a quick kiss to your brow. “You already do enough, waking up in the middle of the night to feed her. You need to rest more, Mrs. Doyle.”

A soft smile ghosted your lips as you heard the pattering of Arthur’s feet running to the nursery, followed by the sounds of soft cooing and gentle whispers. If he thought you were okay with missing out on a picture-perfect moment of him being the best father, then he was sorely mistaken. You quickly pulled on a cardigan and followed your husband. The sight greeting your eyes from the doorway caused butterflies to erupt in your chest. Even the sun seemed to work in Arthur’s favour, casting the most beautiful glistening light against the two of them. You watched as he pressed kiss after kiss against your daughter’s cheeks until she was giggling in delight, mouth forming the most adorable little smile.

“Who’s papa’s little girl, hm? Who’s papa’s little girl? That’s right, you are!” Arthur cooed, tickling her little cheeks with his fingers. “My absolutely beautiful, brilliant daughter that looks like a spitting image of my absolutely beautiful, brilliant wife. How did I ever get so lucky? A right ole’ rascal like me, having the two most perfect girls around me,” The amazement in Arthur’s eyes as he gazed at his daughter was akin to someone looking at the most precious treasure in the world – his world.

“Well, first off, if you’re a rascal, you’re myrascal. Second of all, I think Uncle Theo and his meddling in our relationship had something to do with that,” you teased, wrapping your arm around Arthur’s lean waist. “If you think about it, we would have never met without Comte’s help either, so I guess you could say it was a dual Comte and Theo effort. If I’d left it up to you, you might still be pushing me away and pretending to chase ‘pretty skirts’ around to try to fool me into thinking you were terrible!” Crinkles formed in your eyes as you giggled at the incredulous look on your husband’s face. Though your words were merely jests at your husband, the look that he’d get on his face was just too adorable. The way his bottom lip jutted out slightly into a pout, stunning blue eyes somehow becoming even more irresistible.

“Hey! Th—well, you may have a point there, darling,” Arthur mused. “Perhaps I should call that old chap up, see what that darned Theo has been up to. It’s been a while since he’s seen our little girl, too. As her bloody godfather, he can’t just send her toys in the mail every month – he has to come to see her sometime.”

“Right,” you murmured, leaning in to ghost your lips over your husband’s neck.

His eyes widened for a second in shock, and then his gaze turned heated. It was always such a wonder to you how Arthur could go from being the perfect gentleman to immediately ready for something else in the span of two seconds. The way his eyes roamed up and down your body, despite the messiness of your morning bedhead, the cardigan you’d haphazardly slung over your shoulders, despite everything.Even when you felt your worst, he still looked at you as though you were the most beautiful woman in the world.

“Mrs. Doyle, are you finally ready to try for baby number 2?” Arthur asked, gently setting down your daughter into her crib and directing all the intensity in his gaze at you.

“Settle down, Mr. Doyle!” You cried out, heat immediately fanning over your cheeks at his words. “I mean… I do want her to have a sibling… maybe a younger brother that she could boss around….” A smile tugged at your lips as you imagined your daughter leading a younger sibling around the house, protecting them and guiding them as you knew she would. You knew that Arthur came from a large family and that deep down, he always wanted a family of mini versions of the two of you running around.

At your words, Arthur’s eyes lit up, and he wrapped you up in his arms. A radiant smile had formed on his face, and you were sure he was beginning to imagine what your little family could look like in the future. “You remember my promise to you, right?” He asked, cradling your face with his hand gently, so gently it seemed as though he were afraid to hurt you. “No matter what happens, I won’t let any harm come to you. I’ll protect you forever. Well, I’d like to make an amendment to that promise.”

A few beats passed between the two of you, your eyes trained on his as you waited patiently for what he had to say next. His gaze was soft as his thumb gently caressed your cheek.

“No matter what happens, I won’t let any harm come to you or our children, however many of them we have in the future. If it’s just our angel baby, I’ll be happy. If it’s our angel baby and more little mini versions of you running around in our home, I’ll still be happy. You’ve made me the happiest man in the world by just being by my side and whatever our future holds for us. I love you more than words can express, my dear.” There was a mistiness behind Arthur’s eyes as his voice choked up with the overwhelming emotion he held for you.

“I love you too, Arthur,” you responded, vision blurring with your own tears. And with that, no matter what lay ahead for the two of you in the future, as long as Arthur was by your side, you were sure you could take it.



Portrait Painting - Part 6: Theodorus Van Gogh

My sweetness in you

Happy Birthday to Theo

Finally I continue the series.

Here is Elsjie (pronounce as Elsie) is my OC for Theo, she’s smart and good at analyzing people. She’s Dutch and love to do different styles of braids. She works

Hope you enjoy reading ~


Happy birthday, Theo



Pairing; Comte/MC, mutual pining Leonardo/MC and Comte/Leonardo

Rating: E

Content: Vaginal sex, mutual pining, angst

Author’s Notes: I hope you enjoy your gift! 

Keep reading





Hide and Seek - Leonardo Da Vinci x Reader (Fluff!)


(Takes place in the first few days of his route, enjoy!)

Relentless. If anyone were to ask you how you would describe Leonardo Da Vinci, famed painter of the Mona Lisa and sleepiest resident of Le Casa de Comte, it would be that word. Of course you could also describe him as a masterminded draughtsman, theorist, sculptor, architect or engineer, but relentless fit your personal experience with the vampire aptly. Your stay so far had been peaceful yet you couldn’t help but feel a sense of loneliness and longing for your own home in your own time. When chores and work didn’t quite keep the mournful feelings at bay, unbeknownst to you, a simple plan had been formulated by a certain golden eyed immortal.

“Will you leave me alone already? You took me out yesterday Leonardo, I’m busy!! No more games!” You barked at the man following behind you at a leisurely pace, grinning as he lit his cigarillo.

“No more games, you say? Well that’s no fun. Why don’t you stop mewing at me and just give up already, cara mia?” You sped up, breaking into a run and turning the corner as your feet pounded on the floor with determination. Leonardo shook his head in amusement, taking the cigarillo between his smiling lips and stuffing his hands into his pockets. He was relentless and you were predictable, and he’d already begun writing a list of predictions about your next move in his head.

Minutes later you had managed to securely conceal yourself in the garden shed, peeking out the window every few seconds to assure he wasn’t closing in on your hiding spot. The shed was full of weathered garden tools and the like, there was no way he’d ever think to look for you in there. Or so you thought.

“For someone who’s supposed to be a genius polymath, you sure do suck at hide and seek!” You stifled your laughter, not wanting to spoil your triumph by giving yourself away but when you spotted a familiar figure strolling over the grass towards your hideout, you realised you’d already been had.

“No-!” In quickly ducking away from the window and hoping you weren’t too late, you managed to knock over a shovel that went sprawling onto the floor, taking a rake down with it with a loud clatter. Your eyes were wide with panic as they darted around the small shed, looking for a last resort. A few polite knocks on the shed door stirred something akin to excitement mixed with anticipation within you.

“Anybody home? I heard a commotion coming from this shed right here.” His voice was slightly muffled through the wooden walls but you knew it all too well. Leonardo Da Vinci. The vampire circled the shed to get to the window, your previous lookout spot. He cupped his hands like binoculars to peer into the slightly dirtied glass as you crouched just beneath it, heart pounding in your chest. Give up the search already, stop looking!

“I know you’re in there, little lamb. It’s not polite to turn away a guest.” He laughed before finally unlatching the door and inviting himself inside.

“This is too easy, cara mia.”

“I told you to go away!” Grabbing the fallen shovel, you held it out in front of you and adopted the meanest look you could muster, which only made him erupt into a fit of laughter. Running a gloved hand through his hair, he gazed at you fondly.

“And I told you, not until I get you to smile! So what will it be, runaway?” You almost smiled at that but you managed to hold back, you were enjoying the chase as much as he was.

“You know my answer, please don’t grab me again”

Reaching for your shovel earned him a defensive jab and he sighed.

“Don’t say I didn’t try the gentle approach, cara mia.” Yanking the shovel and in turn, yourself, towards him, Leonardo caught you in his arms and threw you over his shoulder in a matter of seconds.

“Get off of me!! Comte, help me! Sebastian!” You called out to the pair that were on the other end of the garden as Sebastian served Le Comte some tea. Leonardo ducked out of the shed with you on his shoulder and didn’t flinch as you continued to wriggle and kick.

“Don’t be late for dinner, you two.” Sebastian called out as Comte waved you off amusedly. Leonardo halted and turn around to face the pair that were now a lot more distant as you gave your escape one last try.

“Cook something light, Sebas. I’m taking the little runaway out to be a cake tester with me for the day.” With a cheeky salute, he spun on his boot heel and continued strolling to the house.

“Cake testing? That’s what you’re kidnapping me for?” You asked, finally giving up and melting slightly at how gentle he was being with you still.

“Got any objections to that, cara mia?” You relaxed and rolled your eyes with a giggle. His sweet scent mixed with the cigarillo smoke made you feel at ease.

“Would it matter if I did?”

“Not really. Now, don’t get too covered in frosting that I can’t see that smile, got it?” Leonardo chuckled and gave your leg a squeeze and your heart jumped, face feeling warm.

“O-Okay, sure…” Your hands clutched his jacket as he let out another puff of smoke.

“Good girl. Now let’s go get to work!”

Albyyyyyyy!@alby-rei come get yo boy !❤❤❤

Myrelentless silly boy @ana-thedaydreamer a-thedaydreamer​ I summon you!! What are we going to do with him, hmm?  


Comte: What can you say? My children are great, aren’t they?

Vlad: Yeah, like if idiots could fly, your mansion would be an airport :)

Vlad: You dropped something.


Vlad: Your standards in men.

Comte: That may be true but it’s still better than nothing.

Leo: Hey! I’m right here and I can hear you two, you know?

In the unlikely event that you die, I’ll make sure to donate your heart to NASA so they’ll finally know what a blackhole looks like up close.

- Comte, to Vlad

Thief, pointing a gun: Your money or your life?!?

Jean, raising both hands in surrender:Take my life now.

Thief: …Man are you okay?

Jean, taking out his wallet: I can give you both if you’re not convinced.

Theo: Hey Arthur, it’s time. Come out.

Arthur: Okay, I think I might be gay for you.

Theo, frowning and blushing at the same time: That’s not what I meant!

Theo: Dogs deserve to live forever.

Arthur: I agree.

Vincent: What about people?

Arthur: It depends?

Theo: No, absolutely not.

Comte: I love you but please stop referring to knives as ‘human opener’.

Vlad: Why not? I’m just stating the facts.

William:There was something that prevented me from having friends when I was a little boy.

Theo: It must have been your personality.
