#ilyushka devorak


More than three years ago, Vesuvia found itself in the iron grip of a highly contagious and lethal plague. The Oculorubrumvirus, more commonly known as The Red Eye Virus, was thought to coincide with the sudden introduction of an invasive species of red-colored beetle not native to Vesuvia: Liliocerus Lilii, aka the Lily Leaf Beetle.

Entomologists traced this exotic species of beetle to the forests of the far South, found to be endemic to the darkest and most lush areas near caves, where lilies are prone to grow in dense clusters.

Vesuvia’s scientific community could not, however, identify the exact link between the beetles and the new virus, which was beginning to be reported with alarming frequency first on the outskirts of the city, then within the heart of the city itself.

Full-scale panic reached a crescendo when the Prime Minister, himself, was reported as being among the infected.

Enter Dr. Julian Devorak, aspiring virologist and professional vagabond.

  • It has not escaped my notice that a few of you have drawn comparisons between Dr. Disaster and Crowley the Demon, and I am here for it. He rocks leather blazers, tight jeans, messy hair, and sunglasses: sunglasses during the day, sunglasses at night, sunglasses indoors, outdoors, there will be sunglasses and you’ll just have to deal with it.
  • Are you a Barista? Can you keep a straight face when a 6′4″ zombie-skeleton-man in scrubs stained with blood and/or vomit shambles up to your counter at the stroke of 5 AM requesting, in what barely counts as English, 6 extra shots of espresso in his lightly-sweetened Venti nitro-brew? Will you smile politely as he frat-boy chugs his drink order right there, slams his glass on the counter and asks for another in a series of grunts and sputtering? Do you gingerly hand him napkins to wipe the stray droplets from his chin and neck? He lovesyou,darling. He will sink to his knees in supplication and kiss your hands and make sure he tips you generously. You’re an angel, sent to his earth bearing blessings and abundance. You are the center of his universe, you miracle. You absolute treasure.
  • Has driven the same old, lovingly maintained motorbike for the last 15 years. Her name is Lola, and while she’s not the newest, shiniest model, she gets a good 40 miles to the gallon, she’s sleek, she’s midnight black, and she’s reliable. He never rides with a helmet, but if you were to be his passenger, he would attach her sidecar, make you wear a helmet with the visor down, thank you, and an armored biking jacket, all of which he’d strap you up in while lecturing you about road rash, concussions, and the dangers of gravity.
  • His secret superpower is attracting a cabal of old, crusty battleax nurses to take care of him at every facility he’s ever provided care at. There’s something about a charming, wan skeleton-man that compels old women to rocket into Nanny-mode. “Christ, Julian, I’ve got this ultrasound, you go lay down on that gurney and get some shut-eye.”
  • “DOCTOR DEVORAK, drop those charts and come have some tea, you look half-past-dead and gettin’ stiffer, come on.”
  • Mostly subsists off of what he can find in hospital vending machines and has a large leather sack full of coins just for this purpose.
  • He’s a certified workaholic and will run on fumes until his body throws a tantrum and gives up, so he ends up passing out in odd places: hunched over kitchen counters, half dressed in a drooling pile on his living room floor, upside down on his couch, in the trunk of his neighbor’s car, under a cart of urine samples at the hospital, curled around a potted plant in the front lobby, and once hanging halfway out of Mazelinka’s window. The worst part is that Maz is on the third floor and his bottom half was hanging out of the window.
  • These scrubs, and you can fucking fight me about it.
  • When he’s not killing himself at the hospital, he can be found relaxing at the pub and if you buy him a salty bitters or five, he’ll tell you a few harrowing tales about his time apprenticing as a medic on fishing vessels, especially that one time a tuna clipper he was providing services on was hijacked by Molovian pirates and he had naught but a few inches of rope and a good, solid pipe to defend himself with. The pub regulars have heard it several times, but they always laugh. It’s a favorite.
  • Has a shitpost meme account on Instagram, and another Instagram where he posts pictures of pranks he’s pulled on other doctors at the hospital.
  • Has probably the most eclectic taste in music out of the main 6 and bought a Spotify premium account so he could make meticulously curated playlists for every situation. Definitely speeds down the highway on Lola blasting The Black Keys through his airpods.
  • If things get spicy between himself and another person, it’s not wise to roleplay a doctor/patient scenario. He will take it entirely too seriously, regardless of what role he’s in, and the mood will be ruined until other measures are employed.

Ex: “Oh-ho-ho-okay, MC, I’m going to gently hold you here, and you cough for me, ha ha ;)”

MC: *exaggerated sexy cough* ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

“Oh- oh God, I think you have a testicular hernia, ho-holy shit, ah, have you gotten this checked out before, fuckin’ yikes, we need x-rays yesterday-”

Part 4: Muriel Edition can be found here.

Part 3: Nadia Edition can be found here.

Part 2: Lucio Edition can be found here.

Part 1: Asra Edition can be found here.


okay, buddies. I really need to redraw this sometimes, but now

You can have it


The day has finally arrived!

I’m so excited to start working on new commissions! And I know there’s a bunch of people who didn’t get a slot last January

Please have a look at the prices and at the beautiful illustrations I had the chance to paint ❤️ & remember there’s always the possibility of adjusting a budget for options other than those specified here: backgrounds, scenes from books…

Please contact me by PM if you are interested in getting a slot. There are only 3 available this month.

Orient vibes

Hi everyone! Seems like Jules has opened Asra’s wardrobe this time … And everything fits perfectly on him (could not be otherwise)

I’ve wanted to draw Malak for some time as well!

If you are interested, you can find the video process of the sketch on my IGTV channel. (https://www.instagram.com/syadworld/channel/)

Hope you like it! Have a lovely week start

Hi everyone! It’s been a few weeks since I last post something here. I was having some holidays And I feel now refreshed and ready to do some work!

Please tell me which one of the drawings I’ve done until now is your fav! ❤

By the way, something is going to come regarding to my #1monthdrawingjulian thing so stay tunned! I bet you’ll love it!

Have a lovely Saturday night yall! ❤❤❤

I run out of ideas about new drawings, so I asked for suggestions on Instagram and somebody said “Steampunk!” And my mind went wild .

It’s finished now but I’ll post it tomorrow because here is night time and my baby girl is sleeping

Anyway I wanted to show you a little peek ❤

Hi everyone! It’s been a while!

Sorry it took me so long to come back. My last two months schedule was way too full, and I couldn’t draw anything. But I’m more relaxed now and my tasks are well planned so I think I’ll be able to update this blog more often.

This version of Julian is maybe from a AU where he’s a rowdy police agent… Who volunteers to be arrested??

Have a nice week, and thanks for your love and patience!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  G O O D   E V E N I N G!  Sorry I wasn’t able to post any drawing this week as I was too busy with

  G O D   E V E N I N G!  

Sorry I wasn’t able to post any drawing this week as I was too busy with work (this is good tho). But! I think I didn’t draw Julian in a cowboy look yet. So this is the result! (I took a Clint Eastwood’s picture as a reference for the clothing).

As I received some mesages saying I’m “cheating”, and my drawings are not full made with pencils, (as I assure you they are), I thought of posting a picture of my hand finishing Julian Eastwood! 

Anyway, I don’t know why some people go into so much trouble to find a possible fault in what others are doing. It’s very sad! and the worst thing of this is that if the person who receives the attack is a sensitive one, they may suffer a block to draw or even develop fear to publish their work. Also, modifying pencil drawings is not a sin, it is a very common thing to do.

One of my teachers was Bobby Rebholz. He’s one of the best concept artists out there today (and a wonderful person). Precisely it was him who taught me that pencil drawing should never be at odds with a good Photoshoping. You can highlight lines, make the paper more clean, define the outline… Professionals use thousands of tricks to make their pencil drawings stand out, and that is ok! 

If anytime you want to see the process, I use to do livestreams at IG while I’m sketching (@syadworld)

And now, ¿do you want more cowboy Julians? 

Have a nice evening you all! 

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 Good morning!Sorry for not posting sooner! I had a lot of work this week and couldn’t find en

Good morning!

Sorry for not posting sooner! I had a lot of work this week and couldn’t find enough time for Julian’s pencil drawing. This isn’t finished though, but I though about posting a little WIP here for you to have a look

I haven’t drawn an armor with graphite pencils before, so is kind of a challenge for me, but I’m taking my time because I want this to be a master piece.

And yes, Julian as a warrior on shining armor is freaking cool! (not like I’ve expected something different tho).

I hope to finish it on next week

Hope you like it and have a lovely Friday!


P.D.: For those who had asked this: I always use hard pencils (H5,H2) for sketching and drawing the first structure. For shadows and darker parts I use soft pencils (HB2, B1, B4), and for lighting: a little eraser

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Happy Valentine’s Day!!I’m always been weak about drawing men in suits… And such a gorgeous s

Happy Valentine’s Day!!

I’m always been weak about drawing men in suits… And such a gorgeous specimen must be forbidden  Imagine he’s willing to be your Valentine and to fulfill all your wishes… ALL OF THEM… … Now I don’t know if what I’ve done is good or really bad for my heart… 

Today I was woken up by a little voice screaming “Happy Valentine’s Day mommy”, and with a jar of sweets waiting on the table, next to my coffee. I am so happy! 

Have a lovely and romantic day everyone!! 


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Howdy this took me a while. I got some good advice on getting into the headspace to actually draw.

now I stumbled across some gothic horror pulp novel covers on Pinterest and that shit fucking slaps in an aesthetic kinda way.

Julian being based on a horror movie protagonist makes me happy, if I had to base lilith on anyone it’s probably be dana scully. (also loving the idea of julian going “lilith you won’t believe this”. and her just rolling her eyes
