#im really excited



we’re officially getting to see tao and elle kissing in the louvre and charlie telling nick he loves him while he’s in the shower and nick running out the house with no shoes and barely any clothes on to say it back and sarah nelson making her amazing speech on the beach to help nick and tara and darcy in paris and charlie calling harry out in paris and tara’s birthday partyI AM SOBBING SO MUCH

 Just one more day to finally have Kingdom Hearts 3!!! :D  Just one more day to finally have Kingdom Hearts 3!!! :D

Just one more day to finally have Kingdom Hearts 3!!! :D

Post link

…this is so extra but I identified as pan for 4 years but then recently I was like jk I’m fully a lesbian. And then just a week ago I out if the blue started liking a boy for the first time in years and now we’re dating which is really great like I’m super happy about it but I’m also conflicted cause I thought I had my sexuality all figured out, and it’s not a big deal that I don’t like I’m not sad about it it’s just inconvenient

now you may be wondering why I haven’t been screaming about all the Star Wars stuff coming out on here. It’s because I’m at Star Wars celebration so I’m screaming in public instead :)
