#im shy






















@terribleteej@arlothia@oh-yebaiyi-you-sassy-bitch, Should we unleash Fullmetal Alchemist on @utterlyhooked after she’s done with The Untamed?

Another nail in the coffin?

Pretty much, yeah.

* sage nod *

Hey! Hey! Hey!!!

I’m still suffering! Really suffering!

Leave me alone… right!!! Seriously… feck off you!


You are soooooo evil! I haven’t even finished “The Untamed” yet and now you two are plotting!

I can see your grins and it’s pure evil! and no cackling!!!!

Whaaaat? We just bring joy to people!

@smylealongyou had a typo there!!! Let me just…. just a sec…

“Whaaaat? We just bring joysuffering to people!”THERE!!!That’s what you meant!!!

I just want to say, EVIL!!!EVIL!!! The lot of you!……. and… NO…NO…NO…


Yes, we are evil. Do we regret it?




There is absoFUCKINGlutely nothing sad in FMA…like just look at this gif… how can a sad show have gifs like this?????


It’s not the sad thing, it’s the time thing!!! Adulting also needs to be tended to!!!

and I say… your honour….

also, I learned that, this is also a novel! So imma read it!!! and there’s a feckin anime!!! so imma watch it…. and take my sweet…. sweet… sweet… time!!!

and because this is all your fault… you have to give me the link or whatever of the translated novel. Please… please… please….. *heart eyes*


I’m still bloody WALLOWING!!! and I’m not even finished yet.

The lot of you…. HAVE FECKEN MERCY!!! on my poor… poor… shattered heart!!!                                   and my eyes…


sPFFT. Adulting. Like any of us here know what that is like??? We are all stumbling in the dark here, friend. All of us.

And FMAB will be a balm to your wounded soul.

We are not saying you start NOW. This can be your January project. lol. See how pleasant this looks?


Like just look at how cute this is!!!!

Being an adult…and doing adult things don’t have to go together ye know that right??? You’re a proper adult you can swear and say fuck you to doing things…they’ll still be there when you’re finished the untamed and FMA/FMAB


*comes in late to the party*

Welcome to the black hole that is ‘The Untamed’! There’s a LOT here and as has been mentioned before, the fandom is GREAT and has some of the FUNNIEST stuff, as well as some really insightful things as well which just makes it better and better!!! There is no escaping, this will alter your life forever, and you’re welcome ;)

Everything I just said about ‘The Untamed’ above applies to FMAB as well!! Teej and Lea unleashed ‘Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood’ (make sure you watch Brotherhood from 2009!!) on me this summer and I HIGHLY suggest making sure you’re in a place where you can just binge this sucker! It is a RIDE!!!

I mean look at this!! Think of how much fun you’ll have with a show like this!? Look at much fun they’re having! So much fun!!

Oh Arlo, you reminded me of these cuties. See @utterlyhooked? How adorable arethey?

Its adorable!!

And you can also have this!

And then there are these three…

Haven’t bugged @utterlyhooked all day today! UNACCEPTABLE!

So. Much. Fun!

Oh Feck Off YOU!!!  @smylealong


So this is how it’s going to be! It’s tag and I am IT!!!!!!!…  for the foreseeable future… unless another recruit is found to the pyramid scheme!

Must put up flyers for some poor, poor victims!!! LOL

I was laying low and not making peep!!!

I was tearing up again this evening, I was watching a clip - When WWX pushed LWJ and said yes, he tricked him but LWJ said no, I knew that it was him, and said  it was not so bad walking on the straight narrow plank… I don’t know… I’m paraphrasing… leave me alone!!! XD

That’s how it is!! It’s a pyramid scheme. The only way to escape is to find a new IT. Like how tag game works.

Yup! Gotta find someone else so you can join us in dragging more people into this to share the painfun!

I don’t know how to recruit victims people!!! Why does it have to be me?!

I’M SHY!!!


@oh-yebaiyi-you-sassy-bitch​ found me crying in the puddle of my own tears! I wouldn’t even know how or where to begin! You are all good at it, maybe you can find another one! … and I’ll just chime in!!!  Tehheee

ETA: I forgot to tag!!! XD


I got asked for my tumblr a few times by a friend but I don’t wanna show them because of how many personal/intimate things I have here lol
