#infj confessions


Feeling Judged…

(Warning this is a bit dark I realized and also this is from my own experience about being an INFJ now enjoy)

People say it’s okay to be different. It is, it’s what makes us all unique. It’s the fact when you meet people and they look at your personality up and down, judging if your uniqueness is worth their time is what’s scares me. I know I am different, I feel different every time I talk to a person, feeling them judging me. I can sense the awkward tension in the air and the look in their eyes, it makes me nervous. I then began to question myself.

I decided to modify myself in order to get to know a person better. If they like people who are more hyper, I get a bit hyper. If they like a person a bit more calm, I calm down. If I know they like music, I bring that topic up more often. The one thing I don’t do is change who I am for a person. If I love art, I’m not going to stop. If I love singing in the car to every song when no one can hear me, I will continue to do so. If I have a secret obsession with Chis Evans, imma continue my secret tumblr page whether they like it or not. I don’t stop being me, I just modify myself a bit to understand and relate to a person, have common ground before trapping them into a contact of friendship.

Hope you all liked it and can relate to this somewhat.

INFJ Writing Problems

So I have this right now and thought why not write about it. I think a lot of writers get problems writing but, considering in INFJ, I think it would be really hard on us and here are my reasons.

1)Judging/Perfectionists. I think that since we are perfectionist, it’s harder for us to write a book because, for me, I tend to reread my books so many times, trying to edit it, to a point where I think it’s terribly written and I just throw it out the window along with my hopes and dreams.

2)Plotting. So as an INFJ, we like to think of the future. So, with me, if I can’t plot a book (which is 99.9% of the time since I suck at plotting) I will throw the book away, not inspired to write anymore of it.

3)Distractions. For me, this might be another big one. I am always thinking so my own thoughts are a distraction along with something called Netflix. What I find myself doing to help with this is sitting down in a comfortable place, with my laptop as my writing tool, headphone, and turn off all electronics, and focus on writing. When I listen to music, there is always to me a certain artist I will listen to that helps me write instead of distracting me.

4)Impatience. I guess whenever I write I tend to want to rush through the book to finish the book and end up making the book sound terrible during the first draft which links back to Judging.

Thats my top four so far. I hope you all could relate to this. Again this my opinion based on experience. Hope this helps in anyway!

How I’d react to someone liking me back —>

Me: *blushes and runs away like a little child*

Before I Found Out I Was An INFJ

I felt… alone. Like no one can ever understand me… heck, I couldn’t really understand myself. It was weird because, I could understand most people, what they go through, but I always felt no one will understand how I go through things, how my mind thinks, so forth.

I loved my unique self, don’t get me wrong. When I was little, I was proud to stand out from the other kids at school, but I also hated it. Because I thought it made me feel this way, a way why no one in my family can understand how I feel or how I think differently.

I never showed that I felt alone. Because I didn’t want to be a bother. And so many problems came in our family’s life, I didn’t want to become another one. So, I just helped fix problems and pushed my feelings aside, just to focus on my family’s feelings.

One day, my friend and I were hanging out, and she told me about a quiz. This quiz determines your personality. So, I did it, not really understanding what I was getting myself into.

After the test, I saw the words INFJ-T. Then, after reading about it, I felt a relief in my whole life. Because after reading this, I felt like there was a reason, a reason why I was like the way am and that I wasn’t alone. There are others like me. Of course, there was a small number, but there was still a number of them.

So, I asked myself where I’ll be able to find ones who are like me, the community of INFJ who probably felt the way I felt. Then, it hit me. Tumblr. So, I looked on Tumblr and found lots of INFJs. Ones like me. My other friend, she encouraged me to make an INFJ blog, to post things ones will relate to. I thought on it and eventually, @just-an-infj-girl was born.

That was years ago (don’t ask how many because I still don’t know to this day) and now, here we are. I hope you enjoyed my story. What is your INFJ story?

My Thoughts When Meeting People

I don’t know how to communicate. Sure, some people think it’s easy and all you have to do is go up to someone and introduce yourself but, it’s not that easy.

You see, going up means walking up to them. As I’m walking to them I prepare a scrip I am rehearse in my head, my legs are getting weaker, my brain starts to freak out. By the time I get to the person, I forgotten my own name as I’m sweating a storm and hope my breath doesn’t smell bad as I try to speak. In the end, if that person is kind, they would tell me it’s okay and immediately would become a friend but, if not, I try to forget the existence as if it never happened… that’s why I don’t walk up to people.

No, instead, I stay away from introducing myself. Rather, I feel more comfortable if someone came up to me and introduced themselves. It makes me feel like it’s not a bother that I’m in their life, rather, they chosen me to be in it.

I guess what I want to say is, if you are reading this, and you have no problem introducing yourselves to other people, and you see someone alone, talk to them. Become their friend. Maybe it may start an amazing friendship, and make the other person a bit more comfortable with their environment.

“I think of life itself now as a wonderful play that I’ve written for myself, and so my purpose is to have the utmost fun playing my part.”

— Shirley MacLaine

I want to try doing this but, I have stage fright… in life…

“Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind.”

—Bertrand Russell

We INFJs often grow up feeling like we never quite fit in. We’re just a little too different from th

We INFJs often grow up feeling like we never quite fit in. We’re just a little too different from the people around us, and we’re highly aware of it. Nevertheless, we have a strong desire to improve the world and the lives of the people around us. Rather than shunning the society that feels so alien to us, we want to shape it for the better, using our ideals as a guide. Credits to Jenn Granneman, https://introvertdear.com/news/infj-personality-type-curiously-contradicting/

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 Likewise, INFJs are always looking out for other people — especially the ones we love. When someone

Likewise, INFJs are always looking out for other people — especially the ones we love. When someone we care about is hurting, we want to make things better for that person. Due to our Extroverted Feeling, we love supporting others emotionally, and even when we’re alone, we’re often thinking about people. Sometimes it can be hard for us to get the alone time we need because we don’t want to let anyone down. So we exhaust ourselves being around others and tending to their needs. https://introvertdear.com/news/infj-personality-type-curiously-contradicting/

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 We know when you’re cautiously excited, mildly conflicted, or doubting yourself, because your body

We know when you’re cautiously excited, mildly conflicted, or doubting yourself, because your body language speaks volumes to us. Sometimes we notice how you’re feeling before you consciously realize it yourself. But, paradoxically, we often don’t understand our own feelings right away. For some INFJs, their emotions feel like a completely separate thing, almost as if they belong to someone else entirely. We often don’t fully understand our feelings until we spend time alone. https://introvertdear.com/news/infj-personality-type-curiously-contradicting/

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Learning to say “No” and establish healthy boundaries can be a lifelong challenge for INFJs

Learning to say “No” and establish healthy boundaries can be a lifelong challenge for INFJs

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Solitude makes the heart of an INFJ grow fonder. Sometimes we just need to spend some time alone to

Solitude makes the heart of an INFJ grow fonder. Sometimes we just need to spend some time alone to revitalize our relationships.

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Although introverted, the INFJ has very strong opinions, honed over much private reflection and will

Although introverted, the INFJ has very strong opinions, honed over much private reflection and will voice these strongly, less concerned with self and ego than with the cause. They have a strong desire to do the right thing.

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INFJs have a hard time understanding their own feelings. They often put themselves in the shoes of o

INFJs have a hard time understanding their own feelings. They often put themselves in the shoes of others and feel others feelings, and it can be hard to separate that from their own emotions.

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INFJ Gifted at reading others’ motives and emotions

INFJ Gifted at reading others’ motives and emotions

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A prepared INFJ can do anything!A prepared INFJ can do anything!

A prepared INFJ can do anything!

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The best INFJ way to deal with stress is to talk it out. Express it to get it out of your system and

The best INFJ way to deal with stress is to talk it out. Express it to get it out of your system and make decisions on how you are going to deal with things.

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INFJ - only consciously notice what clothes you are wearing, if you feel different about wearing the

INFJ - only consciously notice what clothes you are wearing, if you feel different about wearing them. Inferior extroverted sensing

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INFJ - Creating and having a vision, to paint big pictures and follow my nose

INFJ - Creating and having a vision, to paint big pictures and follow my nose

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