#im so done even my done is done


I love how ableist ppl always tell me stuff about my illness.

But what I love maybe even a little more are ppl that are allies and tell me that I shouldn’t be talking about my disability with these ppl in the first place, because I should know by now that nothing good comes out of it.

I mean.

Have y'all heard of awareness?

How am I supposed to get word out abt something like CFS/ME, if I’m not allowed to talk about it or if I’m only talking to ppl who’re already allies?

Also: Instead of telling assholes to not tell us sick ppl what to do - no, of course tell us to not talk to them.

As if it was that easy to just skip that topic.

Everybody asks me what I’m doing, what my hobbies are, etc. How am I supposed to respond? Shall I lie?

So maybe just everybody shut the everloving fuck up and let me be upset when I come across another asshole.
