#fuck ableism



I’m going to encourage you to take a deep breath, make yourself a cup of herbal tea, open another tab and do a quick google search of the term “disabled.” You’ll find that since the human body is run by a collection of complex systems, the potential abnormalities that could affect a person’s body are quite varied.

A great way to experience this on a personal level is to read the testimonials and view the photos shared by disabled kinksters during the Disability Visibility Week I host on my blog. I have hosted three and will host more in the future. You can access Disability Visibility Week posts HERE or in my bio. I find it to be a great little example of the variety that is the human body.

Speaking as someone who would be considered disabled by even this anon’s narrow definition, and someone who really appreciates @littlemisfit‘s work, this guy needs to calm the fuck down. There’s a difference between fetishizing disability, and disabled people embracing their sexuality. Lucy not only embraces her own sexuality, but helps countless other disabled people embrace and explore theirs through her videos, her writing, and her Disability Visibility Week project.


-Your special interests are wonderful and I hope you get the opportunity to share them!

-Your stims are all amazing! Keep flapping, rocking, using stim toys, or stimming in the ways you naturally do!

-If you don’t like being touched, making eye contact, or dislike certain sensory sensations, that is valid! No one can fault you for that!

-Neurotypical rules can definitely get verrrrryyyy confusing at times so it’s ok to have times where you don’t understand them!

-You are not a burden for being autistic! The real burdens are ignorance and ableism, not you.

-Your autism is valid regardless of its traits! Autism appears differently in everyone! Neurotypicals don’t police your autism.

-If you feel alone in this neurotypical world, just know that there is a whole community of autistic & neurodiverse people who can empathize with you and stand by you!

with love

-gwyntheautisticbutch <3


A very common misconception that many neurotypicals have is that autistic people do not experience ANY sexual or romantic attraction. This often stems from the rather ableist practice of infantilizing autistic people/treating autistic people like they’re children. To clear up one thing, plenty of autistic folks are asexual and/or aromantic. Ace, aro, and aroace autistics are wonderful and valid. The main thing is that not all autistic people are asexual/aromantic or incapable of feeling romantic or sexual attraction and plenty of autistic people would like to date or have sex.

Due to a lot of narratives pushed by many neurotypicals, organisations like Autism $peaks, and Hollywood, many people think autistic people are either unfeeling robots or heavily incapable of taking care of themselves. Because of these ignorant stereotypes as well as the emotional maturity/feelings that sex and romance requires, people become squeamish at the thoughts of autistic people feeling romantic or sexual desire.  

Contrary to what has been pushed on many people, autistic sexuality is complex and multidimensional. Autistic people can be straight, gay, lesbian, bisexual, asexual etc. I am an autistic lesbian and I experience both intense feelings of romantic and sexual attraction. Many of my autistic friends experience romantic and/or sexual attraction too. Autistic sexuality much like autism itself isn’t just black and white, instead a whole scale of color. Some autistic people are hypersexual. Others are sex repulsed. Others feel occasional romantic/sexual feelings, but not too strongly.

The belief that autistic people are incapable of feeling romantic or sexual attraction is an inaccurate one which hopefully will fade away as the years go on and society’s understanding of autism increases.

I love how ableist ppl always tell me stuff about my illness.

But what I love maybe even a little more are ppl that are allies and tell me that I shouldn’t be talking about my disability with these ppl in the first place, because I should know by now that nothing good comes out of it.

I mean.

Have y'all heard of awareness?

How am I supposed to get word out abt something like CFS/ME, if I’m not allowed to talk about it or if I’m only talking to ppl who’re already allies?

Also: Instead of telling assholes to not tell us sick ppl what to do - no, of course tell us to not talk to them.

As if it was that easy to just skip that topic.

Everybody asks me what I’m doing, what my hobbies are, etc. How am I supposed to respond? Shall I lie?

So maybe just everybody shut the everloving fuck up and let me be upset when I come across another asshole.


Me: Well, I have *lists chronic conditions*.

Person: Oh, I hope you get better soon!

Me: They’re chronic. I’m not going to get better.

Person: Don’t be so negative!


Oh goodness gracious, that’s so it!


everyone’s all for disabled rights & anti-capitalism until your co-worker does the dishes slowly, or gets confused when given directions, or needs to be trained on how to do something that you think is fairly simple, or this or that or whatever lack of ability they have that makes you start to devalue them as a person and call them “useless” for not being a perfect cog in the capitalist machine

like sorry my existing makes your job harder but maybe direct your anger & aggression upwards instead of stamping down vulnerable groups who are just trying to survive and have gone their whole life being abused and screamed at for not being “good enough” or for being Inconvenient or a Burden
