#ableist bullshit


Because of the shitty state of the welfare system in this country, I have run out of money five days before I get paid because I have to live on disability. Boris Johnson can spend 10 million redecorating his pad but I get to live below the poverty line and act grateful for it. Urgh.

To all the people who infantilize, disregard, ignore,insult, harm and refuse to accommodate(looking st my school) anyone with any disability

I hope you realize that we remember that and we do two things. We get pissed off and rants like this happen, and we internalize it.


Normalise beating up ableists ty


*Autistic person kills someone*

Allistics: “This proves that all autistics are violent animals, they shouldn’t be allowed to own guns!”

*Allistic person kills an autistic person*

Allistics: “Well you can’t blame them. They probably just snapped because the autistic bothered them. They’re basically a martyr. They shouldn’t be punished imo.”

I love how ableist ppl always tell me stuff about my illness.

But what I love maybe even a little more are ppl that are allies and tell me that I shouldn’t be talking about my disability with these ppl in the first place, because I should know by now that nothing good comes out of it.

I mean.

Have y'all heard of awareness?

How am I supposed to get word out abt something like CFS/ME, if I’m not allowed to talk about it or if I’m only talking to ppl who’re already allies?

Also: Instead of telling assholes to not tell us sick ppl what to do - no, of course tell us to not talk to them.

As if it was that easy to just skip that topic.

Everybody asks me what I’m doing, what my hobbies are, etc. How am I supposed to respond? Shall I lie?

So maybe just everybody shut the everloving fuck up and let me be upset when I come across another asshole.


Me: Well, I have *lists chronic conditions*.

Person: Oh, I hope you get better soon!

Me: They’re chronic. I’m not going to get better.

Person: Don’t be so negative!


Oh goodness gracious, that’s so it!


everyone’s all for disabled rights & anti-capitalism until your co-worker does the dishes slowly, or gets confused when given directions, or needs to be trained on how to do something that you think is fairly simple, or this or that or whatever lack of ability they have that makes you start to devalue them as a person and call them “useless” for not being a perfect cog in the capitalist machine

like sorry my existing makes your job harder but maybe direct your anger & aggression upwards instead of stamping down vulnerable groups who are just trying to survive and have gone their whole life being abused and screamed at for not being “good enough” or for being Inconvenient or a Burden


chronic pain culture is being told to exercise to help with the chronic pain… the chronic pain which causes you to be unable to exercise… also this is my first time ever submitting a post to anyone so I apologize if I did it wrong
