#im very inconsistent with tagging


Once again made by bourbon-the-huckster.

Jacob: How is your relationship with your father?

Miranda Lawson: Did your parents ever try to control you?

Thane: How would you deal with being diagnosed with a terminal illness?

Grunt: What’s the biggest life decision you’ve ever had to make?

Samara: Which do you value more - justice or mercy?

Morinth: Have you ever felt overshadowed by a family member?

Mordin: Are you a chatterbox?

Garrus: Ever had any life-threatening injuries?

Kasumi: Would you ever consider stealing for profit?

Zaeed: How far would you go to get revenge?

Legion: Do people ever tell you that you’re emotionless?

Jack: Are you prone to fits of violent rage?

Tali: Have you ever been accused of a crime you didn’t commit?
